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Recruitment of senior staff for the MPA

Report: 3
Meeting: Metropolitan Police Authority
Date: 10 July 2000
By: Clerk


To seek approval from the MPA for a process of appointing senior staff. Members are asked to agree to advertise the posts of Clerk, Treasurer and Communications Director.

A. Supporting information


1. The purpose of this paper is to present proposals to the full Authority for the early recruitment of three senior posts for the MPA Support Organisation. These are Clerk (and Monitoring Officer), Treasurer and Communications Director.

2. There are a number of further issues that will need to be assessed before an agreed staffing strategy for the MPA can be finalised. These include a review of the current organisational structure, staff terms and conditions, jobs evaluation (grades and pay scales) and recruitment process options. These issues will be progressed as soon as possible by the HR Committee.

Proposed recruitment process and timetable

3. The three posts need to be recruited as soon as possible. This has been taken into consideration in putting forward the following process.

Milestone 1
Authority agree approach on: 10/7/2000
Advertise and three week period for response
Milestone 2
All Applications returned by: end Aug/Sept
MPA Members shortlist and secretariat arrange interviews
Milestone 3
Completed interviews: Sept 2000
(MPA Appointments Panel)
Negotiations with preferred candidate(s)
Milestone 4
Appointments made and Contracts agreed: Sept 2000
Milestone 5
New Staff Arrive: Oct/2000

4. The above process represents a best case scenario of ten weeks for the elapsed period of time. However, the timescales for recruitment are tight and could slip and the period of time that it will take for the appointees to be released from existing commitments is likely to significantly exceed 4 weeks in some if not all cases. A two or even three month notice period is not unusual for senior local government staff.

Description of posts

5. Job descriptions for the posts of Clerk, Treasurer and Communications Director are at Annexes A1, A2 and A3 respectively.

6. Salary bands have been assessed for all three posts. However, the estimates are provisional and comparisons are made difficult because the MPA is not directly comparable with other organisations.

7. It is recommended that a salary range be quoted when advertising the posts and if the MPA is to obtain the calibre of Candidate that the jobs warrant then the range will need to be set quite high.

8. Salary estimates for the three posts are taken in turn. This includes a summary explanation of responsibility and relevant salary examples.


The Clerk to the Authority is the Head of Paid Services.

Salary Examples
Full time Clerk in other Authorities

Chief Executives for local authorities
90k upwards

Recommendation – Salary range from £85k-£100k


Notwithstanding delegations, Treasurer for the MPA carries out statutory responsibility for integrity of £1.8 billion budget. This is the largest statutory role in local government. And this has to be delivered in respect of an organisation which has major question marks over its financial management capability. The lack of direct management control over the bulk of the resource simply adds to the job difficulty.

He/she has to be able to work on equal terms with the MPS Director of Resources.

He/she has to be capable of delivering independent financial advice to the Authority of a quality at least equivalent to that provided by Director of Resources to the Commissioner.

Salary Examples
London Borough Treasurers (budget c£0.5 billion)
Westminster - £120,000
Croydon - £90,000

Finance Director Kent CC (budget c£1 billion)
£97,000 (4 years ago)

Director of Resources MPS

Recommendation – Salary range from £95k - £110k

Communications Director

The Director of Communications will be required to carry out a wide variety of tasks under this title and will therefore have to be multi-skilled. They will have the major responsibility for raising the profile of a very new, unproven organisation, its Chair and its Members. They will be operating in an area of great political and operational sensitivity. They will need to be creative, innovative and on call round the clock. With such a small unit, the salary would normally be below what is suggested below but the need to appoint someone with senior level experience justifies a higher salary.

The salary would be best set at between £60,000 and £70,000, taking into account the smallness of the unit. A Grade 6 Principal Information Officer in Central Government would earn around £36,000 - £41,000 and the Head of Public Affairs, with a large number of staff, for a borough council would either exceed or be the same salary on offer here.


9. Proposed adverts for the three posts are attached at Annexes B1, B2 and B3.

10. It is suggested that the Clerk and Treasurer posts be advertised in the Guardian (senior public – Wednesday), Sunday Times, Local Government Chronicle and Municipal Journal. The Treasurer post should also be advertised in Public Finance (CIPFA's journal). The Communications Director post should be advertised in the Guardian (media – Monday) and PR Week. Total costs for advertising should not exceed £35k which could be reduced if there is a joint process. A schedule of costs can be provided.

B. Recommendations

That the process for appointing the Clerk, Treasurer and Communications Director be approved.

C. Financial implications

The costs of appointment are estimated at £35,000. Salary costs will depend on the decisions of the Authority.

D. Review arrangements

Members will be involved in the process of appointment throughout.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Ian Gaskell.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Annex A1: Metropolitan Police Authority

1. Job title

Clerk [and Monitoring Officer] to the Police Authority

2. Reports to

The Police Authority

3. Job purpose

To act as the MPA's Head of Paid Service and provide policy, procedural and legal advice to the Police Authority and to manage its staff and the conduct of its business.

4. Job scope

  • Financial Departmental budget of approximately £2.5 million
  • Staff 42 officers (This may vary once the new Authority has reviewed the existing structure)

5. Principal accountabilities

  1. Acts as principal interface between the Commissioner and the Police Authority.
  2. Advises the Authority on the exercise of its statutory powers, duties and procedures, including Best Value. Drafts and advises on standing orders.
  3. Provides policy advice on all matters to the Chair of the Police Authority and its members at formal and informal meetings. Ensures that meetings of the Authority and its committees are properly planned, convened and recorded.
  4. Keeps abreast of changes in legislation, case law, Home Office circulars and other relevant publications and advises the Authority on impending legislation and consultative papers. Contributes to the national consideration of issues concerning police authorities. May represent the Authority at high level meetings with the Home Office, Her Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary, the Association of Police Authorities, the Association of Police Authority Clerks and other outside bodies at regional and national level.
  5. In conjunction with the Treasurer, ensures propriety in the conduct of the Authority's business including making proper arrangements for tendering procedures and the letting of contracts.
  6. If designated Monitoring Oficer, undertakes all Monitoring Officer duties in respect of the legal and best practice requirements either directly or by securing suitable advice.
  7. Advises on the Authority's input to the drafting of the Annual Report and the publication of the Policing and Best Value Performance Plan.
  8. Advises the Authority on arrangements for public consultation and is responsible for ensuring that these arrangements are provided effectively across the Authority's area.
  9. Appoints and manages staff of the Authority providing committee support, policy support, communication and legal services. Ensures that appropriate personnel management policies and practices are devised and operated. Accountable for all aspects of health, safety and welfare of staff in the MPA Support Structure.
  10. Manages the budget in respect of the MPA Support Structure and ensures that effective financial control and information systems are devised and operated.
  11. Advises the Authority on its personnel responsibilities in respect of Chief Police Officers and, in particular, on their appointments, terms and conditions of service and matters relating to discipline. This includes advising the Authority on the exercise of its statutory duties relating to complaints against Chief Officers and dealing with other complaints addressed to the Authority.

6. Essential knowledge and experience

Knowledge of:

  • The police service and the current issues facing it
  • The statutory framework relating to the functions of police authorities

Experience of:

  • Public administration including decision-making through committees, staff and budgetary matters
  • Top level Management and liaison with senior staff, public figures, members and politicians.

7. Job  challenges

  • By advice and influence, assisting in developing the accountability of the MPS to the Police Authority
  • Giving considered and well-researched advice to the Authority against a background of successive policy initiatives from central government and a constant flow of publications from relevant statutory agencies
  • Ensuring that the information and advice from the force is sufficiently comprehensive and timely to enable the Authority to make well-judged decisions

8. Contacts and relationships

  • Internal
    Members of the Police Authority. The Commissioner and other senior members of the MPS including civil staff.
  • External
    Civil servants at the Home Office and other government departments GLA and Mayor's Office. Members of Parliament. Clerks and Treasurers of other Police Authorities. Chief Executives and other senior officers of local authorities. Lawyers representing those having legal business with the Authority. Representatives of the community.

Annex A2: Metropolitan Police Authority

1. Job title

Treasurer to the Metropolitan Police Authority.

2. Reports to

The Police Authority.

3. Job purpose

To act as the financial adviser to the Metropolitan Police Authority and to be responsible for ensuring that the financial affairs of the Authority and the MPS are properly administered having regard to probity, legality and appropriate standards.

4. Job scope

This role carries statutory responsibility for the integrity of a budget of £1.8 billion. In budgetary terms this is the largest statutory role in Local Government. The Treasurer also delivers strategic financial advice to the Authority independently of the Commissioner.

The Treasurer is accountable to the Metropolitan Police Authority and independent of the Commissioner. In practice the Authority will delegate as far as possible the day-to-day financial management of the MPS to the Commissioner. In fulfilling his delegated financial responsibilities the Commissioner will be advised and supported by the MPS Director of Resources, who will therefore manage the Finance function within the MPS on behalf of the Commissioner.

To be determined. Initially 3 officers (which may increase once the new Authority has reviewed the existing structure, see attached structure chart) but also with a 'Head of Profession' responsibility for the finance function across the MPA /MPS.

5. Principal accountabilities

The Treasurer's responsibilities are:

  1. To provide financial advice to the Police Authority on all aspects of its activity, including the strategic planning and policy making process.
  2. To advise the Authority on the content and implications of the budget and medium term financial plans.
  3. To support the Authority in presenting budget proposals to the Mayor for approval through the Greater London Assembly.
  4. To assist the Authority in seeking to obtain value for money especially through the Best Value process.
  5. To ensure that accurate, complete and timely financial management information is provided to the Authority and the Commissioner.
  6. To advise the Authority on financial propriety.
  7. Under delegation from the Authority, to provide an adequate and effective internal audit and assistance in securing safe and efficient financial arrangements.
  8. To secure the preparation of statutory and other accounts.
  9. To secure appropriate banking arrangements and treasury management including loans and investments.
  10. To advise on risk management and insurance.
  11. To work with the Clerk to the Authority to ensure effective corporate management of the Authority's resources.

6. Knowledge and experience

Knowledge of:

  • All aspects of local government finance, accounts and financial management arrangements.
  • The police service and its functions.
  • CCAB accountancy qualification essential, (CIPFA preferred).

Experience of:

  • Previous experience as a chief finance officer in a large local authority or police authority.
  • Experience of dealing with local government political pressures.

7. Job challenges

By advice and influence, assisting in developing the accountability of the Police service to the Police Authority.

Working with the Commissioner so as to ensure that effective financial management control is exercised over all MPS resources, including working with MPS Director of Resources to enhance financial management.

Giving considered and well researched advice to the Authority against a background of successive policy initiatives from central government and a constant flow of publications from relevant statutory agencies.

Ensuring that the information and advice from the service is sufficiently comprehensive and timely to enable the Authority to make well judged decisions.

8. Contacts and relationships

Close liaison with the Director of Resources who will be required to support the Treasurer's responsibilities, Members of the Police Authority, the MPS Commissioner, and other members of the MPS including civil staff.

Relationships with
other bodies

The Treasurer will need to maintain good relations with the Greater London Authority to ensure an effective involvement in the budget process, to respond appropriately to requests for financial information from the Mayor and Assembly, and to assist in securing cost-effective cooperation between the GLA and other functional bodies where appropriate.

In addition the Treasurer will need to develop positive working relationships with Civil Servants at the Home Office and other Government departments, Treasurers of other Police Authorities, chief officers and other senior officers of local Authorities, and officers and representatives of police authority and local authority bodies.

Annex A3: Metropolitan Police Authority

1. Job title

Director of Communications

2. Reports to

Clerk to the Police Authority

3. Job purpose

To act as the head of the MPA's Press Office

4. Job scope

The creation, constant updating and implementation of the Authority's communications strategy to raise the profile of the Chair, the Members, the Authority and the work of its committees and their progress.

Advise the Chair and Members in regard to press and public relations policies, best methods of publicising the Authority's work programme, the handling of bad news and sensitive situations and reaction to bad publicity or misinformation.

5. Principal accountabilities

  • Staff between 1 and 4 press office staff.
  • Arranging press launches, briefings, news conferences, radio and TV interviews.
  • Involved in the arrangements for the Authority's meetings and responsible for the publicity.
  • Creating media and photo opportunities.
  • Writing and producing press notices, articles and a regular newsletter.
  • Monitoring the media, taking remedial action whenever necessary.
  • The Corporate identity and public image.
  • The production, design and lay-out to a high standard of the Authority's publications, including the Annual Report, and publicity materials.
  • Managing the communications, publicity and publications budgets, ensuring cost effective use of resources.
  • The care and updating of the Authority's web site and intranet.
  • Maintaining close liaison with colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Service , the Home Office, the Greater London Authority, Association of Police Authorities, Association of London Government, the Borough Public Relations Officers and other relevant organisations.
  • Maintaining an up-to-date media database.

6. Essential knowledge and experience

  • A communications professional with extensive experience in the field of media and public relations and marketing, a proven capability of meeting tight deadlines, budgetary constraints and a challenging role in public and corporate communications. At least ten to 15 years experience in corporate or government public relations/communications, having held a senior management position for at least the last five years. A natural self-motivated, team player and innovator with a good sense of humour. Politically sensitive, security wise and sensitive to the needs of ethnic communities, the socially disadvantaged and the disabled.

7. Contacts and relationships

Members of the Police Authority and senior officers in MPA

Directorate of Public Affairs (DPA), MPS, Home Office, GLA and Mayor's Office, APA and Borough Public relation Officers. Annex B1

Annex B1: Draft Advert

Clerk to the Metropolitan Police Authority

Salary: £85k - £100k Based: London

Established under the Greater London Authority Act 1999, the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) is responsible for holding the Commissioner to account for all services provided by the Metropolitan Police Service. While it has the same central function as other Police Authorities in England and Wales, it also has a considerably broader remit and higher public profile, owing to the size and complexity of the police force in question.

We are now seeking a dynamic individual to provide policy, procedural and legal advice to the Police Authority, to manage its staff and the conduct of its business. You will be responsible for:

  • Advising the Chairman of the Police Authority and other members at formal and informal meetings
  • Ensuring meetings of the Authority and its committees are properly planned, convened, run and recorded.

Representing the Authority at a national level on issues concerning Police Authorities.

In conjunction with the Police Authority Treasurer, ensuring propriety in the conduct of the Authority's business, including making proper arrangements for tendering procedures and the letting of contracts.

Along with your substantial experience of managing a large or similar organisation at a strategic level, you will need high intellectual ability, excellent communication and organisational skills, and proven leadership qualities. It is also important (though not essential) that you have a legal or business qualification, supported by a good knowledge of best practice as it relates to local authority or other public sector organisations.

For more details and an application form (to be returned by xx July 2000), write to… Please quote reference Bxxxx.

Annex B2: Draft advert

Treasurer to the Metropolitan Police Authority

Salary: £95k - £110k Based: London

Established under the Greater London Authority Act 1999, the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) is responsible for monitoring all services provided by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). While it has the same central function as the other Police Authorities in England and Wales, it also has a considerably broader remit and higher public profile, owing to the size and complexity of the police force in question.

We are now seeking a dynamic individual to act as financial adviser to the MPA and be responsible for ensuring that the financial affairs of the Authority and the MPS are properly administered having regard to probity, legality and appropriate standards. You will be responsible for:

  • Providing financial advice to the Authority on all aspects of its activity, including the strategic planning and policy making process.
  • Advising the Chairman of the Police Authority and other members at formal and informal meetings on the content and implications of the budget and medium term financial plans.
  • Supporting the Authority in presenting budget proposals to the Mayor for approval through the Greater London Authority.
  • Representing the Authority at a national level on issues concerning Police Authorities.
  • Working with the Commissioner and his staff to enhance financial management within the service.
  • In conjunction with the Police Authority Clerk, ensuring propriety in the conduct of the Authority's business, including making proper arrangements for tendering procedures and the letting of contracts.

Along with your substantial experience of managing a large or similar organisation at a strategic level, you will need excellent communication and organisational skills, and proven leadership qualities. Experience as a chief finance officer in a large local authority would be highly relevant, It is also essential that you have a professional accounting qualification, preferably CIPFA, supported by a good knowledge of best practice as it relates to local authority or other public sector organisations.

For more details and an application form (to be returned by xx July 2000), write to… Please quote reference Bxxxx.

Annex B3: Draft advert

Communications Director for the Metropolitan Police Authority

Salary: £60,000 - £70,000

The Metropolitan Police Authority is seeking to appoint a communications professional with extensive experience in the field of press, public relations and marketing, a proven capability of meeting tight deadlines, budgetary constraints and a challenging role in public and corporate communications.

As a natural self-motivator, the Director will be expected to create and implement a communications strategy to raise the profile of the Chair, the Members and the Authority, its committees, their work and their progress. Responsibilities will include advising the Chair and Members in regard to press and public relations, including arranging press launches, briefings, news conferences, radio and TV interviews; creating media and photo opportunities; monitoring the media, taking remedial action whenever necessary; the production to a high standard of the Authority's publications, including the Annual Report, and publicity materials, and managing the communications, publicity and publications budgets, ensuring cost effective use of resources. The Director will be responsible for the corporate identity, the Authority's web site and intranet and maintaining close liaison with the Metropolitan Police Association, the Home Office, the Greater London Authority, Association of London Government and relevant organisations.

Qualifications: at least ten to 15 years experience in corporate or government public relations/communications, having held a senior management position for at least the last five years. A degree in communications or public relations and marketing, or allied subject would be an advantage. The person appointed will need to be politically sensitive, security wise and sensitive to the needs of ethnic communities, the socially disadvantaged and the disabled. Ability to work under pressure.

For more details and an application form (to be returned by xx July 2000), write to… Please quote reference Bxxxx.

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