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Report 09 for the 10 Jul 00 meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses MPA membership of the Association of London Government.

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MPA membership of Association of London Government (ALG)

Report: 9
Meeting: Metropolitan Police Authority
Date: 10 July 2000
By: Clerk


The ALG provides a single voice in negotiations with central, local and regional tiers of government (and with Europe) as well as researching and campaigning on local government finance issues, with a view to the enhancing the level of public resources for London on behalf of the 32 London boroughs and its other members.

The MPA (as with other functional bodies) will need to work with and through the boroughs (individually and collectively by way of the ALG) in a number of areas, including that of community safety, crime and disorder, diversity and the promotion of equal opportunities. Membership of the ALG will greatly enhance the capability of the MPA to influence and undertake its work with local councils as well as BOCUs in developing a more strategic approach to policing for London.

A. Supporting information

1. The ALG provides a key role for London authorities, the Corporation of London and London Fire and Civil Defence Authority (LFCDA) in research and campaigning on local government finance issues with a view to protecting and enhancing the level of public resources for London.

2. This role was strengthened when four of the key pan-London organisations, the London Borough Grants (LBG), Greater London Employers' organisation (GLEA), London Housing Unit and Transport Committee for London (TCfL) were incorporated into the 'old' ALG.

3. The MPA will need to consult the London boroughs on the policing Plan. The ALG can directly assist the MPA and boroughs in drawing together the London-wide priorities for policing the capital.

4. The MPA is a partner with local government and the Commissioner (through the Borough Commanders) for the crime reduction strategies required by the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998; the priorities and action plans will require close working between the MPA and London boroughs. The MPA's responsibility for this area will be greatly enhanced by access to the knowledge and resources of the London Boroughs.

5. The MPA is required by section 404 of the Local Government Act, 1999, to have regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity for all personnel, to eliminate unlawful discrimination and promote relations between persons of different racial groups, religious beliefs and sexual orientation. The ALG 's direct contact with the local government boroughs as well as its interface with the Borough Commanders has the potential to assist the MPA in achieving this responsibility.

6. Although the above points are made, the new ALG is itself in a state of change, and negotiations still need to entered into regarding the terms of MPA membership and the relationship between the two organisations. The MPA will be pursuing these dimensions over the coming weeks with the intent of bringing a further paper to Members' attention. It is understood that some of the other functional bodies and the GLA are already in such discussions with the ALG. The MPA will therefore not be out of line with the others in terms of the timescale of its decision-making, should it agree to membership in principle, while the detailed discussions take place.

B. Recommendations

  1. That the MPA should seek membership of the ALG, however more detailed discussions need to be held with the Chief Executive and Members, in order to establish terms of reference for membership, number of seats available to the MPA and fees;
  2. That due to the central role that the ALG has with the boroughs, the MPA should continue to work with, and support of the ALG on all aspects of its work as appropriate; and
  3. That a further paper be brought to members outlining the financial details as well the terms of reference.

C. Financial implications

There will be a financial implication, however this is still to be negotiated with the ALG.

D. Review arrangements

A further report will be considered by the Authority.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Julia Smith.

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