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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Review of committee structure, standing orders and delegated powers

Report: 6
Date: 14 December 2000
By: Clerk


Members agreed that they would review the conduct of the Authority’s business after six months. This paper proposes that members should begin this process at the awayday on 4th January, 2001.

A. Supporting information

Established practice

1. The existing structure is set out in Appendices 1 and 2. Apart from the Audit Panel, the Authority and the other five Committees meet monthly. The Audit Panel meets quarterly and has met once so far. On average, meetings last about three hours. Agendas are very full. Attendance, apart from one full Authority meeting, has been good, often 100%.

Future planning

2. The Authority has agreed to hold an informal awayday early in the New Year, to discuss its first six months of operation and to take a strategic look at its future. Part of the day’s programme we could usefully concentrate on reviewing the effectiveness of the existing committee structure and the role of the support organisation. Issues for consideration include:

  • frequency of full Authority and committee meetings
  • terms of reference of committees and panels and the split of business
  • how effectively business is conducted
  • the presentation of papers, including clarity and relevance
  • the adequacy of secretariat support to committee business
  • possible implications for the organisation of the Authority of the changes to local authority structures introduced in the Local Government Act 2000
  • the extent of delegations to committee chairs and individual members

3. As the new Clerk, I need to discuss with members, informally to start with, the ways in which the Authority wants to conduct its business. The awayday gives a timely opportunity to do this. Any changes will of course need to be approved at a formal public Authority meeting.

4. Members are therefore invited to suggest, at this meeting or directly to the Secretariat, aspects of the review of the conduct of business not covered here and which they would want to address at the awayday.

B. Recommendations

  1. That members agree to review the committee structure and related business at the awayday.
  2. That any final decisions are ratified by a subsequent Authority meeting.

C. Financial implications

If there were to be fewer Authority meetings some small savings on accommodation, attendance and printing costs would result.

D. Review arrangements

The Authority decided to review its structure after six months. It will need to decide whether on the completion of this review, it will carry out a further Review within a specified time-scale.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

  • Local Government Act 2000
  • Agendas and Minutes of the Authority and its Committees

F. Contact details

The author of the report is Catherine Crawford (Clerk).

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Metropolitan Police Authority Committee Structure

(approved 26 June 2000)

Diagram: Metropolitan Police Authority Committee Structure

Appendix 2: Current Terms of Reference

  • All member level bodies of the Authority would be executive (i.e. decision-making as opposed to advisory) within their terms of reference.
  • All committees and sub-committees would be open to the press and public, although these groups may be excluded when ‘exempt information’ is considered. Informal non decision-making working parties can be excluded from the provisions of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 if the Authority so chooses.
  • The aim should be for sub-groups to be relatively small. However, this should be balanced with the need to ensure that all members of the Authority are able to participate in at least one of the major Committees.
  • In accordance with standing orders, the quorum for all meetings should be at least a half, and not less than three.
  • Committees will be reviewed at least once a year at the annual meeting.
  • Further detail on procedural matters is contained within standing orders.

A. Authority

The full Authority does not require terms of reference. It clearly has overall responsibility for all the Authority’s roles and has a statutory duty to ‘maintain an efficient and effective police force’. The Authority should keep itself abreast of the work of its Committees, aim to concentrate on determining priorities and strategy and reserve to itself decisions on major policy. For example, matters that the Authority should reserve to itself include the overall budget (subject to the agreement of the Mayor) and the Policing Plan/Best Value Plan. It is proposed that the Authority meet monthly.

B. Co-ordination and Urgency Committee

Membership should comprise the Chair, the Deputy Chairs and the Chairs of Committees as well as the Deputy Chair of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee. The group could aim to meet monthly. It should not aim routinely to consider matters that are the responsibility of another Committee, but should seek to co-ordinate business across the Authority and manage top-level liaison with the Mayor/GLA. It should also act as the Authority’s Urgency Committee to determine matters that cannot await the next routine meeting of a particular body. Consequently, terms of reference could simply be:

  1. To act as the Authority’s Urgency Committee by considering genuinely important matters of business which cannot await a routine meeting of the appropriate body.
  2. To co-ordinate all aspects of the Authority’s work, particularly Mayoral/GLA links

C. Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee

The Committee should undertake two main related roles. First it would take a lead on the development of all strategic planning documents such as the Policing Plan and Best Value Performance Plan. Secondly, it would give detailed consideration to all finance and resource matters. The Committee should perhaps meet on a monthly basis. Detailed terms of reference are proposed as follows:

Finance matters

  1. To consider a medium term financial strategy and make recommendations to the Authority for its adoption.
  2. To examine the draft revenue and capital budgets for the ensuing year and to recommend to the Authority a budget set in accordance with the Authority’s strategy and policing plan for submission to the Mayor.
  3. To receive regular monitoring reports from the Treasurer and Commissioner on revenue and capital budget performance and achievement of the efficiency plan.
  4. In accordance with financial regulations, to consider and approve, or recommend to the Authority, major capital programme scheme financial appraisals, and justifications and briefs.
  5. In accordance with contract regulations, to consider and award, or recommend to the Authority, major contracts.
  6. To consider directly, or by reference from other Committees, all policy proposals with significant financial implications.
  7. To give detailed consideration to any other non-audit financial matter and make recommendations to the Authority as appropriate.
  8. To approve, in relation to Treasury Management, the Authority’s policy and annual strategy and receive reports on performance.
  9. To consider the financial risks to which the Authority is exposed and to approve measures to reduce, eliminate or insure against them.
  10. To consider strategic and policy-related issues in respect of the MPS estate and other resource issues e.g. transport, catering etc.
  11. To consider financial, strategic and policy related issues relating to Information Systems and Information Technology issues e.g. C3i, PCRCS

Planning and best value matters

  1. To receive and report to the Authority as appropriate on all matters relating to Best Value, including the progress of the fundamental performance review programme.
  2. To work with the Commissioner in preparing a draft Policing and Performance Plan for the year and lead on its production, together with the preparation of policing objectives for London; and to present a draft plan to the Authority having regard to the budget strategy and best value.
  3. To be responsible for leading on any other corporate planning issues and reporting to the Authority as appropriate. This to include the development of any MPA strategies and development plans.
  4. To consider and make recommendations to the Authority on the draft efficiency plan.
  5. To consider, all HMIC reports, both thematic and on MPS inspections and any appropriate audit/VFM thematic reports, including those from the Audit Commission, and make recommendations to the Authority as appropriate.
  6. To oversee consideration of recommendations from HMIC reports and to request individual Committees to examine and monitor issues as appropriate.
  7. To lead on the production of the Authority’s Annual Report and on any Joint Annual Report prepared in conjunction with the MPS.

D. Audit Panel

The Audit Panel should aim to provide an important part of corporate governance by bringing an independent appraisal of how effectively the MPS achieves regularity, probity and value for money. It will principally oversee the work of internal and external audit. A Committee or Panel of five Members is recommended, meeting as and when required. The membership should not include the Authority’s Chair. Terms of reference are proposed as follows:

  1. To advise the Authority on the appropriate arrangements for internal audit and the appointment of external auditors.
  2. To approve internal and external audit programmes and fees.
  3. To review the management letter and any reports from the external auditor and report with recommendations to the Authority.
  4. To oversee the provision of an adequate and effective internal audit and to approve reports on progress against the work plan and consider appropriate action.
  5. To satisfy itself generally as to the effectiveness of the control systems in operation.
  6. To review the Authority’s annual accounts and make recommendations as appropriate to the Authority for their approval.

E. Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee

The Committee oversees all the Authority and MPS consultation mechanisms as well as matters of MPA communication, PR and ‘image’. Most importantly (and although all committees should look at diversity issues) it is proposed that this group should lead on issues of equal opportunities. Lay Visiting could also be usefully considered here. Detailed terms of reference are proposed as follows:

  1. To lead on all issues relating to equal opportunities and diversity and to co-ordinate the work of the other Committees in this area.
  2. To advise the Authority on ways of raising the profile of the MPA and its Chair and making the community aware of the MPA’s work.
  3. To lead on the development and monitoring of all matters relating to the Authority’s communications and public relations strategies and systems.
  4. To consider all matters relating to the Authority and MPS consultation mechanisms including the receipt of key information, monitoring of systems and proposals for improvement where necessary.
  5. To have particular regard to the need to ensure that consultation mechanisms engage with, and reflect the views of, London’s diverse community.
  6. To consider all matters relating to Lay Visiting within the MPD. This to include receipt and monitoring of key feedback; and to lead on any development proposals, including support for training, recruitment and promotion.
  7. To consider and agree the annual bids from Police and Community Consultative Groups and Lay Visiting Panels.
  8. To consider ‘Community Safety matters’ particularly those relating to Borough Crime and Disorder Strategy Groups and to ensure co-ordination of the Policing Plan with local strategies .
  9. To work with the MPS, SOLACE and the ALG and other partners to increase co-operation and decrease duplication between the consultation for, and implementation of, community safety strategies under the Crime and Disorder Act and the Authority’s duty for consultation and planning under the Police Act.

Police and Community Consultative Groups (PCCGs) and Lay Visiting Panels (LVPs)

PCCGs and LVPs are not part of the MPA’s formal decision-making structure. However, they are shown on the organisational chart for clarity given the close relationship and reporting that the Authority is likely to want to foster with these community-based bodies. This reference does not prejudice any recommendation to be made as part of the joint MPA/MPS Best Value Review of Consultation.

F. Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee

The Committee should both monitor performance and fulfil the Authority’s statutory role in monitoring complaints matters. The Committee would consider complaints statistics and satisfy itself as to the efficacy of procedures. Activities would be likely to include visits to the Complaints Investigation Bureau and analysis of a random selection of completed complaints files.

In addition, the Committee could have a wider role in monitoring other completed investigations as regards general quality of service complaints, internal investigations and civil claims. Also, the Committee would have a role insofar as policy issues relating to the Police Appeals Tribunals and the appointment of Members to them. As regards performance monitoring, the Committee should analyse all statistics and performance monitoring information. Terms of reference are proposed as:

  1. To satisfy the Authority’s statutory duty to monitor complaints procedures and matters, with particular reference to issues of equal opportunities.
  2. To examine all other issues of internal complaint investigation including internal discipline matters, complaints against civil staff, quality of service complaints and civil claims.
  3. To keep the MPS anti-corruption activities under review.
  4. To investigate and deal with any complaints about the conduct of officers of ACPO rank in accordance with appropriate regulations.
  5. To consider all matters relating to discipline and complaints against ACPO rank officers, within regulations.
  6. To consider any matters relating to Police Appeal Tribunals and to arrange a rota for the appointment of Members to serve on Tribunals as and when required. NB Members to be appointed from Authority as a whole.

Performance Monitoring Matters

(N.B. - Other Committees also undertake monitoring roles)

  1. To give detailed consideration to, and monitor, the effects of, policing policies and practices on equal opportunities with particular emphasis on issues of diversity.
  2. To give detailed consideration to, and monitor, performance against the Policing Plan Targets and performance indicators. This to include all Best Value Performance Indicators.
  3. To give detailed consideration to, and monitor performance by examining HMIC and Audit Commission performance indicators.
  4. To consider any other performance monitoring information.
  5. To report to the Authority on any issues as appropriate.

Police Appeals Tribunals

Police Appeal Tribunals are not part of the Authority’s formal structure and will be independent bodies set up by the Authority under detailed regulations to hear appeals from police officers who have been dismissed or reduced in rank. They are shown on the chart for clarity and because that body should consider any matters of policy.

G. Human Resources Committee

The Committee should consider all matters relating to HR issues of both a policy nature and as regards the appointment and terms and conditions of MPA staff and ACPO officers. It is proposed that the Committee should meet on a monthly basis. Terms of reference are proposed as follows:

  1. To monitor work in the MPS on key personnel issues including statistics on staffing related equal opportunities matters, and with particular emphasis on the recruitment and retention of officers and civil staff in order to ensure that the MPS work force reflects the needs of the community of London.
  2. To examine potential significant developments in policy and practice in the light of current thinking on police personnel issues, including the work of the Association of Police Authorities.
  3. To arrange for the appointment of the Authority’s Chief Officers of Police (ACPO ranks) subject to regulations and the involvement of the Home Secretary and Mayor in the posts of Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, and to have an oversight of all administrative work associated with such appointments.
  4. To arrange for the appointment of the Authority’s Clerk and Treasurer and for designation of its Monitoring Officer and to agree with the Commissioner which Civil staff should not be under his direction and control.
  5. To determine all locally agreed matters of remuneration and terms and conditions for ACPO officers and the Clerk, Treasurer and Monitoring Officer.
  6. To determine an Appointments Panel, of no more than five, for each senior appointment from the Authority as a whole.
  7. To consider matters relating to the Authority’s support structure including the terms and conditions and gradings of staff under the direction and control of the MPA.
  8. To consider and monitor issues relating to police officer and civil staff work force planning.
  9. To consider all matters relating to national and MPS training and development issues.

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