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Report 7 for the 08 Feb 01 meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses Operation Strongbox which focuses resources at targeted problems relating to crime priorities.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Operation Strongbox

Report: 7
Date: 8 February 2001
By: Commissioner


Operation Strongbox focuses resources at targeted problems relating to MPS crime priorities. This is achieved by creating crime support teams, for deployment in Boroughs with the greatest need, to assist them in responding to and reducing high volumes of priority crime.

A. Recommendations

Members are asked to note the contents of this report.

B. Supporting information

The concept of Operation Strongbox is to focus resources within Territorial Policing to retain flexibility in their deployment ‘Pan London’. The strategy of the initiative creates the opportunity to develop excellence and best practise that can then be disseminated throughout the MPS. "Strongbox" is also measurable with the deployment of resources under an operational plan based on analysis of crime within that Borough. Its impact can be assessed on crime levels before and after which provides feedback for the Home Office and MPA.

The objectives are:

  1. to identify development opportunities in support of pro-active policing;
  2. to examine and improve systems around intelligence led policing;
  3. to identify good practise for promulgation;
  4. to identify issues requiring remedial action for local and or service level.

To achieve these objectives staff and resources are utilised from specialist departments:

Experienced operational detectives from NSY

  • Territorial Support Group officers
  • Tactical Advisors in Intelligence and covert policing techniques
  • Special Branch officers
  • Traffic officers
  • Forensic Science Service and Higher Identification Officers

ACPO decide which Boroughs of London benefit from the Strongbox Team. A Gold Strategy Group is then formed to examine the Boroughs crime problems and draw up the operational objectives. Prior to the start date of the Operation a four-week planing stage involves implementing systems and structures so intelligence can be evaluated and data can be captured.

Operational teams are then formed mixing the skills and expertise of specialist officers with Borough colleagues who have the local knowledge of their area. The teams are tasked through a twice-weekly Tasking and Co-ordination Meeting. Throughout this process all operations are continually prioritised to ensure maximum impact is focussed towards crime reduction.

The first initiative code name "Windmill" took place within the Borough of Lambeth. The operation achieved an 8 per cent reduction in volume crime within the whole Borough and a 24 per cent reduction in crime within the hotspot of Brixton Town Centre. During the debrief many lessons were learnt on how to undertake this type of initiative which were then implemented into the second operation within the Borough of Hackney.

Lessons learnt

  • The Borough has an existing structure and sufficient resources to absorb a Strongbox initiative, without impacting on core policing demands.
  • The implementation of intelligence structure to support Strongbox activity and tactics.
  • Identifying key players for key roles with qualified skills, ability and expertise.
  • The initiative to be marketed to ensure the inclusion of all personnel within the Borough.
  • The development and implementation of an “Exit Strategy” to ensure sustainability of policing activity.

Operation Empire ran from 17/7/00 to 10/09/00. Significant results were achieved during this period:

  • 16 per cent reduction in Burglary
  • 19 per cent reduction in Street Crime
  • 638 persons arrested

The Borough redesigned their intelligence unit and operational structure, which they felt, enhanced their strength to respond to future problems or increases in crime. They were now intelligence led, focussed and had clear direction in targeting policing problems. Their performance has gone from strength to strength and they now are an example to other BOCU who identify them as market leaders.

Lessons learnt

  • The thorough research and analysis of criminals before deciding to target
  • The ruthless sifting of overwhelming intelligence providing the ability to concentrate on key intelligence elements
  • The raising of forensic awareness within the Borough which in turn enhanced forensic retrieval.
  • The change of focus within a BOCU from reactive investigations to proactive intelligence led policing.

The third initiative involved co-ordinating a joint Borough operation within Camden and Islington code named ‘Regis’. This initiative enabled two BOCUs to work together, forming a new command structure and prioritising joint resources focused around street crime, burglary and in addition a drive to make a visible and sustainable impact on crime and quality of life issues within the Kings Cross Area. This area of London had a depth of criminality that was imbedded around the Train Station. There were many crime generators that added to the policing problems and therefore a strong working relationship had been established with the Kings Cross Partnership.

A policing emphasis was placed upon the crime ‘hotspot’ varying tactics daily, which enabled police to re-gain the ground. These successes have been built upon with community and business leaders supporting the positive media coverage of the achievements made within Kings Cross. The full evaluation report of Operation Regis is currently being compiled however initial figures show a 34 per cent reduction in burglary in the Borough of Islington and the rise in street crime was stemmed within both Boroughs.

Lessons learnt

  • The inclusion of two BOCUs generated difficulties in the planning phase, taking into account two different internal structures systems and policing styles.
  • The Strongbox concept was weakened with the diluting of the expertise across two BOCUs.
  • The devising of a communication strategy for internal and external stakeholders. The strategy reinforced the Strongbox concept, marketed the continuous success of the initiative and highlighted individual and team contributions across the two BOCUs.

Operation Strongbox is currently operating within Westminster Borough. The operation began on 22 January 2001 and will run for eight weeks.

The strategic objectives of this initiative have been identified as:

  • to have a visible impact on street crime, burglary and anti social behaviour;
  • to gain significant intelligence of offenders, victims, markets and locations;
  • to uncover the hidden economy that operates within the City of Westminster;
  • to conduct a critical assessment of existing pro-active structures;
  • to widen the narrow tactical response to policing problems;
  • to improve operational leadership;
  • to enhance partnership working.


A number of policing tactics are currently being used to deal with locations, offenders, victims and markets. The tactics incorporate surveillance, covert operations, intelligence led high visibility patrolling and robbery crime cars.

The initiative has developed the partnership with Westminster City Council with the inclusion of a representative within the intelligence and operational structure. This is ensuring Westminster City Council is involved in problem solving and providing an immediate response in support of police tactics and activity.

C. Financial implications

A budgetary process is in place for the allocation of funding and resources for all 'Strongbox' initiatives. First a scooping study was conducted to cost tactics that were anticipated would be utilised on any operation. This report evaluated human and material resources and overtime implications. This study formed the basis of how each operation would be funded dependant upon the geographical size of the Borough and any joint Borough co-ordinated response. During the operation an Operations office, on a daily basis, costs each pro-active policing activity and measures the outcome against the operational objectives.

D. Review arrangements

A debrief is conducted after each Strongbox Operation where best practise is identified for promulgation and issues are addressed that require remedial action for local or service levels. The MPS Performance Review Unit then conducts a comprehensive evaluation report.

E. Background papers

  • Territorial Policing - Volume Crime The Way Forward
  • Closing report - Operation Windmill
  • Closing report - Operation Empire

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Detective Superintendent Quinn.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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