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Report 19 of the 19 Apr 01 meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses a ring round contact system by which Members would be kept informed of major or sensitive issues.

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New contact system to inform members of major sensitive issues

Report: 19
Date: 19 April 2001
By: Clerk


In February 2001, the Communications Group put in place a ring round system by which Members would be kept informed of major or sensitive issues, during office hours or out of hours. It was agreed that a review of the new arrangements would be made to the April 2001 meeting of the full Authority.

A. Recommendation

That Members note the report and purpose any adjustments to the new arrangements they feed are appropriate.

B. Supporting information

1. Members have been contacted using the new arrangements on at least two occasions, the last following a high profile arrest in March 2001. On that occasion all Members were telephoned and advised of the incident, or where they were unavailable, messages left on their answerphones or pagers.

C. Financial implications


D. Background papers

C. Contact details

The author of the report is Philip Powell, Director of Communications.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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