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Policing and performance plan 2002/03
Priorities and objectives

Report: 8b
Date: 24 January 2002
By: Commissioner


The paper provides an update on the MPA policing priorities and objectives for the 2002/03 policing and performance plan.

A. Recommendations

  1. Members are asked to approve the proposed targets in relation to race crimes and domestic violence
  2. Members are asked to note progress on the development work on setting bespoke targets
  3. Members are asked to note the inclusion of support departments in setting enabling objectives to support priorities and objectives

B. Supporting information

1. This paper builds on the report presented to Members in December where the 2002/3 corporate priorities and objectives were agreed. It provides a brief status report on the progress against each of the objectives and some proposed targets under the priority ‘To improve the police response to vulnerable victims’.

2. The Ministerial Priorities expected in December 2001 are not yet available, therefore the stated priorities are still provisional and will need to be reviewed, once these are known.

3. Work is progressing on the development of bespoke targets under the priority ‘To create safer communities for Londoners’. Territorial Policing has circulated planning guidance to BOCUs that will enable borough commanders to identify local crime and disorder problems that pose the greatest challenge, and set appropriate targets that address these problems.

4. Planning guidance has also been circulated to support departments who will also be asked to complete plans this year. These plans will demonstrate what these departments are doing in support of the corporate priorities and objectives. They will include enabling objectives that set out specific targets for each department to achieve. These will be used to assist the lead business group for each objective in the plan, to identify the resources being directed towards that objective throughout the organisation.

5. The matrix for each objective that was proposed at the 6 December meeting is now with business groups. These will be scrutinised and aggregated to give a detailed summary underpinning each objective, when the business groups return their plans on 21 January.

6. A standard template has been devised to accompany the guidelines, which should help to achieve a consistency of approach. Across BOCUs this will be used to;

  • Aggregate the responses to produce a corporate target
  • Make it easier for BOCUs to follow a structured model and guidelines
  • Enable independent scrutiny of BOCU returns to ensure that they are both challenging and correctly focused

7. BOCUs are meeting in their cluster groups with DAC Godwin, and senior representatives from territorial policing, and PRS to discuss the guidelines and templates. This is an opportunity to debate the composition of individual plans including risk assessments and proactive initiatives.

8. Borough commanders are supportive of the move towards bespoke targets for selected offence types. It is seen as an opportunity to focus effort and resources on local problems rather then attempt to meet corporately imposed targets that are either unachievable or, in some cases, not relevant to the borough. BOCUs perceive greater ownership of this more flexible plan and welcome the fact that this process brings closer compatibility with local crime and disorder strategies.

9. There is very limited time for the BOCUs to consult with Crime & Disorder partners, CPCGs or other partners before the local plans are completed, if the planning timetable is to be met. This assumes final approval of the corporate targets at the Full Authority meeting on 28 February. This restricted opportunity for extensive consultation is balanced with the need to simplify the planning process by the adoption of one local plan.

10. The setting of bespoke targets is likely to be an iterative process as a result of the timing issue. For example, it is probable that some plans will need to be modified following the announcement of the ministerial priorities, or because the aggregated targets do not meet Government requirements. As the plans and targets evolve there should be further opportunities for local consultation.

11. Corporate targets have been set on the race crime and domestic violence objectives with judicial disposals of 17% and 14% respectively. The in-year target for race crime stands at 17%; this is not being met and therefore the target for 2002/3 will not be changed. The judicial disposal target for domestic violence, however, is being achieved and therefore the target for 2002/3 has been increased to 15%. Performance data on these two objectives is shown in more detail in Appendix 1.

12. At Appendix 2 there is an update on each priority and objective showing the business group accountable for delivery, the primary contact point and the relevant target where this has been decided. By the time of the February meeting there will be more detail provided on the enabling objectives set by support departments to help achieve the corporate objectives.

13. Next steps
The following dates are key milestones in the remainder of this year’s planning process:

7 February
Planning Panel (review progress on corporate objectives, bespoke targets)
21 February
FPBV (considers draft plans including measures and targets)
28 February
MPA Full Authority (approves plan in full)
31 March
Plan to be published on the internet.

C. Financial implications

There are no known budgetary implications arising from the targets proposed in objectives 8&10 in Appendix 2.

D. Background papers

E. Contact details

Report author: Michael Debens

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Race and hate crime performance

Domestic violence

Domestic violence JD rate April-November 2001

Image: Bar chart showing domestic violence JD rate

*The line indicates the trend over the time period*

The Domestic Violence JD target for 2001/2002 is 14%. The April-November 2001 JD rate for domestic violence currently stands at 14.0%.

Next years target has therefore been set at 15% based on a gradual increase over the period.

Race crime

Race crime JD rate April-November 2001

Image: Bar chart showing race crime JD rate

*The line indicates the trend over the time period*

The race crime target for 2001/2002 is 17.0%. The April - November 2001 JD rate for race crime currently stands at 16.2%. The target is therefore not being met.

Next years target has therefore been set at 17.0%. The graph shows that over the period there has almost been a constant JD rate level.

Appendix 2: Objectives and responsibilities

Priority details Proposed Management Board lead Corporate targets and Business Group contact points
Priority: To increase the security of the capital against terrorism
1. To prevent and disrupt terrorist activity ACSO Security, Protection and Counter terrorism forum.
Preliminary measures drawn up by SO
2. To achieve an effective response to suspected and actual terrorist incidents ACSO Security, Protection and Counter terrorism forum.
Preliminary measures drawn up by SO
Priority: To create safer communities for Londoners
3. To work with community safety partnerships to reduce the incidence of crime and disorder in the most troubled areas in each neighbourhood ACTP DAC Godwin
Boroughs submitting targets by 21st January.
4. To stem the rise in violent armed criminality ACSO DAC Griffiths
Work in progress. Definition expected to remain unchanged.
5. To reduce the fear of crime ACTP DAC Godwin
Same 21/1 deadline. Boroughs in discussion with partners.
6. To increase the public’s satisfaction with visible police presence ACTP DAC Godwin
Same 21/1 deadline. As above
Priority: To improve the police response to vulnerable victims
7. To improve child protection procedures following recommendations from HMI and Ministerial Inquiries. ACSO DAC Carole Howlett
Target will comprise implementation of action plan following outcome of Climbie enquiry
8. To improve victim satisfaction with investigation of racist incidents and racist crimes Deputy Commissioner DAC Grieve
D/Ch. Supt. Steve Lovelock
17% JD rate
9. To improve the investigation of homophobic crimes Deputy Commissioner DAC Grieve
D/Ch. Supt. Steve Lovelock
10. To improve the investigation of domestic violence Deputy Commissioner DAC Grieve
D/Ch. Supt. Steve Lovelock 15% JD rate
11. To improve victim care and investigation in cases of rape ACTP DAC Godwin
D/Supt. Jim Webster
Discussions have been held - targets need to be firmed up.
Priority: To tackle youth offending
12. To set up multi-agency schemes to divert potential active criminals of the future away from criminality ACTP Commander Bob Quick
Discussions taking place on 10 January
13. To reduce re-offending by Persistent Young Offenders ACTP Commander Bob Quick
As above.

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