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Report 3 of the 23 May 02 meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses the process proposed for making appointments at the Authority's annual meeting in June.

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Appointments at the MPA annual meeting

Report: 09
Date: 23 May 2002
By: Commissioner


This report asks the Authority to confirm the process proposed for making appointments at the Authority's annual meeting in June.

A. Recommendations

  1. That the process for making appointments at the Authority's annual meeting be agreed as set out in this report.

B. Supporting information

Appointments at the Annual Meeting

1. At its annual meeting on 27 June, the Authority will be asked to:

  • appoint its Chair and Deputy Chairs
  • appoint the Chair, Deputy Chairs and membership of whichever committees it agrees for the year (see report on proposed new committee structure elsewhere on this agenda)
  • make appointments to outside bodies such as the APA

2. Appointments to sub-committees or sub-groups set up by the Authority's committees will be made by the relevant committees.

The process for making appointments

3. The following process is proposed for making appointments, and the Authority is asked to indicate whether it is content with this.

4. Chair and Deputy Chairs of the Authority and the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of committees Expressions of interest will be invited from all members, to be returned to the Clerk by a specified date in advance of the meeting, supported by two other members. Voting at the meeting will be by way of a ballot.

5. Committee Membership The actual number of members on each committee is for the Authority to decide in the light of particular interests shown by members. Again, members will be invited to state in advance which committee(s) they would like to sit on. This would not, however, preclude members from putting themselves forward for membership of a particular committee at the annual meeting. The Authority can decide at the annual meeting how it wishes to make these appointments, depending on the numbers of members expressing an interest in each committee. This may be by a show of hands, but ballot papers will be available if required.

6. Outside bodies Finally, members will be invited in advance to indicate their interest in being formally appointed to represent the Authority on outside bodies . Again, these appointments may be made by show of hands, but ballot papers will also be available.

C. Financial implications


D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, CLAMS, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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