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Report 8 of the 28 Nov 02 meeting of the MPA Committee and sets out the MPS proposed objectives that support the Priorities for Londoners and Priorities for Excellence which were agreed at the MPA meeting held in October.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Policing plan objectives 2003/04

Report: 08
Date: 28 November 2002
By: Commissioner


This report sets out the MPS proposed objectives that support the priorities for Londoners and Priorities for Excellence which were agreed at the Full Authority meeting held in October

A. Recommendation

  1. That members agree the proposed respective sets of objectives that support the Priorities for Londoners and Priorities for Excellence; and
  2. That members note that associated targets and measures will be presented for consideration at the Full Authority meeting in January

B. Supporting information

1. As part of the planning process for 2003/04 members agreed two sets of priorities at the October Full Authority meeting. The first set of 4 priorities called Priorities for Londoners represent those areas of policing where we are seeking an improvement in performance, or which will be the subject of significant management focus. The second set of priorities, referred to as Priorities for Excellence, represent key areas of activity that will help to deliver the operational priorities. Some of these activities are long term projects which will not necessarily be complete by March 2004 but will deliver benefits in the timeframe of the strategic plan which will be issued in March 2003.

Priorities for Londoners

2. Following the Full Authority meeting the MPS presented a proposed set of supporting objectives for the Priorities for Londoners to the Planning Panel. The feedback from the have been considered by MPS Management Board and a revised set of proposed objectives is attached at Appendix 1. The key changes to the current objectives for 2002/03 are:

New objectives

  • Reduction in incidences of murder.
  • Reduction in road casualties.
  • Disruption in trafficking of Class A drugs, guns and humans.
  • Disruption of criminal use of firearms (replaces gun related violent crime).
  • Improved support to victims and witnesses involved in the CJ process; and
  • Bringing more offenders to justice.

Changed objectives

  • Autocrime has not been treated as a corporate objective but will be included within local crime and disorder strategies with published targets as appropriate (this is the approach we would wish to see applied to anti-social behaviour and other minor disorder offences).
  • Fear of crime and public satisfaction with foot and mobile patrols has been replaced by an objective around police visibility that relates to the reassurance provided by an increased uniform presence on the streets (which includes Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs)).
  • The objectives around anti-terrorism have not changed but the key activities will make more specific reference to activities such as community reassurance, inspections of high profile locations, contingency planning and business continuity.
  • The existing objectives relating to victims of race crime is widened to incorporate an improved quality of service to victims of all hate crime.
  • The objectives under the youth offending priority will be considered as potential measures within the new structure of priorities and objectives.

Priorities for Excellence

3. The proposed set of objectives supporting the Priorities for Excellence at Appendix 2 have been endorsed by Management Board but have not been previously considered by the Planning Panel. A priority on improving communication links with Londoners and our own staff is also being proposed in addition to those agreed at the last full authority meeting (objectives for this priority are still being developed). The priorities and objectives have been prepared following discussions with key members of staff from the relevant lead directorates, and are consistent with the aims set out in 'Towards the Safest City' and the strategy documents from those directorates.

4. This set of objectives is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all those activities which will ultimately deliver the Priorities for Londoners. The objectives do, however, demonstrate where there is significant investment and management focus.

5. There are no Priorities for Excellence in the 2002/03 Policing and Performance Plan but these priorities and the supporting objectives will provide continuity and demonstrate important links to the emerging strategic plan.

C. Equality and diversity implications

There are no direct implications on equalities and diversity arising from this paper. Development of the underpinning objectives, however, is likely to include more detail as to how these issues will be addressed in the coming year.

D. Financial implications

There are no specific financial implications arising from these proposals, although the development of the objectives and targets, and local plans, will determine in broad terms how the MPS proposes to use its resources in the coming year.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report authors: John Zlotnicki and Michael Debens

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Priorities for Londoners

Proposed objectives

Priority 1: In partnership, to promote safer communities for Londoners

  • Objective: To increase visible police presence
  • Objective: To reduce the incidence of street crime
  • Objective: To reduce the incidence of burglary
  • Objective: To reduce the incidence of murder
  • Objective: To disrupt the trafficking of Class A drugs, firearms and humans
  • Objective: To disrupt the criminal use of firearms
  • Objective: To reduce the number of road casualties

Priority 2: Securing the Capital against terrorism

  • Objective: To prevent and disrupt terrorist activity
  • Objective: To maintain an effective response to suspected and actual terrorist incidents

Priority 3: To improve the quality of service to vulnerable victim groups

  • Objective: To improve victim care and investigation in cases of rape
  • Objective: To improve victim care and investigation in cases of domestic violence
  • Objective: To improve victim care and investigation in cases of hate crime
  • Objective: To improve the protection and safety of children including victim care, investigation and partnership working

Priority 4: In partnership, to revitalise the criminal justice system

  • Objective: To bring more offenders to justice
  • Objective: To improve the service to victims and witnesses

Appendix 2: Proposed Priorities for Excellence 2003/04

Priority 1: To expand our approach to include all aspects of diversity

  • Objective: To achieve an increased representation of all the diverse groups of London within the extended police family
  • Objective: To enhance community reassurance programmes to all vulnerable communities

Priority 2: To manage the demands on the MPS more effectively

  • Objective: To procure radio, telephony and CCTV control equipment for centralised control rooms (C3i milestone for 2003/4)
  • Objective: To prepare the Airwave radio system for use

Priority 3: To make best use of our staff and resources

  • Objective: To develop a professional and effective workforce
  • Objective: To develop a dynamic HR function that supports operational policing
  • Objective: To establish a mechanism to manage all issues relating to the increased numbers of police staff
  • Objective: To extend the programme of devolution of resources thereby enabling local managers to improve service delivery
  • Objective: To maximise MPS resources and their most effective use
  • Objective: To protect and enhance the integrity of the MPS

Priority 4: To develop a strategic analytical capability in the MPS

  • Objective: To implement the National Intelligence Model (NIM) in accordance with the National Policing Plan

Priority 5: To communicate more effectively with Londoners and our staff

  • Objective: (appropriate objectives to be developed)

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