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Report 18 of the 30 Jan 03 meeting of the MPA Committee and proposes a change to Standing Orders to clarify the right of members to place items on Authority or committee agendas.

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Standing orders change

Report: 18
Date: 30 January 2003
By: Clerk


This report proposes a change to Standing Orders to clarify the right of members to place items on Authority or committee agendas.

A. Recommendation

The Co-ordination & Policing Committee recommends that the Authority approves the addition to Standing Orders detailed below.

B. Supporting information

1. At the last Authority meeting a new Standing Order was agreed to enable members to ask questions at Authority meetings. It has now been suggested that it would be helpful to clarify the position with regard to members’ ability to place items on Authority or committee agendas. The Co-ordination and Policing Committee supported this suggestion at its meeting on 6 January and recommended that the full Authority adopt the following new Standing Order:

"A member may place an item for discussion on the Authority agenda or on the agenda of a committee of which they are a member. Such requests must be received by the Clerk 10 working days before the meeting. At the Clerk's discretion, in consultation with the relevant Chair, this time requirement may be waived on the grounds of urgency. This provision does not give individual members the right to commission reports from the officers on the subject they wish to place on the agenda."

C. Equality and diversity implications


D. Financial implications


E. Background papers

Minutes of the Coordination and Policing Committee, 6 January 2003

F. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, Head of Secretariat, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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