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Report 13 of the 24 July 2003 meeting of the MPA Committee and seeks agreement from members to the project timetable for the next review of RAF to enable implementation in 2005/06.

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Review of Resource Allocation Formula (RAF)

Report: 13
Date: 24 July 2003
By: Commissioner


The paper seeks agreement from members to the project timetable for the next review of RAF to enable implementation in 2005/06.

A. Recommendations

That the Authority:

  1. agrees the proposed project timetable
  2. agrees the requirement for a joint MPA/MPS project overview panel that will report to the Authority

B. Supporting information


1. The current Resource Allocation Formula (RAF) was accepted by members in January 2002 for a period of three years. At the full Authority meeting in March members requested a timetable for the next review of RAF that would enable implementation in 2005/06.

2. Attached at Appendix 1 is a project timetable that reflects the activities and key decision dates of the review proposal. It is based to a large extent on experience from the last review, but included at an early stage in the process this time is a seminar for members to enable early communication on the terms of reference and progress of the project.

Comparisons with previous review

3. The last review had a direct cost to the budget in the region of £250k to cover a significant input from PA Consulting Group. It is anticipated that, if a far greater proportion of the work can be carried out ‘in house’ during this review, then the comparable direct cost to the budget can be contained to around £100k as a broad estimate (dependent upon the approved scope of the review).

4. Most of the resources and skills required to undertake this review can be found within the MPS. It is considered more cost effective to use external consultants at specific points in the project, such as statistical analysis and for external validation of the model.

5. The previous review was overseen by a joint MPA/MPS Project Board that reported its recommendations directly to the appropriate MPA Committee. A similar overview panel will be required this time to steer the project, ensure that appropriate consultation takes place, keep members up to date and ensure that the review runs to time and cost.

6. Since the outcome from the last review there has been an overwhelming interest in RAF and an appetite from several different bodies to participate in the next review. The Project Board will, therefore, also want to consider appropriate external participants in the review process.

Scope of the new review

7. A thorough review is proposed giving consideration to issues such as:

  • Changes in the MPS policing focus (e.g. priorities, style of policing);
  • Organisational changes (e.g. budget devolution, growth issues);
  • Scope of application (e.g. PCSOs, civil staff, other resources, ‘ring fencing’ of neighbourhood units);
  • Introduction of the Policing Performance Assessment Framework (PPAF); and
  • Stakeholder feedback from the previous review

8. The scoping of these activities does not include detailed consultation arrangements which will be set out separately as part of the formal project plan which will follow in due course.

C. Equality and diversity implications

There are no direct equality or diversity issues arising from this report.

D. Financial implications

It is forecast that the direct cost to the budget for the review will be around £100k of which approximately £20k will fall in the current financial year and the remaining £80k in 2004/05.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: John Zlotnicki and Michael Debens, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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