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Policing and Performance Plan 2004/05: Proposed objectives and selected targets and measures

Report: 7
Date: 29 January 2004
By: Commissioner
Also a Co-ordination and Policing Committee report – 23 January 2004


The report sets out the proposed objectives to be included in the 2004/05 Policing and Performance Plan, together with measures to support them. The targets, which are still under development, will be tabled at Full Authority meeting in February following debate at Planning Performance and Review Committee on 12 February 2004.

A. Recommendation


  1. the proposed objectives to be included in the 2004/05 Policing and Performance Plan be agreed;
  2. the measures that will support the objectives in the plan be agreed; and
  3. agree that the programmes of work identified at Appendix 3 be included in the policing plan.

B. Supporting information


1. The objectives that are proposed to support the agreed corporate priorities of terrorism, serious crime and reassurance in the 2004/05 policing plan, were discussed at the MPA Planning Panel meeting on 8 January 2004, following consideration of the objectives by MPS management board on 6 January 2004. Members debated the proposals and, following lengthy and productive discussion, requested that the MPS undertake further work to resolve outstanding issues.

2. Following consideration of the issues raised by members, further development work on the objectives was undertaken with lead and support business groups. A revised set of objectives that reflects the views expressed by members is attached at Appendix 1. As well as tightening the definition of the objectives, there are two substantial points to note;

  • the objectives now address the issue of tackling organised criminal networks
  • the introduction of diversity as an objective distinct from those under the terrorism, reassurance and serious crime priority areas

3. Members are asked to agree that the proposed objectives are included in the 2004/5 Policing and Performance Plan.


4. The development of appropriate measures that support each objective has proved a challenging process. This is due to a number of factors:

  • The ongoing development and introduction of Police Performance Assessment Framework (PPAF) measures (which in the short term may result in insufficient baseline data for setting appropriate targets).
  • Some measures emerging through PPAF are now more suited to diagnostic analysis than for target setting or performance chasing.
  • The requirement to set measures that are consistent with the National Policing Plan and the Treasury led Public Service Agreement (PSA) targets.
  • The need to ensure that any targets and measures are set in the context of the MPS/MPA strategic plan.
  • Finding targets and measures that reflect what is trying to be achieved, rather than activities that are easily quantifiable.
  • Identifying appropriate measures that fully meet the scope of the objective.

5. Appendix 2 sets out the objectives with our proposed measures that will enable the MPS and MPA to monitor progress in achieving them.

6. Substantial points to note are:

  • red/italic measures denote those areas where further developmental work is in progress.
  • a glossary of terms and definitions is being developed and will be included in the final policing plan.
  • templates are being developed for each corporate objective (we call these control strategies) for inclusion in the plan.

7. Members are asked to agree the proposed measures supporting the proposed corporate objectives.

Building the future organisation

8. A programme of work, part of a bigger programme of change over a number of years, is being developed and structured. This is part of our ongoing improvements in business planning, and will eventually underpin a strategic programme of change to build the future organisation. A number of key programmes and projects, already identified, will make a significant contribution to the proposed objectives for next year. We recommend including a summary of these in the policing plan. A matrix consisting of those proposed change programmes that are likely to have significant impact on our proposed corporate objectives for the coming year is attached at Appendix 3.

9. Members are asked to agree the programmes of work identified at Appendix 3 be included in the policing plan.

Next steps

10. Once the proposed corporate objectives are agreed, work will take place to further develop proposed targets supporting the corporate objectives. The proposed targets will be presented to Performance Planning and Review Committee for consideration on 12 February 2004, prior to final consideration by the Authority meeting on 26 February 2004

11. Local borough commanders are undertaking their own planning process in support of neighbourhood safety. There will be local variations as a result of differing Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership objectives and strategic assessment content. TP is applying a quality assurance process to the BOCU submissions, and a summary of the outcomes will be presented at the Performance Planning and Review Committee on 12 February 2004

C. Equality and diversity implications

Development of the MPS’s approach to diversity is included among the objectives within Appendix 2 of this report.

D. Financial implications

There are no specific financial implications arising from these proposals, although the development of the objectives and targets will determine in broad terms how the MPS proposes to use its resources in the coming year.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: John Zlotnicki and Paul Wilson

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Proposed corporate objectives

  • Objective 1: To minimise the risk to life and property from terrorist activity in London
  • Objective 2: To maintain an effective response to suspected and actual terrorist incidents
  • Objective 3: To reduce the level of gun enabled crime
  • Objective 4: To disrupt organised criminal activity of persons identified as Class A drugs suppliers
  • Objective 5: To dismantle organised criminal networks and seize their assets
  • Objective 6: To improve neighbourhood safety
  • Objective 7: To reduce the level robbery compared to 2003/04
  • Objective 8: To improve our contribution to the effectiveness of the criminal justice system
  • Objective 9: To reduce the differential impact of crime in diverse groups – in particular, women, new and vulnerable communities and children

Appendix 3: Outline of Building the Future Organisation: Programmes of change impacting on delivery of 2004/05 objectives

Provision of Public Reassurance

The MPS’s Reassurance programme involves boroughs having dedicated reassurance wards supported by Permanent Beat Officers and PCSOs. The reassurance issues that need addressing differ from ward to ward and are identified via an ‘Environmental Audit’ and Public Perception Surveys. The formation of local reassurance steering groups ensures that partners are fully involved in the scheme.

Modernising the Criminal Justice System

The programme that we have set up involves our key partners e.g. the CPS and the Department for Constitutional Affairs. Its objectives are wide ranging, including having CPS lawyers at the point of charge, case progression units with prisoner processing, case progression unit supervisors and victim and witness focus desks which support victims and witnesses through the Criminal Justice process.

Improving Services given to Victim and Witnesses

This programme title encompasses several different aspects of service improvement to Victims and Witnesses. It includes, for example, the development of rape havens (for the sensitive interviewing of victims, in conjunction with other relevant support services e.g. health) and establishing victim and witness focus desks on boroughs.

Step Change – Managing growth in staff numbers

The MPS Step Change Programme (SCP) aims to deliver increased officer numbers in order to achieve the vision of making London the safest major city in the world, with an emphasis on community-based policing.

Developing the Crime academy and Professionalising the Investigation process (PIP)

The MPS has drawn together all aspects of specialist investigator training under the auspices of the MPS Crime Academy. It ensures that training provision meets business needs, by integrating the provision of all training in crime reduction, intelligence, analysis, detection, forensics, investigation and presentation of evidence. The work will underpin other key initiatives including PIP by equipping staff with core skills such as tiered training in respect of the National Investigative Interviewing Strategy.

Extending Budget Devolution

The MPS is currently piloting the devolution of financial management of resources to OCUs. The approach will allow local commanders to prioritise and be held to account for use of their resources in addressing local issues.

Improving Services across Diversity Areas

Specialised teams within the Diversity Directorate will coordinate and develop new and more effective approaches, across the MPS, to meeting the needs of various communities. These teams will focus both on service delivery to MPS staff and to the communities of London. They will be aligned to the GLA diversity groups i.e. Gender, Race, LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender), Disability, Age and Faith/belief.

Delivering improved operational performance through effective management of Diversity

This is based on recognition that the effective management of diversity is the foundation upon which successful and sustainable operational outcomes will be delivered. The Diversity Directorate will work with borough and OCU command teams to ensure that good diversity practice is embedded in operational systems and processes.

Recruitment of under represented groups

A major priority for the MPS is to create a workforce that is representative of the community we serve. To achieve long term targets, a wide range of targeted recruitment initiatives are deployed and mentoring support is available to all prospective applicants.

Introduction of C3i and Airwave

The C3i programme aims to maximise the effective use of police officer and police staff time and resources. It affects the way in which the MPS deals with the public’s demand for its services and will: (a) Provide an efficient and effective telephone handling service; (b) Ensure that deployments are appropriate and effectively prioritised; (c) Free police resources to concentrate on policing priorities by the provision of an effective public advisory service. Airwave is a national project to replace the police radio system with one using digital technology. Two key features will have a wide-ranging impact on policing.

Modernising operations

Whilst the introductions of C3i and Airwave to the MPS clearly have significant technology elements, they are an integral part of a much wider programme to deliver improvements in operational policing. The Modernising Operations programme will facilitate boroughs working within a new environment that embraces C3i, the MPS policing model and the recommendations of a number of recent best value reviews. It ensures that new technologies and procedures suit the needs of operational staff.

Supporting material

  • Appendix 2 [PDF]
    MPS Policing and Performance Plan 2004/05 objectives and measures.

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