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Report 09 of the 29 July 04 meeting of the MPA Committee and this report requests formal approval for a joint review of mental health and policing and outlines initial discussions held with key partners to determine the scope of the review.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Mental Health And Policing Joint Review

Report: 9
Date: 29 July 2004
By: Clerk


This report requests formal approval for a joint review of mental health and policing and outlines initial discussions held with key partners to determine the scope of the review.

A. Recommendation

That Members approve the initiation of a joint review of mental health and policing and appoint representatives to the review panel.

B. Supporting information


1. In May 2004 Co-ordination and Policing Committee considered a paper on mental health and policing in informal session. Members discussed the potential scope of the issues to be addressed and felt that the MPA should commission some work in this area. The committee identified the involvement of National Health Service representatives as crucial to the success of the project and suggested that the review be jointly chaired by the MPA and NHS.

Progress to date

2. Following the committee meeting key stakeholders were identified and initial discussions were held to secure support for the joint review. An analysis of relevant external literature was conducted to explore the organisation of mental health services in London and to identify potential problems which could become areas of focus for the joint review. A draft terms of reference document was prepared and discussed by a panel of stakeholders on 9 July.

3. As a result of initial discussions senior representatives from the London Development Centre for Mental Health, North West London Strategic Health Authority, Camden and Islington Mental Health and Social Care Trust and the MPS Diversity Directorate have agreed to participate in the review. The review panel will be chaired by both the MPA and NHS on a rotating basis with Richard Sumray, Chair of Haringey Primary Care Trust, representing the MPA. Three other members of the review panel will be drawn from the key stakeholder groups although names have yet to be confirmed. The panel should consist of no more than six members including two further MPA members in addition to Richard Sumray. The committee is asked to appoint two MPA representatives to the panel.

4. The review will be primarily resourced by MPA officers although additional support around performance analysis and specialist knowledge of health services has been offered by stakeholder groups.

Scope and timescale

5. The review will be carried out along the lines of previous MPA scrutinies. The review will begin with a period of research gathering followed by evidence hearings and the drafting of a final report. All panel and evidence hearings will be conducted in private, unless individuals and organisations specifically register to attend. Additional academic research may be commissioned if necessary. In common with other scrutinies, the review will begin with a formal terms of reference document to be approved by Co-ordination and Policing Committee in September and will conclude with a final report to committee in June 2005.

6. The review will use the outcome of current work to map services in the MPS and NHS, identifying areas in which changes in policy or process would benefit service users and developing an action plan to address the outstanding issues. In addition, the review panel is likely to consider a number of specific concerns including information exchange, mental health and human rights, health and safety and violence in a health setting and pathways into and out of the criminal justice system for people with mental health disorders. The subjects initially selected for consideration represent current thinking and are subject to change.

C. Race and equality impact

Eliminating discrimination in the delivery of services is currently a key objective in the draft scope of the review. An impact assessment will be completed as soon as initial recommendations from the review emerge.

D. Financial implications

No additional financial costs have been identified although the opportunity cost in officer time has been estimated at one third of a full time equivalent post for one year.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Sally Palmer, MPA

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