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MPA high level objectives (corporate control strategies)

Report: 8
Date: 27 January 2005
By: Commissioner


This report outlines the progress on the development of the MPA high-level and overarching objectives for inclusion in the Annual Policing Plan for 2005/2006. It provides consultation on measures and targets within the Corporate Control Strategies, which prioritise MPS cross-business group activity during the forthcoming year.

A. Recommendation

That the Authority

  1. Discusses and agrees with the MPS the proposals for appropriate measures and targets (Annex A).
  2. Notes the development activity required to finalise the outstanding targets for MPA high-level objectives and for further preparation of the draft MPA Policing Plan.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPA high-level objectives are informed by the Corporate Control Strategies that have been developed out of the National Intelligence Model (N.I.M) business planning process.

2. The MPS has taken a continuity and evolution approach to the existing programme of control strategies. This approach has been supported by consultation, the corporate strategic assessment, the Commissioner’s Conference and development through the MPA Planning and Performance Review Committee (PPRC).

3. The MPA high-level objectives, and their planned delivery through measures and targets, provide a good and thorough response to tough challenges facing the MPA and MPS collectively. The response is the direction we will take to ensure the implementation of the National Policing Plan and the management of Home Office Policing Performance Assessment Framework (PPAF) measurements.

New programme of control strategies

4. The proposals for new and existing control strategies were discussed and endorsed at MPS Management Board Change Co-ordination Committee meeting, and the MPA PPRC meeting, both of which took place on 11 October 2004.

5. Subsequently, the MPA Full Authority meeting held on 16 December 2004 gave general approval to the subject areas and outcome statements for MPA high-level objectives. The initial development of measures and targets has been commented upon at the MPA Planning Panel held on 17 December 2004.

6. For the first time, the MPA/MPS will be subject to an extensive range of Performance Assessment Framework (PPAF) measures and most-similar family targets. Published in the National Policing Plan, this amounts to some 35 measures. A significant number of these measures draw comparison indicators with other Police Services, which have been designated within a ‘Most Similar Family’ (MSF) Grouping. This will be a challenging process to deliver results across a broad range of measures. The MPS will look to MPA support and endorsement to improve performance against all PPAF measures.

7. The MPA PPRC held on 19 January 2005 has already provided the MPS with constructive feedback on a range of issues in support of the measurement, target setting and monitoring of high-level objectives. The MPS asks all members to consider the following factors when commenting upon the delivery of the MPA Policing Plan;

  • The MPA should consider taking a strategic view of the plan when setting targets. Allocating targets will necessarily steer MPS resourcing of activity.
  • British Crime Survey based data is complex both to understand and to identify the critical ‘levers’. The MPS has introduced similar questions to some of the BCS indicators within its own surveying, but would be concerned as to the effect of target setting without further analysis.
  • The MPS has identified a large number of PPAF and bespoke measurements that can be considered either as targets, diagnostics, or monitors.
  • Changes to target setting proposals will impact on organisational choice and investment.
  • The MPA/MPS will need to identify those PPAF measures that are most significant in delivering a safer London.
  • In previous years, the MPA has taken the view that there is no need for setting targets where only small increases in performance are needed. The MPS will be looking at yearly improvements in performance to meet or exceed MSF averages for PPAF performance. Target setting is complicated by the MPS ‘domination’ of the MSF average.

8 MPA Members are requested to discuss and endorse all the measures proposed, and the targets proposed so far, as set out in Annex A, in support of the delivery of the MPA high-level objectives. There are 18 measures still subject to a Variable Target Setting (VTS) process, which are now being finalised. These will ensure that a balance is maintained between focusing on Borough Command Unit objectives, and contributing sufficiently to MPA and MPS corporate targets. The work in progress on VTS, and how the MPA will further engage with the MPS in this work, is outlined below. However, as 12 out of the 18 VTS-based measures have MSF comparisons, the challenges for the MPA and MPS are already known. This information is presented as indicative of the likely targets to be proposed.

9. Annex A summarises the latest position in respect of the 2005/2006 MPA high-level objectives. It provides a description of each high-level objective, identifies the MPS lead officer and outlines the desired outcomes for each objective. It provides a description of the range of measures currently proposed by the MPS lead Officer, and associated proposed targets. It also includes details of those MPS Business Group objectives containing Policing Performance Assessment Framework (PPAF) measures.

Work in progress

10. Territorial Policing are developing the complex and ‘bottom up’ Variable Target Setting (VTS) process in consultation with Borough Commanders. The bespoke target setting will be based on MPS prioritising, CDRP quartile positioning and locally identified priorities. Members of the MPA PPRC will be briefed on the VTS process on 2 February 2005.

11. Annex A contains gaps for those targets set through the Variable Target Setting process within Territorial Policing. The MPS requests the MPA to express their views to guide the outcome. Where the outstanding VTS proposals are broadly in the right area; the MPA are requested to discharge finalising of these measures to the MPA Planning Panel being scheduled for 4 February 2005.

12. Business Group objectives (Annex B) will be articulated in the Policing Plan. These objectives will address specific/key areas of policy, including homicide and child abuse.

13. PPAF measures have been incorporated into, and aligned to, the MPA high-level objectives and MPS Business Group objectives. Annex C provides background information on current and past performance for the proposed measures and targets. Annex D outlines the continuity of measures from the 2004/05 policing plan into the proposed MPA objectives for 2005/6.

14. The MPA and MPS, under the leadership of the new Commissioner, will develop a new three-year strategy. This is expected to build on some of the key cross cutting strategies that are already under development such as diversity, women’s safety and Prolific Offenders. This work will be signalled within the 2005/06 MPA Policing Plan.

15. The draft 2005/06 annual policing plan will be submitted to the MPA Planning Panel and then to the MPA Full Authority for approval at the meeting to be held on 24 February 2005. The major corporate change programmes are being integrated into the delivery of MPA high-level objectives and MPS Business Group objectives.

16. Monitoring and reporting systems for the MPA high-level objectives and MPS Business Group objectives are being developed. The monitoring processes will be established, with N.I.M. Tactical Tasking process being developed at Corporate and Business Group levels. The MPS lead Officer for each high-level objective will monitor the progress against significant measures. Other measures and targets will be monitored, where necessary, through exception reporting on performance issues.

C. Equality and diversity implications

1. The MPA Annual Policing Plan 2005/2006 will support the more effective management of equality and diversity issues within the MPS, and there are a number of Strategies, measures and targets that are explicitly designed to do so. The performance management framework supporting the plan will, in all areas, ensure that equality and diversity impacts are monitored continually at the appropriate level within the MPS.

2. Control Strategy leads for MPA/MPS high-level objectives will be tasked to conduct an Equality Impact Assessment, through engagement with the Diversity Directorate.

D. Financial implications

There are no specific financial implications arising from this report, although the development of the objectives, targets and measures will determine in broad terms how the MPS proposes to use it’s resources in 2005/2006.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Superintendent Peter Vincent

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Annex A: Proposals for Corporate Control Strategies for 2005/2006

Specialist Operations

Subject area

1. To minimise the risk from terrorist and extremist activity; to maintain an effective response to terrorist and extremist incidents.

Current/proposed lead

  • SO
  • DAC Becks

Relevant PPAF measures

  1. First Police Officer on the scene within 12 minutes in response to Terrorist incidents or the notification of a suspected improvised explosive device. Target – 80%
  2. Terrorist Incident scene management. Suspected or actual terrorist incidents achieve an appropriate rating for scene management. Target - 90%
  3. SPI 3(c) (ii) Percentage of other (non-PACE) stop/searches which lead to arrest by ethnicity of the person stopped. (A diagnostic indicator to be monitored for community impact)

Desired outcomes

  • To prevent terrorist and extremist incidents.
  • To respond appropriately to a terrorist or extremist incident.
  • To maintain community confidence.

Specialist Crime Directorate

Subject area

2. To reduce the level of gun enabled crime

Current/proposed lead

  • SCD
  • Commander Dick

Relevant PPAF measures

  1. SPI 5(e) Life threatening crime and gun crime per 1,000 population - (Shared lead with Violence CCS – target derived from level of gun enabled crime)
  2. Reduce level of Gun enabled crime (Target - 0.49 per 1,000 population = 4.5% reduction)
  3. Improve detection rate for Gun enabled crime (Target – Sanction Detection rate 20%)

Desired outcomes

  • Fewer recorded gun enabled crime offences
  • Improved detection rates for gun enabled crime
  • Fewer shootings
  • Increased confidence and reduced levels of fear
  • Improved community engagement and partnership working

Subject area

3. To disrupt organised criminal networks, the activities they are involved in and to seize their assets in order to reduce harm in neighbourhoods and communities.

Current/proposed lead

  • SCD
  • DAC Griffiths

Relevant PPAF measures

  1. The Value of assets identified for seizure. (Target – £20million
  2. The number of disruptions to organised criminal networks (Target – 50 networks disrupted)
  3. The number of cases where assets are restrained or cash seized. (New measure – baseline to be established 2005/2006)

Desired outcomes

  • More criminals disrupted from involvement in organised crime
  • Increased amount of assets seized from criminal networks
  • Improved community engagement and partnership working
  • Greater confidence in the economic well being of London
  • Increased reassurance within neighbourhoods and communities
  • Reduced availability of illicit drugs
  • Improved understanding of the nature of the problems

Territorial Policing

Subject area

4. To improve neighbourhood safety

Current/proposed lead

  • TP
  • Commander Smith

Relevant PPAF measures

  1. SPI 3(c) Percentage of (i) PACE stop/searches which lead to arrest by ethnicity of the person stopped (A diagnostic indicator to be monitored for community impact)
  2. SPI 4.
    1. Using the British Crime Survey, the risk of personal crime;
    2. Using the British Crime Survey, the risk of household crime (No target set – results will not be reported during 2005-6)
  3. SPI 5(a) Domestic burglaries per 1,000 households (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  4. 5(d) Vehicle crime per 1,000 population (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  5. SPI 9(a)(i) Number of people killed in under 30 days or seriously injured in road traffic collisions. (Target – 4% reduction)
  6. SPI 9(a)(ii) per 100million vehicle km travelled. (Target - 4% reduction)
  7. SPI 10
    1. Using the British Crime Survey, fear of crime. (No target set – results will not be reported during 2005-6)
    2. Using the British Crime Survey, perceptions of anti-social behaviour. (Target – Improved Performance)
  8. SPI 10(c) Using the British Crime Survey, perceptions of local drug use/drug dealing. (Target – Improved Performance)
  9. SPI 11(a) Percentage of police officer time spent on frontline duties. (Target – Improved Performance)
  10. Measure of 10 BCS comparator crimes, BOCU target setting to produce MPS target. (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  11. The number of crack house closure orders obtained. (Recent legislation – baseline measure to be obtained for 2005/6)
  12. Sanction detections for domestic burglary. (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  13. Sanction detections for vehicle crime. (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  14. Reduction in number of child casualties as per Mayor’s London Road Safety Plan (Target - 5% reduction)

Desired outcomes

  • To improve public satisfaction in the Police Service, through reassuring the public by increasing visibility and reducing crime levels, particularly those affecting local communities.

Subject area

5. To improve our contribution to the Criminal Justice System

Current/proposed lead

  • TP
  • Commander Hitchcock

Relevant PPAF measures

  1. SPI 6(a) Number of notifiable/recorded offences resulting in conviction, caution, street warning for cannabis possession, taken into consideration at court or for which a penalty notice for disorder has been issued. (Target – 13,350 monthly average)
  2. SPI 6(b) Percentage of notifiable/recorded offences resulting in conviction, caution or taken into consideration at court (Target – Improved Performance)
  3. SPI 7(a) Percentage of notifiable/recorded offences resulting in charge, summons, caution or taken into consideration at court. (Target – 15.6% - 16.5% - dependent upon crime totals = 167,400)
  4. Reduce the rate of ineffective trials. (Target – 25%)
  5. Number of outstanding warrants. (Target – 20% reduction)
  6. Percentage of victims and witnesses who are satisfied is higher than in the baseline year 2003/4. (Target – Improved Performance)

Desired outcomes

  • To increase the number of sanctioned detections, increase the total number of offences bought to justice and to improve victim satisfaction in the overall CJ process.

Subject area

6. To improve the citizen experience in their contacts with the Police.

Current/proposed lead

  • TP
  • Commander Smith

Relevant PPAF measures

Satisfaction of victims of domestic burglary, violent crime, vehicle crime and road traffic collisions with respect to –

  1. SPI 1(a) making contact with the police; (Target – Improved Performance)
  2. SPI 1(b) action taken by the police; (Target – Improved Performance)
  3. SPI 1(c) being kept informed of progress; (Target – Improved Performance)
  4. SPI 1(d) their treatment by staff; (Target – Improved Performance)
  5. SPI 1(e) the overall service provided. (Target – Improved Performance)
  6. SPI 2 Using the British Crime Survey, the percentage of people who think their local police do a good job (Target – Improved Performance on 2004/2005 & demonstrate a measurable difference between Safer Neighbourhood areas and non Safer Neighbourhood Areas)
  7. SPI 3(a) Satisfaction of victims of racist incidents with respect to the overall service provided. (Target – Improved Performance)
  8. SPI 3(b) From SPI 1(e) comparison of satisfaction for white users and users from visible minority ethnic groups with respect to the overall service provided. (Target – Improved Performance)
  9. Subject Access Requests – To respond to any appropriate request for personal information with 40 days (Target – To respond within 40 days & establish baseline compliance issues)
  10. FOIA Requests – To respond to any appropriate request for any other information under the freedom of information act within 20 working days (Target – To respond within 20 days & establish baseline compliance issues)
  11. Call Handling – The percentage of incoming external 999 telephone calls answered within target time (Target – Improved performance)
  12. Call Handling – The percentage of incoming external standard telephone calls answered within target time. (Target – Improved Performance)
  13. Police Response – Percentage of ‘I’ graded incidents attended within target time - 12 minutes. (Target – Improved performance)
  14. Police Response – Percentage of ‘S’ graded incidents attended within target time – One Hour (Target – Improved Performance)

Desired outcomes

  • Improved public confidence and feeling of security; improved satisfaction of service users; and increased public involvement in policing.

Subject area

7. To reduce the level of serious violence and increase the number of violent offenders brought to justice

Current/proposed lead

  • TP
  • Commander Moore

Relevant PPAF measures

  1. SPI 3(d) Comparison of percentage detected of violence against the person offences by ethnicity of the victim (A diagnostic indicator to be monitored for performance and community impact)
  2. SPI 5(b) Violent crime per 1,000 population (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  3. SPI 5(c) Robberies per 1,000 population (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  4. SPI 5(e) Life threatening crime and gun crime per 1,000 population – (Shared lead with Gun Crime CCS)
  5. SPI 8(a) Percentage of domestic violence incidents with a power of arrest where an arrest was made related to the incident (Target – to improve performance, month on month, towards 70%)
  6. Sanction detections for violent crime (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  7. GBH and ABH (excluding DV and Hate Crime) per 1,000 population (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  8. Sanction detections for GBH and ABH (excluding DV and Hate) (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  9. Sanction detections for all robbery (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  10. Total detection rate for rape (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  11. Sanction detection rate for rape (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  12. Total detection rate for racist crime (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  13. Sanction detection rate for racist crime (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  14. Total detection rate for homophobic crime (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  15. Sanction detection rate for homophobic crime (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  16. Total detection rate for domestic violence (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  17. Sanction detection rate for domestic violence (Variable Target Setting – Awaits)
  18. To establish accurately the level of knife enabled crime and knife possession in public places across London (Supported by the range of activities within Operation Blunt – MPS response to knife crime)

Desired outcomes

  • To reduce serious violence and to achieve set targets to bring offenders to justice

Business Group Control Strategies containing high level measures and targets: Human Resources Directorate

Subject area

Becoming an employer of choice

Proposed lead

  • Director HR
  • Martin Tiplady

Relevant PPAF measures

  • SPI 3(e) Proportion of police recruits from minority ethnic groups (compared to proportion of people from minority ethnic groups in the economically active population) (Target – 29%)
  • SPI 3(f) Ratio of officers from minority ethnic groups resigning to all officer resignations. (Diagnostic indicator to be monitored)
  • SPI 3(g) Percentage of female police officers compare to overall force strength (Target – Between 19.5% - 20%)

(Targets are planning assumptions based on latest data regarding size of 2005/06 intake of police recruits; and retention rates remaining stable at 2004/05 rates)

Subject area

Using people effectively

Proposed lead

  • Director HR
  • Martin Tiplady

Relevant PPAF measures

  • SPI 13(a) Average number of working hours lost per annum due to sickness per police officer. (Target – 0.67 days per month)
  • SPI 13(b) Average number of working hours lost per annum due to sickness per police staff. NPP specifies 9 days. (Target – 0.75 days per month)

Business Group Control Strategies containing high level measures and targets: Resources Directorate

Subject area

To co-ordinate the MPS Efficiency Plan for 2005/06 and future years and to ensure the MPS delivers cashable and non-cashable efficiency savings

Proposed lead

  • Director
  • Sharon Burd

Relevant PPAF measures

  • SPI 12(a) Delivery of cashable and non-cashable efficiency targets Target - £75m (3% of net revenue expenditure – at least 1.5% must be cashable)

Annex B: Proposals for Business Group Control Strategies for 2005/2006

The Annex comprises those Business Group objectives under consideration within the MPS.

Specialist Crime

  1. To safeguard children and young persons from physical and sexual abuse
  2. Homicide
  3. To Increase the numbers of offences brought to justice as a result of forensic intervention
  4. To enable the Directorate to be well managed, effective, professional and to assist in the delivery of its strategic objectives

Specialist Operations

  1. To reduce the likelihood or effects of terrorism
  2. To enhance community contribution to the counter terrorism effort
  3. To make London’s airports a hostile environment for terrorist activity
  4. To make London’s key sites a hostile environment for terrorist activity
  5. Sustaining Delivery – National Identification Service
  6. Sustaining Delivery - Firearms

Territorial Policing

  1. Territorial Policing will have no Business Group Objectives additional to the its Corporate Control Strategies (Neighbourhood Safety, Criminal justice, Citizen Focus and Violent Crime

Deputy Commissioners Command

  1. Deputy Commissioners Command will have no Business Group Control Strategies additional to its Corporate Cross Cutting Strategy (Diversity)

Deputy Commissioners Command (Directorate of Information)

  1. To provide a resilient call-handling service that meets MPS operational policing needs
  2. To develop and deliver a reliable, secure, affordable and integrated ICT environment which is increasingly agile and pervasive
  3. To lead the development of information management policy and practice to deliver more trusted, accessible and usable information to meet external control needs and satisfy the MPS demand to exploit quality data for increased policing performance
  4. To consolidate and exploit ICT and business process opportunities into effective proposals for MPS business change or National Policing solutions and deliver authorised programmes
  5. To enhance MPS Information, Communication and Technology professional capability in line with business needs and strategic sourcing decisions

Human Resources Directorate

  1. Becoming an employer of choice
  2. Releasing potential
  3. Developing leaders and managers for the future
  4. Using people effectively

Resources Directorate

  1. To ensure the Outsource Service Programme contracts– comprising four technical work-streams (ICT, Pay & Pensions, Transport and Property Services) – contracts are implemented effectively.
  2. To co-ordinate the MPS Efficiency Plan for 2005/06 and future years and to ensure the MPS delivers cashable and non-cashable efficiency savings to meet the annual 3% target (equates to c. £75m per year).
  3. To enhance critical site maintenance

Annex C: Performance information for MPA high-level objectives

Control Strategy 1: To minimise the risk to life and property from terrorist activity in London; to maintain an effective response to suspected and actual terrorist incidents

Measure Details/ government target 2003/04 2004/05 to date MPA target 04/05 [1] 2005/2006 proposed target
% incidents where first officer is on the scene within 12 minutes in response to terrorists incidents or a suspected explosive devices.   77% 78% NA 80%
% of suspect or actual terrorist incidents achieve an appropriate rating for scene management.   95% 96% 90% 90%
% of non-PACE stop/searches which lead to arrest for
  • Visible ethnic minority (VEM) people stopped
  • White people stopped.
PPAF 3 (c ii)       New indicator 05/06 –diagnostic

Control Strategy 2: To reduce the level of gun enabled crime

Measure Details/ government target 2003/04 2004/05 to date MPA target 04/05 [1] 2005/2006 proposed target
The number of gun-enabled crimes per 1,000 population Part of PPAF 5 (e) 0.54 0.51 NA 0.49 (4.5% reduction)
% Sanction detection rate for Gun enabled crime   17% 19.7% NA 20%

Control Strategy 3: To disrupt organised criminal networks, the activities they are involved in and to seize their assets in order to reduce harm in neighbourhoods and communities

Measure Details/ government target 2003/04 2004/05 to date MPA target 04/05 [1] 2005/2006 proposed target
The value of assets identified for seizure (Previous information equates to Value of Assets recovered)   NA £19.5m £8m+ £20 Million
Number of disruptions to organised criminal networks   NA 26 24 50
Number of cases where assets are restrained or cash seized         New indicator 05/06

Control Strategy 4: To improve neighbourhood safety

Measure Details/ government target 2003/04 2004/05 to date MPA target 04/05 [1] 2005/2006 proposed target
% of PACE stop/searches which lead to arrest for
  • VEM people stopped
  • White people stopped.
PPAF 3 (ci)   10.9%


Risk of personnel crime PPAF 4a 11%     No target data only available after end of year
Risk of household crime PPAF 4b only measured by BCS 21%     No target data only available after end of year [2]
Domestic burglaries per 1,000 households (monthly average) PPAF 5 (a) 1.77 1.60 1.79 MSF 3rd VTS [3]
Vehicle crimes per 1,000 population (monthly average) PPAF 5 (d) 1.80 1.61 1.57 MSF 5th VTS
(i) Number of people killed in under 30 days or seriously injured in road traffic collisions

(ii) Those casualties (i) per 100 million vehicle km travelled

PPAF 9 (i) & (ii) (all part (ii) annum) 409




% respondents worried about

1. burglary,

2. vehicle crime &

3. violent crime

PPAF 10a only measured by BCS 1. 16%

2. 19%

3. 22%

  Performance average N/A but bar chart shows MPS close to MSF average for all 3 crimes No target data only available after end of year [2]
% worried about high levels of perceived anti-social behaviour PPAF 10 (b)       Improve performance [4]
% who perceive that people using or dealing drugs are a problem in their local area PPAF 10 (c)   25%(qtr 2)   Improve performance
% police officer time spent on frontline duties (04/05 data proxy) PPAF 11 66.4% 68% To achieve a rate in line with 2004/5 staffing plans To achieve a rate in line with 2005/06 staffing plans
Reduction in BCS comparator crime baskets GOL suggested target for London 19.4% from 03/ 04 by 07/08   6.7 (Sep – Nov) 6.53 MSF 2nd VTS
The number of crack house closure orders obtained         New indicator
Sanction detection rate for domestic burglary Key Diagnostic indicator (KDI) 10.8% 11.7% 11.9% MSF VTS
Sanction detections for vehicle crime KDI 3.7% 4.7% 6.7% MSF 5th VTS
Reduction in number of child casualties as per Mayor's London Road Safety plan (target for reduction in the number of children killed or seriously injured by year 2010 is 50%). Mayoral priority       5%
% people who think that the police in their area are doing a good or excellent job is higher than in 2004/05 (measure shared with Citizen Focus)     45%

50% (1st qtr)


55% MPA Improve performance

Control Strategy 5: To improve our contribution to the effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System

Measure Details/ government target 2003/04 2004/05 to date MPA target 04/05 [1] 2005/2006 proposed target
The number of crimes for which an offender is brought to justice by 2007/08 – Monthly average (PSA 3 &) PPAF 6(a)/ 11,531 – H.O. target for London 10,877 11,958 NA 13,350 to be confirmed with London Criminal Justice Board
% of notifiable/recorded offences which result in an OBTJ PPAF 6(b) 12.3% 13.7% 16.1% MSF 5th (June 04) Improve performance
Sanctions detection rate including cannabis possession ‘street warnings’. PPAF 7a

HO - 25% national rate by 2007/08

12.7% (134,580 sanction detections) 14% (annual 145,300 SDs) 17.3% MSF 15.6% - 16.5% (dependent upon crime totals - 167,400)
Percentage of ineffective trials   N/A 34%   25%
Number of outstanding warrants   14,313 13,399 (Dec) 13,124 MPA -20%
% of victims and witnesses who are satisfied is higher than in 2004/05     As per SPI 1(e) below   Improve performance

Control Strategy 6: Citizen Focus and Demand Management

Measure Details/ government target 2003/04 2004/05 to date MPA target 04/05 [1] 2005/2006 proposed target
Satisfaction of victims of domestic burglary, violent crime, vehicle crime and road traffic collisions – “Completely, Very, Fairly” satisfied/”Completely& Very”

(a) making contact with police;

(b) action taken by police;

(c) being kept informed of progress;

(d) their treatment by staff;

(e) the overall service provided

PPAF 1(a-e) N/A (a) 81%/46%

(b) 62%/36%

(c) 47%/22%

(d) 86%/56%

(e) 67%/37%

N/A Improve performance PPAF 1(a-e)
% think local police doing a good job PPAF 2   53%   Improve performance
Satisfaction of victims of racist incidents with respect to 1(e) PPAF 3(a)   61% 70% MPA Improve performance
  • % of VEM users satisfied
  • % of White users satisfied
  • % of VEM users completely/very satisfied
  • % of White users completely/very satisfied
PPAF 3(b)
  • 63%
  • 70%
  • 30%
  • 41%
    Improve performance in all sub-indicators
% responses to requests for personal information within 40 calendar days         40 cal. days
% of FOIA requests responded to in 20 working days         20 working days
Call handling - % of incoming external 999 telephone calls answered in target time   87.9% 86.4%   To improve on 2004/05 outcome
Call handling - % of incoming external standard telephone calls answered in target time   43% 41%   To improve on 2004/05 outcome
Police response - % of immediate (I) incidents attended within target time   76% 71%   To improve on 2004/05 outcome
Police response - % of ”soon” (S) graded incidents attended within target time   59% 54%   To improve on 2004/05 outcome [5]

Control Strategy 7: To reduce the level of serious violence and increase the number of violent offenders brought to justice

Measure Details/ government target 2003/04 2004/05 to date MPA target 04/05 [1] 2005/2006 proposed target
Sanctioned detection rate for VEM violence against the person victims

Sanctioned detection rate for White violence against the person victims

PPAF 3 (d) 10.4%




  Diagnostic Measure – Community impact to be monitored
Violent crime per 1,000 population (monthly average) PPAF 5 (b) 2.69 2.92 2.47 MSF 5th Improve performance
All robberies per 1,000 population (monthly average) PPAF 5(c) 0.46 0.44 0.32 MSF 5th VTS
Life threatening crime per 1,000 population Part of PPAF 5 (e) 0.077 0.079   Improve performance
% DV incidents with a power of arrest where an arrest made relating to incident – ¾ and 04/05 figures are understated PPAF 8 – 70% national average 20.8% 18.6%   Improve towards national average
Sanction detection rate for violent crime   17.5% 19.3% 28.8%. MSF VTS
GBH and ABH (excluding DV and Hate) per 1,000 population         VTS
Sanction detection rate for GBH and ABH (excluding DV and Hate).         VTS
Sanction detections for all robbery rate   11.6% 12.3% 15.8% MSF VTS
Total Detection rate for rape   33% 30% 35% MPA VTS
Sanction Detection rate for rape   26% 21%   VTS
Total Detection rate for racist crime   20% 30% 26% MPA VTS
Sanction Detection rate for racist crime   15.4% 16.3%   VTS
Total Detection rate for homophobic crime   19% 27% 26% MPA VTS
Sanction Detection rate for homophobic crime   14.5% 15.1%   VTS
Total Detection rate for domestic violence   32% 51% 35% MPA VTS
Sanction Detection rate for domestic violence   17.9% 17.6%   VTS

Business group measures/targets that are PPAF indicators

Control Strategy: Human Resources

Measure Details/ government target 2003/04 2004/05 to date MPA target 04/05 [1] 2005/2006 proposed target
% of police recruits from minority ethnic groups PPAF 3 (e) 15.3% 13.9%   NA
% of people from minority ethnic groups in the economically active population.     26.1%   29%
Ratio of officers from minority ethnic groups resigning to all officer resignations. PPAF 3 (f) 2.9 2.2   Diagnostic indicator to be monitored
% of force officer strength that is female PPAF 3 (g) 18.1% 19.0%   19.5%-20%
Average number of working hours lost per annum due to sickness per police officer – expressed in days/month. PPAF 13 (a) 0.70 0.62   0.67
Average number of working hours lost per annum due to sickness per police staff expressed in days/month. PPAF 13 (b) 0.91 0.81   0.75

Control Strategy: Resources

Measure Details/ government target 2003/04 2004/05 to date MPA target 04/05 [1] 2005/2006 proposed target
Percentage of cashable efficiency gains achieved

Percentage of non-cashable efficiency gains achieved

PPAF 12 (a) Achieved target of £43.9m (2% of net revenue spend Achieving £53.4m to end 2nd Quarter 2004/05 Target is £47.3m (2% of net revenue expenditure £75m (3% of net revenue expenditure – at least 1.5% must be cashable)

Annex D: Objectives and Measures MPA Policing Plan 2004/05 – Continuity with 2005/06 Plan

Objective: To minimise the risk to life and property from terrorist activity in London

Measure 2004/05
Maximise number of quality intelligence reports submitted
Measure 2005/06
Moved to SO Business Group Control Strategy
Measure 2004/05
Appropriate number of Counter Terrorism deployments
Measure 2005/06
Moved to SO Business Group Control Strategy

Objective: To maintain an effective response to suspected and actual terrorist incidents

Measure 2004/05
To provide good quality response
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan
Measure 2004/05
Once tasked, attend suspected or actual terrorist scene within set target
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan

Objective: To reduce the level of gun enabled crime

Measure 2004/05
Gun Enabled Crime level
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan
Measure 2004/05
Detection rate for gun enabled crime
Measure 2005/06
Changed to Sanction detections in 2005/6 Policing Plan

Objective: To disrupt organised criminal activity of persons identified as Class A drugs suppliers

Measure 2004/05
Number of drug trafficking organisations disrupted
Measure 2005/06
Becomes subsumed within overall measure of organised criminal networks disrupted, within 2005/06 Policing Plan
Measure 2004/05
The number of proactive operations against open drugs markets
Measure 2005/06
Not retained
Measure 2004/05
The number of pro-active operations against crack houses
Measure 2005/06
Changed to number of crack house closure orders within Neighbourhood Safety

Objective: To dismantle organised criminal networks and seize their assets

Measure 2004/05
Value of assets recovered
Measure 2005/06
Changed to assets identified for seizure, within 2005/06 Policing Plan
Measure 2004/05
Number of organised criminal networks disrupted
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan

Objective: To safeguard children and young persons from physical and sexual abuse

Measure 2004/05
Detection rate in allegations of intra-familial abuse
Measure 2005/06
SCD business group objective measure
Measure 2004/05
Number of arrests of subjects identified by the Child Protection Intelligence Unit
Measure 2005/06
SCD business group objective measure
Measure 2004/05
Detection rate for murders investigated by Child Protection Murder Investigation Teams
Measure 2005/06
SCD business group objective measure

Objective: To improve neighbourhood safety

Measure 2004/05
Public satisfaction with the way neighbourhoods are policed in London
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan
Measure 2004/05
The average number of hours uniformed operational police officers and police staff are visible
Measure 2005/06
Replaced by Front Line Policing Measure (PPAF measure) SPI 11(a)
Measure 2004/05
Proportion of police officer time available for front line policing
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan SPI 11(a)
Measure 2004/05
Percentage of people who think police are doing a good job
Measure 2005/06
Changed to ‘local police’ in 2005/6 Policing Plan SPI 2
Measure 2004/05
Percentage who think crime has decreased in neighbourhood where they live
Measure 2005/06
Not retained – replaced by SPI 4(a) in 2005/06 Policing Plan
Measure 2004/05
Percentage who think anti-social behaviour has increased/decreased
Measure 2005/06
Question changed - replaced by SPI 10(b) in 2005/06 Policing Plan

Objective: To reduce the level of robbery compared to 2003/04

Measure 2004/05
The number of robberies
Measure 2005/06
Not retained
Measure 2004/05
Robberies per 1,000 population
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan SPI 5(c)
Measure 2004/05
Percentage of robberies detected
Measure 2005/06
Changed to Sanction detections in 2005/6 Policing Plan

Objective: To improve our contribution to the effectiveness of the criminal justice system

Measure 2004/05
Percentage of Total Notifiable Offences (TNO) detected
Measure 2005/06
Not retained – SPI 7(a) deals with TNO Sanction Detections
Measure 2004/05
Number of arrest warrants outstanding
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan
Measure 2004/05
Victim Satisfaction
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan SPI 1(e)

Objective: To recognise and respond appropriately to the differential impact of crime on people taking into account their race, gender, sexual orientation, faith, age or disability

Measure 2004/05
Detection rate for rape
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan
Measure 2004/05
Detection rate for homophobic crime
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan
Measure 2004/05
Detection rate for racist crime
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan
Measure 2004/05
Detection rate for domestic violence
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan
Measure 2004/05
Percentage of victims of racist incidents satisfied
Measure 2005/06
Continues in 2005/6 Policing Plan SPI 3(a)


1. Iquanta MSF Average & rank 1=good [Back]

2. A British Crime Survey indicator not duplicated in MPS Survey questions. BCS outcome not available until after publication of 2005/6 MPA/MPS Annual Report. [Back]

3. Target being set through the TP Borough based variable target setting process. Where applicable the MSF performance is shown to guide likely outcome. [Back]

4. The MPS is committed to year on year improvements in performance within the PPAF regime. Where applicable MSF and current performance is shown. [Back]

5. The MPS is currently evaluating the issues around setting targets relating to police response to (i) & (s) calls. The evaluation includes the impact of C3i and the implications for safer police driving. [Back]

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