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Report 10 of the 30 June 2005 meeting of the MPA Committee, updating the Authority on the work of the Standards Committee.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Report of the Standards Committee

Report: 10
Date: 30 June 2005
By: the Chief Executive & Clerk


This report updates the Authority on the work of the Standards Committee and recommends a change to the Authority’s Member Code of Conduct.

A. Recommendation

  1. That the Authority notes this report; and
  2. That, subject to the approval of the Standards Board for England, the Authority agrees to the amendment to its Member Code of Conduct as set out in paragraph 3 of this report.

B. Supporting information


1. As part of its role in promoting high standards of ethical conduct by the Authority and its members, the Standards Committee reports its proceedings to the full Authority. The Committee met on 24 May and this report highlights some of the issues discussed at that meeting.

Review of the Code of Conduct

2. The Standards Board for England (SBE) is carrying out a review of the Members’ Code of Conduct, for recommendation to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. The purpose is to review the effectiveness of the Code and to explore ways to clarify, improve or simplify it. As part of the review the SBE consulted with public authorities, asking a range of questions about possible changes to the Code. The Standards Committee agreed a response to these questions, and this has been sent to the SBE.

3. One of the Standards Committee’s responses was that the national Code should refer in its preamble to the general duty imposed on public authorities by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act to:

  • eliminate racial discrimination
  • promote equality of opportunity; and
  • promote good relations between persons of different racial groups

The MPA’s equality policy has widened this duty so that it applies to all six diversity strands. It reads to:

  • eliminate discrimination
  • promote equality of opportunity; and
  • promote good relations between persons of different groups

The Standards Committee considered that this should be added to the MPA’s local Code of Conduct now, in advance of any changes which may or may not be made to the national Model Code. The Authority is not permitted to remove any provision of the Model Code, but it can add to the Model Code, subject to the approval of the SBE. The Committee therefore recommends to the Authority that paragraph 2 of the MPA’s Code should be amended to read:

“A member must –

  1. promote equality by not discriminating unlawfully against any person;
  2. treat others with respect; and
  3. not do anything which compromises or which is likely to compromise the impartiality of a police officer or those who work for, or on behalf of, the Authority.

With regard to (a) above, a member will take account of the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act and the requirements of the MPA’s equality policy to:

  • Eliminate discrimination
  • Promote equality of opportunity; and
  • Promote good relations between persons of different groups”

‘Setting High Ethical Standards’ – action plan update

4. The Committee received an update from the Audit Commission on action taken by the MPA in response to its 2004 review ‘Setting High Ethical Standards’. The Audit Commission were able to report that appropriate action had been taken in response to their report. An issue that remained outstanding was in connection with clarifying the role of the Monitoring Officer (the Deputy Chief Executive) in relation to investigations into breaches of the code of conduct. The Deputy Chief Executive reported at the meeting that he considered that his role should be to advise the Standards Board in such cases. He had discussed a reciprocal arrangement with Monitoring Officers in other police authorities and intended that investigations would be carried out by one of them or the MPA’s Deputy Monitoring Officer as appropriate to the case.

Workshop on ethical governance

5. As part of the meeting, Neil Gray and Barbara Gowland of the Audit Commission led a workshop on ethical governance issues, to which all MPA members had been invited. This workshop explored a variety of issues relating to the Code of Conduct through a series of case studies. Members found this a useful and informative session and it was perhaps unfortunate that the number of MPA members attending was not greater.

C. Race and equality impact

Any implications were addressed in the individual reports to the Standards Committee.

D. Financial implications


F. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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