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Report 11 of the 06 December 2005 meeting of the MPA Committee and presents to Members a joint MPA/MPS Equality Statement.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Joint MPA/MPS Equality Statement

Report: 11
Date: 06 December 2005
By: Chief Executive and the Commissioner


This report presents to Members a joint MPA/MPS Equality Statement (Appendix 1).

A. Recommendation

That members endorse the proposed joint MPA/MPS Equality Statement.

B. Supporting information

1. In the Mayor of London’s ‘Budget and Equalities 2004-05 – a review of progress across the GLA Group’, the recommendation was put forward that a joint MPA/MPS Equality and Diversity Strategy and Action Plan should be produced. This would be to ensure an overall approach to equality and diversity strategy and action planning that is both jointly shared between the MPA and MPS and reflects their respective roles and responsibilities.

2. It is necessary, in looking at that recommendation, for the MPA and MPS to set out, for themselves, partners and members of London’s diverse communities, a shared understanding of the commitments they are making in the area of equality and the understanding that underpin those commitments.

3. Using the individual statements produced by the MPA and MPS as a starting point, the MPS and the MPA have worked together to produce a document - a statement - that sets out our joint high level understanding and commitment to our vision of equality. That vision will see both organisations being exemplars in the area of employment and working together to achieve policing for London that will be both the fairest and best in the world and have the total confidence of all those who live in and visit London.

4. This statement that has been produced is not a list of ingredients for the equality cake, nor the precise instructions for its making. These will be found in strategy and action planning. It is, rather, our crucial and shared understanding of the essence of equality and diversity. Without this shared understanding and operation of all that underpins equality, we will never be able to fully value diversity, internally or externally, or, indeed, allow diversity to give a value added contribution. The statement will inform policy and assist policy makers and, therefore, have a corporate effect in both MPA and MPS.

5. It is important for all within the MPA and MPS to have this joint understanding. It is equally important for the peoples whom we serve in the Capital to know, in a visible way, that we have a joint understanding of equality and have committed ourselves to achieving it.

6. The timing of this statement sits well with the emerging emphasis within the MPS of the concept of togetherness. While we all have our different needs from, and contributions to, equality, together we share the same core values and commitments. Together we will make a difference to our staff and the people we serve.

7. This statement has been considered by the MPA Senior Management Team and amended in the light of their consideration.

8. Key stakeholders within the MPS have contributed to the development of this statement. Amendments made have taken into account their feedback.

9. Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board have endorsed the statement and agreed to its submission to full Authority.

C. Race and equality impact

1. This statement is the expression of, and commitment to, the values that will help both the MPA and MPS to implement the duties placed upon them by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act [RR(A)A 2000] and to extend those duties to the other equality strands. There are no anticipated adverse impacts on any racial group or equality strand.

2. Its operation will increase the confidence of London’s diverse communities by seeing the MPA and MPS working together, utilising support and challenge, to make a positive difference in their everyday lives.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial considerations in this paper.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Patrick Braithwaite (MPS) and Doug Lewins (MPA)

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Metropolitan Police Authority and Metropolitan Police Service Equality Statement

The Metropolitan Police Authority and Metropolitan Police Service, are committed to the development of a customer focussed workforce that respects and is inclusive of the diversity of the communities we serve and one in which individual talent and potential is recognised and cultivated.

We will continue, in a culture of fairness, to work towards the elimination of unlawful discrimination, the promotion of good relations between all persons and the promotion of equality of opportunity irrespective of race; gender; disability; age; sexual orientation; religion or belief; or working arrangement. We will strive to provide a working environment and service delivery that is free from harassment, bullying or victimisation.

Jointly, we acknowledge our responsibilities towards the members of London’s diverse communities. In this way, we will engage and value the contributions of our partners and continue to nurture a positive relationship of constructive support and scrutiny.

Together, we will work to achieve our common vision of making London the safest major city in the world through effective and efficient means; improving our internal working environment and delivering excellence in governance and service provision.

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