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Report 10 of the 20 December 2007 meeting of the MPA Committee informing members of the decision to suspend the cost recovery activity of Operation Recover pending full review.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Update on operation recover

Report: 10
Date: 20 December 2007
By: Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing on behalf of the Commissioner


The purpose of this report is to inform members of the decision to suspend the cost recovery activity of Operation Recover pending full review.

A. Recommendations


1. members note the content of this report; and

2. agree the suspension of the cost recovery activity of Operation Recover pending a full report to the Finance Committee on 21 February.

B. Supporting information

1. Operation Recover involves the compulsory recovery of abandoned stolen vehicles to a car pound for forensic examination and subsequent collection by the owner/agent. The costs of removal and storage (subject to exceptions) are met by the owner or his/her agent. The initiative has been operating on a pilot basis in Greenwich, Lewisham, Southwark, Greenwich, Bromley and Croydon.

2. Members have raised concerns about the charging of victims of crime under Operation Recover. Further work is required to fully evaluate the impact of the initiative. The initiative has been suspended since 17 December 2007 pending the submission of a full report for consideration at the February meeting of the MPA Finance Committee.

C. Race and equality impact

Equality/diversity issues relating to Operation Recover will be addressed in the full report.

D. Financial implications

The financial impact of the suspension of cost recovery activity pending the full report in February can be contained within the Service’s overall budget. The further report will cover the financial implications of any permanent proposals.

F. Background papers


G. Contact details

Report author: Commander Mark Simmons

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