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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 24 April 2008 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1H 0NY.



  • Len Duvall (Chair)
  • Reshard Auladin (Deputy Chair)
  • Cindy Butts (Deputy Chair)
  • Tony Arbour
  • Jennette Arnold
  • Richard Barnes
  • Dee Doocey
  • Kirsten Hearn
  • Peter Herbert
  • Elizabeth Howlett
  • Karim Murji
  • Bob Neill
  • Aneeta Prem
  • John Roberts
  • Richard Sumray
  • Graham Tope
  • Rachel Whittaker

MPA officers

  • Catherine Crawford (Chief Executive)
  • Ken Hunt (Treasurer)
  • Jane Harwood (Assistant Chief Executive)
  • Nick Baker (Head of Committee Services)

MPS officers

  • Paul Stephenson (Acting Commissioner)
  • Martin Tiplady (Director of Human Resources)
  • Anne McMeel (Director of Resources)
  • Chris Gibson (Procurement Services)

126. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were received from Faith Boardman, Nicky Gavron, Toby Harris, Jenny Jones, Joanne McCartney and Sir Ian Blair (Commissioner).

127. Declarations of interest

(Agenda item 2)

No declarations were made.

128. Minutes

(Agenda item 3)

Members considered the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 27 March 2008.

RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 27 March 2008 be agreed and be signed as a correct record.

129. Minutes of committees

(Agenda item 4)

The minutes of the following committees were received for information:

  • Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board – 7 February 2008
  • Planning, Performance and Review Committee – 14 February 2008
  • Finance Committee – 21 February 2008
  • Professional Standards and Complaints Committee – 13 March 2008
  • Corporate Governance Committee – 14 March 2008

RESOLVED – That the minutes of Committees be received and noted.

130. Chair's update

(Agenda item 5)

Following the forthcoming Mayoral and GLA election, it was noted that some current members of the MPA would not be standing for re-election. The Chair and members of the Authority thanked Elizabeth Howlett, Graham Tope and Bob Neill for their contribution to the work of the Authority and in acknowledgement of this service a presentation was made to them.

The Chair welcomed to her first meeting of the Authority Jane Harwood, who had recently joined the Authority as Assistant Chief Executive.

Some members asked if the recent Olympic Torch relay was deemed to be a community event, if it was not, they felt the MPA/MPS should not be paying for the policing of this event. The Deputy Commissioner confirmed that it was deemed a community event, as outlined by the charging criteria agreed by the Authority.

131. MPS response to the talent management and succession planning scrutiny 2007

(Agenda item 6)

A report was considered that outlined the MPS response to the MPA Talent Management and Succession Planning Scrutiny report. The report set out detailed actions that the MPS proposed to take against each of the recommendations of the Scrutiny and identified areas of activity already being taken in respect of talent management, positive action and promotion processes.

In considering the report, members requested that their thanks to those involved in the scrutiny, particularly Rachel Whittaker, be noted.

Members welcomed the report and the update on how the MPS were implementing the recommendations of the scrutiny. In doing so, a number of points were raised which included:

  • The suggestion that details of staff surveys, in order to gain a broader picture of staff’s views should help form the talent management strategy.
  • The need to ensure that, within the elements of positive action, there was satisfaction that those making appointments were doing this properly and for mechanisms to be in place to ensure that systems operated were fit for purpose.
  • An update and details regarding the PNAC process be provided to members.
  • Were the principles of ‘McPherson’ and ‘Morris’ being taking into account to ensure that recruitment and promotion processes sought to seek representation for all groups at all levels?
  • The importance of engaging with staff to ensure that they understand processes fully. This should include ensuring that staff were encouraged and supported as part of their career development.
  • The scrutiny had focused on officers, it was hoped that this would feed across to police staff.
  • In relation to current temporary posts of Superintendents which have been filled by white males, the need to be clear when presenting this as a statistic how it can be justified.
  • The use of external consultants in recruitment/promotion processes and ensuring their practices met required standards.
  • Members sought further details relating to staff being impartially judged and selecting themselves out of positions.
  • Members also sought details relating to current vacancy rates in some Directorates.

The MPS Director of Human Resources confirmed that staff surveys were undertaken. Information gathered would be used to inform the talent management strategy. He agreed with members that further work needed to be undertaken in respect of positive action but reassured members with a number examples of work already being undertaken on this issue. He provided members with details of the current process and status of the selection process regarding PNAC and the MPS’ areas of influence in this process, including the MPS being members of a PNAC Reference Group. He reassured members that both the principles of ‘McPherson’ and ‘Morris’ informed all work undertaken within the Directorate.

Confirmation was given that there was a considerable amount of work being undertaken regarding quality control of promotions, to ensure representation from all groups and working with those who may feel like selecting themselves out of positions. He also confirmed that all of this work was being ‘championed’ by the MPS Management Board.

It was agreed that members should receive a detailed briefing paper explaining the process by which the MPS is deciding which of the potential candidates for PNAC will be given formal backing. It was also agreed that the Authority receives an update report at its meeting September 2008.


1. members note the progress the MPS were making in implementing the recommendations proposed by the MPA scrutiny; and

2. members should received a detailed briefing paper on the processes relating to PNAC and a further report on the MPS work against the Scrutiny’s recommendations in September 2008.

132. MPS business group update Directorate of Resources

(Agenda item 7)

The full Authority received periodically reports on the work of MPS business groups. Members now considered a report that provided an overview on the work of the Directorate of Resources.

The Directorate included Financial Services; Procurement Services; Property Services and from the 1 April 2008, Strategy and Improvement. The aim of the Directorate was to work in partnership with colleagues across the MPS to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of services as part of the governance framework. The report provided an overview of the functions of the Directorate and how the Directorate contributed to the strategic priorities of the Service and outlined some of its key priorities such as management of the budget; procurement and contracting of the MPS and the management of the MPA estate.

Members in welcoming the report sought further details on the current vacancy rate within the Directorate and the demographics of the workforce within the Directorate.

The MPS Directorate of Resources confirmed that there was a current vacancy rate across the Directorate of approximately 22% and that the level had been at this or a similar rate for a period of time. It was added, however, that there were certain circumstances that made the reduction of this level challenging and that imaginative work was being undertaken to resolved this issue including; the need to better brand certain posts; review current grading systems in certain areas; develop and train existing staff; and linking up with colleges to encourage work placements. Confirmation was given that some posts were also being offered up as part of the budget planning process.

It was also suggested that filling vacancies had not been helped by delays in the vetting process and other employers offering better terms and conditions. Regarding terms and conditions an example was give of local government where issues of incompatibility, such as pension and transferring length of service often restricted interest in posts with the MPS.

In response to members’ questions, the Director of Resources agreed that the size of the Directorate did pose a potential risk. However, the potential benefits from the rationalisation and integration of functions was significant and with the recruitment of skilled senior officers, the Director of Resources was confidant that this risk would be diminished. The Director of Resources agreed to circulate to members’ details of demographics of the workforce of the Directorate.

RESOLVED –That the report be received; and

Members be given a briefing paper on the demographics of the Directorate of Resources.

133. Urgent action taken by the Chief Executive

(Agenda item 8)

Members received details, for information, of action taken under delegated authority on the grounds of urgency, in accordance with Standing Orders 6.1.

RESOLVED – That the members receive the report.

134 Exclusion of the press and public

(Agenda item 13)

A resolution was put to exclude the press and public from the meeting during remaining items on the agenda as they were likely to disclose exempt information as described in Schedule 12(a) of the Local Government Act 1972, paragraphs 3 and 5.

RESOLVED - That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the remaining items on the agenda

Part 2

Summary of exempt items

135. Transforming HR

(Agenda item 10)

A report was considered that outlined arrangements and developments for the transforming of MPS human resources.

The meeting closed at 12.20 pm

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