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Report 7 of the 26 June 2008 meeting of the MPA Committee presenting the draft Policing London joint Annual Report 2007/08 to members for approval.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Policing London joint Annual Report 2007/08

Report: 7
Date: 26 June 2008
By: the Director of Resources on behalf of the Commissioner of the Metropolis and by the Chief Executive on behalf of the MPA Chair


The Policing London Joint Annual Report is owned by the MPA but jointly compiled by the MPA/MPS. It is published on an annual basis by 30 June.

The report forms part of our continuing mission of ‘working together for a safer London’, it provides an insight into key achievements in our journey towards delivering improved policing outcomes for Londoners.

Once published the report is placed on the MPA and MPS websites, with printed versions being dispatched to key stakeholders both internal and external. It is also made available to the public on request, with alternative formats also available on request.

A copy of the draft Policing London Annual Report 2007/08 is attached to this report at Appendix 1.

A. Recommendation


1. the draft Joint Annual Report, given at Appendix 1, subject to amendments requested, be agreed; and

2. members note that the full Annual Report will be published including required amendments on the Intranet/Internet on the 30 June 2008.

B. Supporting information

1. The business planning and performance process is integral to the work that the MPS is undertaking to improve its organisational performance. Progress has been made during 2007/08 in developing this process to be more delivery focused and accountable, with the business plan more tightly defining what will be delivered by whom and with what resource. This Policing London Joint Annual Report 2007/08 represents a further step in achieving this.

2. Key changes to the document are that it:

  • Is structured around the MPS’ strategic priorities
  • More closely compares what the MPS actually delivered against what it planned to deliver as outlined in the Policing London Business Plan 2007/10


3. The Annual Report highlights the progress made in delivering the MPS’ outcomes, notably:

  • Overall recorded crime has decreased by 6.5%, from 921,779 in 2006/07 to 862,032 in 2007/08. This is a reduction of 59,747 on the previous year and is at its lowest for 10 years.
  • The percentage of sanction detections achieved is now 25%, which both exceeded our target of 24% and maintained a year-on-year increase of bringing more offenders to justice since 2005/06. This means that 43,065 more offenders have been brought to justice this year than in 2005/06.
  • The MPS achieved a further reduction in gun-enabled crime of 1.4%, which is 47 fewer offences. Whilst this means that the target reduction of 5% was not achieved, the MPS has sustained the 11.3% reduction attained in 2006/07 and gun crime levels are now at their lowest since 2000/01.
    • The MPS has also achieved it’s targets in the following Critical Performance Areas:
    • Reduction in BCS Violent crime
    • Number of criminal networks disrupted
    • Homicide detection rate
    • Reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured for all road users
  • The MPS has missed its targets with regard to both user satisfaction and the gap between white and black and minority ethnic user satisfaction. However, a good deal of work has been undertaken this year to put processes in place that should allow the MPS to improve satisfaction in service delivery going forward.
  • These achievements have been made within a tightening financial landscape and delivery of efficiency savings.

Content of the Annual Report

4. This year the Policing London Joint Annual Report depicts the journey taken by the MPS through 2007/08, with each of the Business Groups responsible for MPS Strategic Priorities clearly showing how they successfully delivered the identified Key Deliverables for their priority. This transparent approach is reflected throughout the report.

The report consists of eight sections, each of which is briefly outlined below:

  • Section 1 Introduction
    Section 1 outlines the structure of the report and provides a brief outline of the MPA/MPS, whilst also highlighting what we did well in 2007/08 and the challenges facing the organisation going forward.
  • Section 2 2007/08 Strategic Priorities
    Section two offers a brief explanation of each the Strategic Priorities, as well as illustrating how the agreed Key Deliverables for each of the priorities has been met.
  • Section 3 Corporate Social Responsibility
    Section 3 provides a summary of our key achievements within this area, with particular emphasis on Environmental Sustainability, Equality and Diversity, and Health and Safety.
  • Section 4 Financial Performance
    Section 4 demonstrates how within a challenging financial climate we were still able to deliver an under spend position. In addition targeted efficiency savings (cashable and non-cashable), of £76.1 million were over achieved by £47.7 million (unaudited) during the year.
  • Section 5 MPS Performance in 2007/08
    Section for outlines our performance in Critical Performance Areas and against statutory Performance areas.
  • Section 6 MPA Review of Performance
    Text for this section is currently being written
  • Section 7 Looking ahead to 2008/09
    Section 7 reaffirms our commitment to our mission of Working Together for a safer London, providing a brief summary of key pieces of work to be delivered throughout 2008-11.

Comments from the Planning, Performance and Review Committee (PPRC) - 12 June 2008

5. The Joint Annual Report was positively received by PPRC on 12 June. The following amendments were requested:

  • progress in the area of criminal justice reform should be included, as the MPS has undertaken a lot of work that was not reflected in the report;
  • to ensure a balanced picture was presented, in addition to reporting success, a section should be included to say what the MPS did less well during 2007/08;
  • performance regarding the 12 critical performance areas was repeated in the MPA section and this should be removed;
  • graphs needed to be reviewed to ensure they could not be regarded as misleading;
  • longer term trends should be included where possible; and
  • a summary document should be produced.

6. The report has been updated to: reflect the progress on criminal justice reform; include a section on what the MPS did less well; remove the duplicated section regarding performance against the critical performance areas.

7. Due to the short timeframe between PPRC meeting and the deadline for the Full Authority committee papers, it was not possible to update the report for Full Authority with longer-term trend data. However, longer-term trend data, where available and appropriate, will be included.

8. A summary document will be produced following approval of the full report.

Next steps

9. Following the required updates, the full report will be published on the MPA/MPS websites on the 30 June 2008

10. A summary document will also be produced by 30 June.

C. Race and equality impact

A number of areas of work were identified on which the MPS would place particular emphasis during 2007/08. The Annual Report details progress in these areas and ongoing activity to improve performance in:

  • Stop and search.
  • Rape.
  • Procurement.
  • Diversity of our workforce.
  • Progression of women.

D. Financial implications

1. The 2007/08 financial year presented a number of key challenges, particularly the prevention of terrorism and associated operations that were necessary to help keep London a safer city such as Operation Seagram (relating to the response to the explosive device found in Haymarket in June 2007). Additionally, public order requirements such as Operation Hargood (Policing of the environmental camp at Heathrow Airport), the London Arms Fair, the opening and subsequent events at the new Wembley Stadium, the Tour de France and many other events raised financial management as a key issue.

2. Despite all of these pressures, targeted efficiency savings (cashable and non-cashable) of £76.1 million were over-achieved by £47.7 million (unaudited) during the year.

3. The provisional MPS Capital Programme outturn for 2007/08 is £154.9m, which is £24.9m below the revised budget of £179.8m. This can be attributed to the planned re-phasing of projects into future years.

4. Additional information can be found within the Annual Report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Jodie Allen, Strategic Planning, S&ID, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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