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Report 7a of the 24 July 2008 meeting of the MPA Committee providing an update on MPA and national governance of counter terrorist policing.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Counter-terrorism  governance update

Report: 7a
Date: 24 July 2008
By: the Chief Executive


This report provides Members with a short update on MPA and national governance of counter terrorist policing. It follows a detailed report to the Authority in October 2007.

A. Recommendation

That 1. the Authority note MPS achievements in relation to counter-terrorism oversight and scrutiny; and

2. continues to support the work of appropriately vetted members in the scrutiny of the work across the MPS to Counter Terrorism.

B. Supporting information

1. In February 2008 Members agreed to establish a CT Oversight Group to support Members in the strategic oversight of CT business, avoiding duplication and reporting to committee on a regular basis.

2. The group complements the work of the Joint Counter Terrorist Unit Oversight Group (JCTUOG), set up in April 2007 to establish co-ordinated scrutiny of the newly formed Counter Terrorist Units (CTUs) and national protocols for dual accountability during large-scale national counter terrorist operations between all police authorities and the MPA.

3. In October last year the Chief Executive highlighted concerns over the governance of the national counter terrorism build in a report to the Authority. Since then and under the leadership of the MPA governance arrangements have taken significant steps forward. A financial management scheme is now in place which reflects existing arrangements for police authority budgets, the JCTUOG forms part of the governance arrangements for the national CT build, authorities with Counter Terrorist Intelligence Units will join the group for special meetings and a performance management process has been established.

4. This is a challenging and difficult piece of work, police authority scrutiny of counter terrorist policing was rudimentary until two years ago. Over the past year the Authority has taken the necessary steps to professionalise the strategic oversight of MPS CT capability, delivery and the national responsibilities it performs.

5. The following reports will update Members on the current MPS’s Prevent Strategy and the MPS’s corporate response to the government counter terrorist strategy, CONTEST. In particular the reports will focus on:

  • Progress against the delivery of the four CONTEST (the national counter terrorist strategy) strands.
  • Progress towards effective national operational governance;
  • The role of the national co-ordinator.
  • Progress towards effective performance management (with the MPA/ACPOTAM);
  • Progress towards technological solutions to support and develop MPS strategies.

6. The MPS reports have been commissioned to ensure the Authority has an up to date position on the MPS corporate approach to counter terrorism and that this is debated in public. In future the Authority will receive regular and detailed updates from the Chair and Members cleared to scrutinise MPS counter terrorist business through MPA oversight frameworks. All effort will be taken to ensure that governance continues to be open, transparent, effective and efficient.

C. Race and equality impact

Counter terrorist policing has definitive and sensitive equality and diversity implications. Whilst the nature of the future working of this group will require non-public scrutiny where possible, through annual reporting and other accessible means, non-sensitive information should be reported and readily available to the public. The MPA will consider MPS performance across all diversity strands.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications to this report, however the significant scrutiny required to monitor the MPS counter terrorist spend has been stepped up by the MPA CT Oversight Group. This scrutiny will support the work of the Finance Committee.

E. Legal implications

Previous MPA reports have highlighted the legal implications of the national counter terrorist build, operations and oversight. These can be accessed via the following links:

F. Background papers


G. Contact details

Report author(s): Sally Benton, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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