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MPA/MPS Policing London Annual Report 2008/09

Report: 5
Date: 25 June 2009
By: Director of Resources on behalf of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis


A draft of the Policing London Annual Report 2008/090 was discussed at Strategic and Operational Policing Committee on 8 June 2009. This report summaries the Annual Report and provides a final version for comment and approval.

A. Recommendation

That members approve for publication by 30 June 2009 the MPA/MPS Policing London Annual Report 2008/09, as set out in Appendix 1.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPA/MPS Policing London Annual Report 2008/09 is a joint report which describes the Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS) achievements against the commitments described in the Policing London Business Plan 2008-11. The Annual Report sets out the work that has been undertaken by the MPS during the past financial year and contains a commentary, provided by the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA), on the performance of the service and the extent to which they believe the policing plan, including the objectives and targets set, have been met.

2. This report outlines the MPS’s contribution to the joint MPA/MPS Policing London Annual Report 2008/09.

Key issues of note

1. The Commissioner’s element of the 2008/09 joint Annual Report, as attached at Appendix 1, has been designed to be shorter than in previous years to make it more accessible to readers. The key features include:

  • A short description of each Business Group and a list of the activities they stated they would undertake to support the corporate objectives during 2008/09
  • At number of case studies describing work undertaken that reflect the corporate objectives and Business Group activities shown.
  • Performance outcomes against measures set for 2008/09 including provisional analysis of revenue expenditure funding and revenue expenditure.

2. Confirmation of the 2008/09 targets and outturn data has been obtained where possible. It should be noted that due to the sources and methods of collation some data will not be available or audited until after the statutory publication date on 30 June 2009. Where this is the case either a rolling 12-month figure has been shown or the date the data is expected. To qualify this, the Report contains a disclaimer highlighting that the out-turn figures shown should be treated as provisional and un-audited. Once all the out-turn data has become available and audited a designed version of the Annual Report will be electronically published later in the year.

C. Legal implications

1. The requirement to publish an annual report is set out in the Police Act 1996, as amended. Section 22(1) of the Police Act 2006 requires the Commissioner to submit to the MPA, as soon as possible after the end of the financial year, a general report on the policing during that year. Under this section the Commissioner is allowed to publish the report in any manner as appears to him as appropriate.

2. The MPA is also under a duty to produce an annual report as soon as possible after the end of the financial year under section 9(1) of the Act. The report must also be published in such manner as appears to the Police Authority to be appropriate, and a copy must be sent to the Secretary of State. The MPA’s contribution of the Annual Report must include an assessment of the extent to which, during that year proposals have been implemented, and things have been done in accordance with the Policing Plan and three-year strategy plan.

3. In terms of publication of the Annual Report, legislation provides discretion in relation to the manner in which the report is to be published. Home Office guidance suggests the publication of a joint report is acceptable provided that the Police Authority ensures that they clearly identify within the document their comments on (i) the performance of the force, and (ii) the extent to which the policing plan, including the objectives and targets set, have been met.

D. Environment impact

Once approved an electronic text version of the Annual Report will be made available electronically on both the MPA and MPS web sites. Once all the out-turn data has become available and audited a designed version of the Annual Report will be electronically published later in the year. There is no intention to circulate a paper version though the Report will be made available in alternative formats and languages if required.

E. Race and equality impact

The commitments described in the Policing London Business Plan 2008/11 reflect the Service’s commitment to equality and diversity issues. Where appropriate, Equality Impact Assessments have been completed for activities in line with Service policy. The Annual Report will be made available in alternative formats and languages if required.

F. Financial implications

Resources required to support the corporate objectives and targets described in the Annual Report were reflected in the Policing London Business Plan 2008-11. Production of the Annual Report is contained within approved budgets.

G. Background papers


H. Contact details

Report author(s): Belinda Quigley, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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