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Reports from Committees

Report: 7
Date: 25 June 2009
By: Chief Executive


At each meeting of the Authority members will receive a report from committees that have meet in recent weeks.

This is the first report from the authority’s committees to the full authority. It provides members with details of the key items considered at each of the committees and their sub-committees.

This report covers the following meetings:

  • Communities, Equalities and Peoples Committee – 21 May 2009
  • Strategic and Operational Policing Committee – 4 June 2009

Communities, Equalities and Peoples Committee – 21 May 2009

The following members were in attendance: Cindy Butts (Chairman), Reshard Auladin, Chris Boothman, Valerie Brasse, Kirsten Hearn, Clive Lawton and Faith Boardman

Stop and search

The Committee considered a report that provided an update of and developments in the MPS use of Stop and Search powers. The Committee in noting the report asked for a further report setting out detailed information about the use of schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act for stop and search in terms of numbers, frequency and key locations.

MPA response to the national violence against women strategies

The Committee agreed the MPA’s response to the integrated cross-government strategy with regard to violence against women. It was noted that this consultation was to form part of a national debate which engaged not only with the criminal justice system and the women’s voluntary and community sector but also addressed the role of education, the financial sector, and the public and encouraged all to take responsibility.

Mapping community engagement – an internal MPA review

The Committee was advised that there were extensive communication, consultation and engagement activities undertaken by the MPA. It was identified that the current MPA/MPS Community Engagement Strategy was coming to an end and that a new strategy would need to be developed which would learn lessons from the experience over the past three years. It was agreed that the MPA would benefit from having a more practical Community Engagement Strategy; which encouraged joined-up work by the MPA and MPS when planning and undertaking community communication, consultation and engagement activities.
The Committee acknowledged that external support and resources may be required to complete this work.

Employment tribunal strategy and oversight

The Committee considered a the report that set out how the Metropolitan police services managed employment tribunal claims brought against the Commissioner and the current arrangements for oversight by the MPA.
It was agreed that Human Resources and Remuneration Sub Committee should have the overarching responsibly for the oversight of the ET strategy and process

Reports form the sub-committees

The Committee received a report from its Sub Committees.

The Committee resolved to approve the report and endorse the recommendations made by the inquorate meeting of the Human Resources and Remuneration Sub Committee held on 30 April 2009.

The Committee also considered a number of other reports which included:

  • MPS response to the recommendations contained within the MPA Youth Scrutiny 2007/2008
  • MPA update on the MPA Youth Scrutiny recommendations
  • Workforce modernisation

Strategic and Operational Policing Committee – 4 June 2009

The following members were in attendance: Reshard Auladin (Chair), Jennette Arnold, Toby Harris (Vice Chair), Jenny Jones, Joanne McCartney and Caroline Pidgeon. Also in attendance Valerie Brasse.

Urgent actions (if any) and urgent operational issues - oral report (if any)

Dano Sonnex - It was agreed that a full report would be submitted to the next committee meeting.

Headline performance report proforma - 2009/10

A report was received detailing the indicators that would feature in the monthly headline performance reports throughout 2009/10. Continuing the style of previous reports, 2009/10 reports would comprise two sections: Critical Performance Areas – highlighting the ‘vital few’ corporate indicators; and Other Corporate Policing Plan Indicators.

An update on confidence in local policing

Members received a report that provided an update on confidence in local policing covering:

  • current MPS performance and national comparisons.
  • the drivers of confidence.
  • Borough variations.
  • diversity and equality.
  • the MPS strategy in delivering the Home Office confidence target.
  • partnership issues.

Territorial Policing thematic performance report

Members agreed that work being undertaken to improve MPS processes in respect of the management of crime related property be noted as well and TP’s performance in 2008/09. They also noted the outcome of Operation Spotlight and the proposed approach to help drive burglary performance in 2009/10 be endorsed.

HMIC ‘Going Local’ Inspection of Westminster BOCU

A report was received highlighting the recent HMIC inspection of Westminster BOCU, setting it within context and indicating action to progress and address the recommendations arising from the inspection. It was noted that one recommendation had not been taken up. Members were informed that this recommendation related to the suggested amalgamation of the three sub divisions within the BOCU. The MPS, because of the size of the borough, had decided not to do this, although some administration functions had been amalgamated. This approach had been discussed with the HMIC.

PCSO update

Members were informed that the number of discipline cases had gone down year on year, despite the number of PCSOs increasing, because lessons had been learnt from the early days of PCSO recruitment and systematic training and development had now been introduced.

MPS response to Laming 2

This report provided

  • an MPS initial response to the recommendations in the Lord Laming review; ‘The protection of children in England, a progress report, following the death of baby P’.
  • an MPS response to the recommendations in the second serious case review (SCR) of baby P.
  • an outline of the MPS oversight of SCRs
  • an update on the progress of the MPS action plan outlined in the report provided to the committee in December 2008 and January 2009
  • details of SCD5 officer and staff strength since 2006 and planned growth through 2009/10.

Members welcomed the improvements outlined in the report. It was felt the death of baby P could have been avoided if relevant agencies were more alert to matters and felt able to challenge decisions and the family. A further report would be received in the autumn.

MPS response to dangerous dogs – update report

In March 2009, the MPS launched its new Status Dogs Unit as part of the Dog Support Unit (DSU) within Central Operations. Its officers, accredited experts (Dog Legislation Officers), were dedicated to this role as opposed to the previous system where DSU officers also handled police dogs. This report provided an outline of how the new unit was working and its benefits to the MPS and the public.

Organisational learning

A report was received providing an update report on organisational learning in the MPS. Members were informed that the Deputy Commissioner had lead responsibility for organisational learning within the MPS.

Strategic assessment summary, spring 2009

This report summarised the risks and challenges facing the MPS over the next 5-10 years and detailed how these would be considered in the strategy development and business planning process.

Policing London Annual Report 2008/09

A report was received summarising the approach to the development of the Policing London Annual Report 2008/09 and providing a draft on behalf of the Commissioner for comment prior to submission to full Authority in June 2009.

Budget and Business Plan 2010-13

This report set out the proposed approach for delivering the 2010-13 Budget and Business Plan in line with the Mayor’s guidance and the increasingly constrained financial environment. (The report was also to be considered by the Finance and Resources Committee.)

Service Improvement Plan

Members received a report summarising the approach being adopted on developing and delivering the MPS Service Improvement Plan (SIP). The Chair felt service improvement was core MPA business. There was disappointment and concern that the MPS had produced it without consulting the MPA. The Director of Resources stated that it had been included in the budget submission and that programmes making up the plan, such as Herald and Criminal Justice had been submitted to the Authority in different guises. The Chair stated that this might be true, but the MPA had not been consulted on the totality of the SIP. He would take this forward with MPA officers.

Police authority inspection – responding to consultation

Member considered a report summarising the key issues arising in relation to the recently announced HMIC/Audit Commission consultation on police authority inspection. The report outlined the proposed MPA consultation response (required by 10 June) and considered some of the issues for which the MPA would need to prepare, in advance of its inspection in the autumn.

Operation Blunt 2 (exempt)

This report provided members with an overview of the strategic and tactical learning from Operation Blunt 2 which was the MPS’s operational response to knife crime and broader serious youth violence. The report considered the learning that had emerged from developing and maintaining a strong community mandate for enhanced stop and search to deter the carrying of lethal weapons and included the ongoing transfer of strategic and tactical learning, including comment on contributions to public confidence indicators.

Vetting (exempt)

This report provided a briefing of vetting within the MPS. Vetting was done by both Specialist Operations (SO) and the Specialist Crime Directorate. The two units were progressing towards a merger within SO on this financial year. The Chair felt the reasons for moving of vetting functions were not compelling. He suggested that a meeting be held outside the Committee to consider the issues around vetting further.

Contact details

Report author(s): Nick Baker, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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