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Report 7 of the 24 June 2010 meeting of the MPA Full Authority, reviewing the current delegated powers of the Finance and Resources Committee and its sub committees

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Reports from committees

Report: 7
Date: 24 June 2010
By: Chief Executive

At each meeting of the Authority members will receive a report from committees that have meet in recent weeks.

This is the first report from the authority’s committees to the full authority. It provides members with details of the key items considered at each of the committees and their sub-committees.

This report covers the following meetings:

  • Strategic and Operational Policing Committee – 13 May 2010
  • Communities, Equalities and People Committee – 17 May 2010

Strategic and Operational Policing Committee – 13 May 2010

The following Members were in attendance: Reshard Auladin (Chairman), Jennette Arnold, Chris Boothman, Cindy Butts, Toby Harris, Joanne McCartney, Tony Arbour, Richard Tracey, Jenny Jones

Headline performance report

The monthly headline performance report was received. Members were informed of increased MPS consultation with students in response to knife crime, and of the decreased use of stop and search in relation to BME citizens and MPS concerns that this may increase youth knife carrying. The MPA made note of the negative correlation between stop and search and knife crime and welcomed education against the use of knives.

Members were informed of increased use of knifes in robbery, and noted the impact of new ethnic communities on established BME areas. Members noted the requirement for TP to work with partners to combat the increase in serious sexual offences in London.

HMIC inspection of Barking and Dagenham BOCU

A report was received highlighting the recent HMIC inspection of Barking and Dagenham BOCU, setting it within context and indicating action to progress and address the recommendations arising from the inspection. The MPS accepted recommendations in the HMIC report were right and have agreed deliverable ‘contracts’ with boroughs. The HMIC had noted the impact of the BNP in London and the need for a focus on victims needs.

Policing civil orders

A report was received which highlighted that Civil Orders made it significantly easier for the MPS to monitor compliance, and that SNTs are briefed when the MPS is aware an Order has been given – this is not always the case. The MPA expressed concerns over the potential for ASBO to criminalise individuals; MPS stated that it could find whether the number of ASBOs across London was falling. The MPS added that ASBOs are one of the only routes to control some forms of criminality, domestic violence for instance, and that it was on target to deliver the analysis of diversity on ASBOs by the summer 2010.

Update on the Joint Engagement Meetings (JEMs)

The MPA stated that it had undertaken a JEM with all 32 boroughs with good results. The process was nominated for an APA award. The MPA noted that in relation to bus stops and schools, Transport for London has not followed up what had been agreed at the JEM. In future, an action list will be sent to Members. The MPS noted that the process was resource intensive.

Framework agreement for the provision of boarding services for seized dogs

A report was presented which sought the approval of the committee with regard a framework for the kennelling of dangerous dogs. The MPS used to kennel 30-35 dangerous dogs simultaneously but this has increased over three years to the 400 spaces needed now. The MPS requested that Members agreed to award a 4 year contract worth up to £10 million to enable them to cope with the increased activity.

The MPS responded to the concerns of the MPA, saying that destroying these dogs quickly at the present time would count as criminal offence (destruction of property), the RSPCA also would likely try and prosecute. The MPA asked what cost recovery was gained back from the courts. The MPS noted the cost of obtaining orders and travelling to magistrates courts’, and added that the Dangerous Dogs Act is currently being rewritten to remove the necessity to seize a dog mandatorily. The MPA requested that Kit write a letter to the new Home Secretary to highlight problems with the legislation. The plan for funding was agreed, with dissension noted from Valerie Brasse.

Specialist operations thematic performance report – open

The MPS introduced this report highlighting the work of SO1 in:

  • protecting British VIPs on visits to warzones
  • the upcoming hockey world cup in Delhi
  • the recent general election

The Chair accepted that the MPS is seeking to improve the race and gender balance in the unit, noting that the MPS does not receive sufficient financing for personal protection.

Specialist operations thematic performance report (exempt)

Members discussed the appendix which was provided with the SO Thematic Performance Report.

MPS response to Stockwell – update report (exempt)

Members discussed the progress in implementing the action plan resulting from the MPA scrutiny and the HMIC inspection carried out in 2008.

Extension of media buying (exempt)

Members approved the extension.

Communities, Equalities and People Committee – 17 May 2010

Members Present: Cindy Butts (chair) Reshard Auladin, Victoria Borwick (vice chair), Valerie Brasse

Update on Metropolitan Special Constabulary and proposed new recruitment and training for police officers

The report outlined the proposal to utilise the Metropolitan Special Constabulary (MSC) as the principal point of entry for new police officer recruits, with additional points of entry through graduate and PCSO recruitment. The committee was informed that this would have the advantage of ensuring new recruits to the regular service would have been tested for organisational fit and would also have gained some initial skills prior to entry.

Members raised a number of concerns, including the potential barrier to entry that might be created by the addition of formal qualification requirements as well as the negative impact on those who have already applied through the existing routes who would no longer be eligible for entry.

Members agreed that this matter required further consideration and that it should also be considered by the Full Authority.

Policing Women, Weapons and Serious Youth Violence

The committee received a report providing data on the number of women and girls reported for, cautioned for and charged with knife and gun offences for the year to date. The report also aggregated related data in terms of age ethnicity and compared it to comprehensive data for males. Members were informed that a range of work is ongoing and is being conducted through schools and with youth offending teams.

Restructure of MPS Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate

The report outlined the work to restructure the Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate, including the key responsibilities and functions of the revised directorate and how it will support the MPS in implementing the Diversity and Equality Strategy 2009- 2013.

The MPS advised that the process was moving forward and that despite some initial concerns, staff were now more positive about the process. Members were informed that the key issue is ensuring other business areas take on their responsibility for delivery, rather than expecting the directorate to deliver on their behalf. However, there was considerable Management Board support through the Deputy Commissioner and the four equality and diversity champions. The MPS advised that the equality impact assessment is ongoing and that further feedback would be provided to the Authority as soon as it became available.

Draft MPA and MPS community Engagement Commitment 2010 – 2013 and the Draft MPA Community Engagement action plan 2010 – 2013

The committee was presented with an updated version of the community engagement commitment following the feedback received from members and external stakeholders since the last meeting in March 2010.

The committed received the MPA action plan, but was informed that the MPS action plan had not yet been approved by Management Board, which was due to meet on 3 June 2010. Once approved by Management Board, the MPS action plan would then be submitted to CEP for final approval.

There was some discussion about the planned publication methods and members agreed that sufficient funds should be made available to allow appropriate publicity and effective dissemination of the strategy to a wider audience.

Report from Sub-Committees and updates from the Domestic and Sexual Violence Board and Hate Crime Forum

Members noted the report.

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