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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Reports from committees

Report: 7
Date: 25 November 2010
By: Chief Executive


At each meeting of the Authority members will receive a report from committees that have meet in recent weeks.

This report from the authority’s committees provides members with details of the key items considered at each of the committees and their sub-committees.

This report covers the following meetings:

  • Strategic and Operational Policing Committee – 14 October 2010
  • Finance and Resources Committee – 21 October 2010
  • Communities, Equalities and People Committee – 4 November 2010

Strategic and Operational Policing Committee – 14 October 2010

The following Members were in attendance: Reshard Auladin (Chairman), Toby Harris (Vice Chair), Chris Boothman, Jennette Arnold, Tony Arbour, Jenny Jones, Joanne McCartney, Caroline Pidgeon, Valerie Brasse, and Cindy Butts.

London transport community safety strategy, and safer transport command - (Agenda items 6 and 7)

Item 6 outlined cross-agency working between the three police forces operating in London, TfL, the GLA, and train operators. The aim of this project is to focus partnership work by identifying key priorities. Item 7 concerned the performance of the Safer Transport Command since it was formed in April 2010. Bus crime has been reduced to its lowest recorded level, showing an 8.1% decrease from the previous year. The greatest reductions have been seen in criminal damage and theft.

Members expressed concerns that reducing taxi-touting was somewhat marginal within the Mayoral strategy. The MPS responded that cab-related crime is a Mayoral priority and that 60 staff now operated in that area, including a dedicated unit for sex offences. This work was making a difference – 100 arrests had been made in the previous year. The strategy is to be amended to reflect these concerns.

The strategy refers to visible policing on page 33 of the document (75 of the agenda). Members expressed concern regarding the reluctance of staff to wear uniforms outside of work hours. The MPS responded that the requirement to engage is paramount – as opposed to simple visibility. They noted that police officers do use the bus service, that they show their warrant cards upon boarding, and that they would intervene in an incident.

Child protection update and overview

(Agenda item 8)

The MPS introduced this report that provided an overview of progress following the Laming Review into the death of Baby Peter. They reported that a one-day training course had been established, for instance. With regard recommendation 25 (paragraph 12 of the report), they reported that this remains an aspiration although most of the learning from the HMIC report had been incorporated. SCD5 has achieved a sanction-detection rate of 25%, with 21% the lowest borough rate. They commented that they work in partnership through the London Safeguarding Children Board, on an ad-hoc basis with experts regarding specific issues.

Members expressed concern regarding Haringey’s low sanction-detection rate. The MPS responded that a number of unreported referrals were recently found by Haringey social services, and that given the lateness of these referrals, prosecution has been difficult. The MPS confirmed that moving beyond sanction-detection a new set of KPIs was being developed by Jim Gamble (ACPO). They also reported that MACIE training had been delivered in all boroughs and feedback received had been positive.

A pilot in Haringey brings together the MPS and other agencies in a Safeguarding Hub. This co-location enables police to ‘filter’ information received following Every Child Matters. Members requested that the MPS report back on the costs and benefits of co-location, and work done on its potential roll-out further afield. Members agreed to receive a detailed briefing regarding Project Violet – MPS working with faith communities in relation to child abuse linked to a belief in spirit possession – after raising concerns that services relating to spirit possession are freely available across London.

Update on the Anti Violence Strategy

(Agenda item 9)

The objective of establishing the new board is to encourage better partnership working. The delivery plan is premised around the RIPE model – with ACPO leads with responsibility for: reassurance, intelligence, prevention, and enforcement – and the VOLT – victim offender location – framework will be deployed (aligning resource to demand).

Members asked how the Board would fit into other structures and whether it may be superfluous. The relationship between the new AVB and the LCRB is also being discussed. The MPS concluded that it may be decided that the Board is not required, but that protocol for data-sharing is to be established instead.

Members expressed concern that the VOLT framework would be dependent upon accurate and full crime reporting. The MPS responded that the definition of violence used is key to how accurate a picture officers will get. Furthermore, by involving partners – e.g. health professionals – a broader picture of violence should be produced. This will address underreporting to a degree.

Finance and Resources Committee – 21 October 2010

The following Members were in attendance: Steve O’Connell, Reshard Auladin, Faith Boardman, Chris Boothman, Dee Doocey, Neil Johnson, Amanda Sater, Valerie Shawcross and Graham Speed.

Revenue and capital budget monitoring

As at period 5 (to the end of August) the revenue budget is forecast to overspend by £14.8m (0.5% of budget). The capital programme as at period 5 shows year to date total expenditure of £56.8m. This total represents 20.6% of the revised annual budget of £276.3m (excluding over-programming). The forecast for the year of £284.0m includes over-programming of £10.1m above the forecast capital funding figure of £273.9m.

Transfer of front counter facilities – Havering

Approval was given to the transfer of front counter services in Havering Borough Operational Command Unit from Harold Hill police station to the Safer Neighbourhoods base for Heaton & Gooshays Wards, Straight Road, Havering.

Provision of a new Custody Centre in Wandsworth

Authorisation was given to proceed with the development of a 30 cell custody centre on a site at Wandsworth High Street, Wandsworth, to support operational needs. The Committee asked to receive a report in due course on the proposals regarding the accommodation for the Mounted Branch at this site.

MPA/MPS Estate Strategy

The estate strategy for 2011-14 was agreed. The strategy will be supported by implementation plans such as the Residential estate strategy and the Central London estate strategy. Progress reports on the strategy and the implementation plans will be made to the committee as part of the regular estates updates paper.

Disposal of surplus properties 2010/11

The Committee approved the inclusion of two further properties into the schedule of surplus properties which it is intended to dispose of in the current financial year.

Travel concession (exempt)

Since 2001 there has been a free travel concession scheme in place for all police officers within a 70 mile radius of their workplace. For the period 2003/04-2006/07 it was agreed with HMRC that no tax was payable on the scheme despite it being a taxable benefit as it was deemed a “trivial benefit”. However since 2007/08 this concession has been withdrawn and the MPA have had to meet the annual tax liability, which is currently circa £4M p.a. The MPS has considered ways in which the tax liability could be passed onto individual officers. The scheme which was considered by the Committee is based on officers opting into the free travel scheme, and the tax liability being spread equally amongst them with the more officers that sign up the smaller the cost that needs to be met by an individual officer.

Communities, Equalities and People Committee – 4 November 2010

The following Members were in attendance: Cindy Butts, Victoria Borwick, Reshard Auladin, Faith Boardman, Valerie Brasse, Kirsten Hearn, and Clive Lawton

Update from Head of Equalities and Engagement

A national symposium on Police Advancement being held on 12 January 2011; with Policing Minister Nick Herbert attending. This event shall facilitate practical discussions on how to develop the recommendations of the Inquiry. The current committee structure is also being examined, in order to identify opportunities for streamlining. An EIA Governance Protocol is being developed for the MPA and MPS; to ensure they are robust, MPS staff shall receive briefings once the protocol is finalised. Discussions have been held with the MPS to ensure that support for staff undergoing outplacements is culturally sensitive. Papers on these developments shall be presented at future Committees.

Vetting within the MPS

The Committee received the report detailing the single Vetting Unit which has assumed responsibility for conducting all vetting checks for the MPS; aiming to improve efficiency, consistency and quality in the vetting procedure. Members welcomed the merger and raised a number of questions on the vetting process and Unit. The MPS are to provide a briefing note on the equalities strand of the vetting scheme and the proportion of appeals for failed vetting checks.

Update Report on Independent Advisory Group

The Committee received the report, which seeks to establish a standard operating procedure for IAGs to ensure they are robustly manager. MPA endorsement on the proposals for remuneration and vetting issues, along with the future progression of IAGs was also sought. Members held discussions on how the IAGs should be developed and shall liaise with the MPS to progress the proposals.

MPA Response to the future role and scope of the London Council Grants Scheme

As a member of London Councils, the MPA wishes to ensure that Equality Impact Assessments are considered and to ensure that the restructure does not adversely impact on the work of the MPA. Members raised concerns that under this proposal specialist support agencies, such as Domestic Violence Refuges, may lose out on funding; especially if they operate cross borough. These concerns are represented in the MPA response to the consultation. MPA officers will pursue this matter with London Councils to identify any issues which can be raised with local authority link members.

Female Genital Mutilation

The Committee received a report on Project Azure, which develops prevention strategies and multi-agency partnership working, and is also used to provide specialist training to Police officers. The MPS shall provide a briefing note in response to members enquires about the community groups which are consulted. The potential for conducting mandatory medical examinations for suspected. FGM victims was discussed as an example of action that can be taken in response to explicit indications of a direct risk of FGM. A robust approach is required in order to achieve child protection and prosecution of offenders, and MPS and MPA officers shall discuss ways to progress the project.

Projected Progression of Black and Minority Ethnic Groups and Women among Police Officers and Police Staff during the next ten years

The Committee received a report detailing the support for staff progressing from PCSOs to PCs and the new training model will inform staff how they can progress in their roles. Members requested that future updates contain information on the expected progression of BME and female staff for the future; broken down by recruitment layers, along with strategies for how the MPS can improve development of these groups.

MPS Duty of Employment

Members received the report and enquired why there are more Employment Tribunals held for BME staff, and requested information on the outcomes of these Tribunals. The MPS provides reports on Employment Tribunals to the MPA’s Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-Committee, and can incorporate this information. The MPS is also examining issues of disproportionality in the following areas: age profiles, length of service and rank and band profiles.

Reports from Sub-Committees

Reports from Sub-Committees were received.

Contact details

Report author(s): Nick Baker, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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