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Report 5 of the 27 January 2011 meeting of the MPA Full Authority, presents a petition has been received from Zain Sardar (Young Greens National Coordinator) with over 1,400 signatures and which seeks the MPA to ban the tactic of containment.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Report: 5
Date: 27 January 2011
By: Chief Executive


A petition has been received from Zain Sardar (Young Greens National Coordinator) with over 1,400 signatures and which seeks the MPA to ban the tactic of containment.

A. Recommendation

That members receive the petition.

B. Supporting information

1. A petition has been received by the Authority from Zain Sardar (Young Greens National Coordinator) which seeks the MPA to ban the tactic of containment

2. The petition which has been signed by approximately 1,400 people (of which there are over 100 who either live or work in the London area) and states:

"We the undersigned call for the Metropolitan Police Authority to ban the tactic of containment (kettling) of demonstrations, where there is not the threat of violence between conflicting groups of protesters, as it damages the community’s trust in the police and confidence in the right to protest."

3. A response to the petition will be provided at the meeting.

4. Zain Sardar has indicated that he will be attending the meeting to present the petition. If he is in attendance, MPA Standing Order – 2.6.5 allows for the presentation of the petition to take up to five minutes and following its presentation and response from the Chief Executive, the petitioner may also make further comment for no more than three minutes. Members may also comment on or discuss the issues raised by the question and answer.

C. Other organisational & community implications

Equality Impact

1. No direct implications in relation to the process of presenting petitions.

Met Forward

2. No direct implications in relation to the process of presenting petitions.

Financial Implications

3. No direct implications in relation to the process of presenting petitions.

Legal Implications

4. No direct implications in relation to the process of presenting petitions.

Environmental Implications

5. No direct implications in relation to the process of presenting petitions.

6. Risk Implications

6. No direct implications in relation to the process of presenting petitions.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Nick Baker, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

 (Deputy) Chief Executive response to petition:

27 January 2011

"Firstly, can I thank the ‘Young Greens’ for bringing this petition to the attention of the Authority. Any information, about public confidence in and public concerns about policing in London is of particular interest to us.
"It is, I believe, generally accepted that the police should not use containment in situations where violence is not taking place or anticipated. However, the police must also consider other issues such as actual or potential widespread criminal damage in balancing the rights of protestors and the wider public.
"I need to clarify that the Police Authority does not have any power to ban the use of this tactic since this falls within the Commissioner’s discretion to make operational policing decisions. However, we do hold the Commissioner to account for the delivery of policing and we have debated the issue of containment on many occasions, in this meeting and through our Civil Liberties Panel.
"Containment is legal if it is carried out in good faith, is proportionate and necessary and remains in place for no longer than is required. Additionally, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and this Authority have made recommendations about the use of containment including the release of vulnerable and, where possible, non violent protestors from cordoned areas and about the importance of communicating with demonstrators during any period of containment.
Both we and the Commissioner agree that the misuse of containment damages public confidence and is likely to deter some people from exercising their legal right to protest peacefully. We are seeking ongoing reassurances from the Commissioner that when this tactic is used it is done so legally; with reference to HMIC and MPA recommendations and that all possible alternatives were considered before its deployment.

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