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Report 9 of the 31 March 2011 meeting of the MPA Full Authority, presents the Met Forward Two focussed on fighting crime draft.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Met Forward Two focussed on fighting crime

Report: 9
Date: 31 March 2011
By: Chief Executive


Met Forward was the MPAs three year strategic mission for policing priorities in London. It was recognised that Met Forward would be a living document that would need to be updated. Met Forward Two, is a refreshed document which notes the developments that have taken place and the achievements made in the last two years. It articulates the future priorities for the MPA.

A. Recommendations

That members note the contents of the report.

B. Supporting information

Met Forward Two Overview

1. Met Forward Two builds on the success of Met Forward and describes the future MPA priorities for policing in London. Met Forward Two has been submitted to the Strategic and Operational Policing (SOP) Committee already.

2. Met Forward was complimented as an example of good practice in the recent joint inspection of police authorities by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) and the Audit Commission.

3. Met Forward Two continues the work strands for Met Forward – Met Streets, Met Specialist, Met Partners, Met Connect, Met People, Met Olympics, Met Support and Met Standards.

a. A new strand has been included, Met Oversight and Governance, which has been developed to ensure sufficient preparation for a new model of policing in London and to prepare for the implementation of the Mayor’s Office for Police and Crime.

b. The Authority remains focussed on delivering three strategic outcomes outlined in Met Forward:

  • Fighting crime and reduce criminality;
  • Increase confidence in policing; and
  • Deliver value for money.

In addition to these, two new strategic outcomes have been articulated in Met Forward Two:

  • Protect the most vulnerable from harm; and
  • Deliver safe Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012.

Met Forward Two will be a living document that will adapt to the changing priorities for Londoners. New policing challenges such as London hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012, require both the MPA and the MPS to adapt to a changing landscape.

Met Forward Two Governance

4. The MPA Business Management Group continues to act as the Met Forward Programme Board and receives regular progress updates in the form of highlight reports. In addition, all MPA commissioning briefs and Committee reports require consideration to Met Forward considerations.

5. Met Forward Two has been reflected in the 2011- 2012 Policing Plan which is due to be published in March 2011.

C. Other organisational and community implications

1. Equalities Impact

1.1 Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) training was delivered to members and staff in February 2010 to help facilitate the completion and /or understanding of the EIA process and its relationship to Met Forward projects. Further training on the new Equalities Act was delivered in February 2011.

1.2 It is a requirement that all project managers complete an Equality Impact Assessment.

2. Consideration of Met forward

2.1 Met Forward issues are outlined in the report

3. Financial Implications

3.1 Met Forward delivery costs are assimilated within existing MPA budgets.

4. Legal Implications

4.1 There are no specific legal implications as a consequence of this report.

5. Environmental Implications

5.1 There are no specific environmental implications as a consequence of this report

6. Risk Implications

6.1 There is a risk that publication of Met Forward Two will be delayed as Key Performance Indicators which are to be included in the document have not been finalised.

6.2 Met Forward projects maintain a risk log that is reviewed regularly.

D. Background papers

  • Met Forward Two: 21st March 2011, v0.7

E. Contact details

Report authors: Nishi Nathwani, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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