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Report 4 of the 15 October 2009 meeting of the Olympics/Paralympics Sub-committee, outlining proposals for ensuring that disability is effectively considered in MPS planning for the policing of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

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MPS 2012 Games Disability Focus Forum

Report: 04
Date: 15 October 2009
By: Assistant Commissioner Central Operations, Olympics and Paralympics, on behalf of the Commissioner


This report outlines proposals for ensuring that disability is effectively considered in MPS planning for the policing of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. It proposes the establishment of a Disability Focus Forum to aid the London Olympics [1] Operational Planning team (LOOP).

A. Recommendations

That the proposal for the establishment of the Disability Focus Forum and its terms of reference be noted.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPA Olympics and Paralympics Sub-Committee has previously raised questions around the extent to which disability is considered in the planning of the policing of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in London.

2. The London Olympics Operational Planning team (LOOP) has proposed the establishment of a Disability Focus Forum comprising representation from across the Service and beyond. Independent advice has been taken. Membership of the forum and its proposed terms of reference are within an internal MPS paper attached as an appendix 1 to this report.

3. Members of the Sub-Committee are invited to note the proposal, and to offer comment upon membership and terms of reference, and any other observations around consideration of disability within MPS Olympic planning.

C. Race and equality impact

The proposal within this paper is designed to ensure that disability issues are considered at all stages of planning for the policing of the London Olympics.

D. Financial implications

Costs arising from establishing the forum are expected to be relatively small and can be consumed within current budgets.

E. Legal implications

There are no legal implications arising specifically from this report.

F. Environmental implications

There are no environmental implications arising specifically from this report.

Report authors: Commander Richard Morris, CO12, and DS Gavin Ellis, CO1

G. Background papers


H. Contact details

Report author(s): Commander Richard Morris, CO12

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Proposal for Establishment of 2012 Games Disability Focus Forum


It is anticipated the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games will see an unprecedented number of disabled people, including athletes and spectators, visiting London during the 64 day period.

To support the MPS tactical operational planning it is necessary to facilitate independent and specialist advice to ensure that specific issues relating to disability are identified and addressed.

The London Olympic Operational Planning (LOOP) Coordination Team is the lead London planning team which acts on behalf of the Olympics Command Team; it has responsibility for writing the tactical venue and event plans for Bronze Commanders as well as coordinating functional plans (e.g. firearms). These plans combined form the London Operation Plan (LOP), which is the entire tactical operational plan for the event.

The team work closely with partner agencies including the London Organising Committee for the Olympic games (LOCOG), who host the event, the Olympic Security Directorate (OSD), who manage the programme, the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), who build the stadia and the Greater London Authority (GLA) who represent the Mayor of London and consider the opportunities the Games present.


A Disability Focus Forum (DFF) would support the work of the LOOP by independently reviewing the operational and tactical planning and identifying issues relating to disability that need to be addressed within the plans. This would also ensure a consistent approach to the planning with regards to disability issues.

The forum will be a group of subject matter experts, with experience of disability and policing operations and will offer advice on deaf and disabled people who the police will be interacting with during the Games period, amongst athletes, spectators and coaches alike.

The DFF may commission focus groups to discuss and address specific geographical issues or considerations identified by the group that require a more detailed analysis. The focus groups would report back into the DFF with findings and recommendations.

The DFF will not however undertake any work or considerations which fall within the remit of, or are the primary responsibility of, LOCOG or the Engage work stream. Business as usual activity pertaining to disability per se will also continue to be routed via the Disability Independent Advisory Group (DIAG). The remit of the DFF is intentionally narrow focusing on operational tactical planning issues.

Issues identified by the group will be assigned to individuals to action and to report back to the group on progress. Where those actions fall to the MPS, the LOOP team will liaise with colleagues as appropriate to ensure actions are undertaken and report back to the group.

If issues are identified by the group that fall outside of the group’s terms of reference then the group will agree who will be notified of the issue and will ensure that this is done.

Terms of reference

The DFF will:

  •  Advise the LOOP Team regarding the following:
  1.  Planning assumptions
  2.  Suggested Policing Tactics
  3.  Gaps in Operational Planning
  4.  Potential Alternative Tactics
  5.  Establishing best practice from the previous experience of the Games
  6.  Ensure compliance with relevant legislation in relation to disability
  7.  Briefing and training issues
  •  Identify issues, allocate actions to members and ensure findings and recommendations are progressed
  •  Ensure issues, identified by the group which fall outside of its terms of reference, are passed to the most appropriate body
  •  Commission work to specific focus groups as appropriate and progress subsequent findings and recommendations

Suggested Membership of the DFF

  •  Band B Nilima Solanki (MPS Diversity Strand Lead Manager)
  •  Band C Mo Yale (MPS Disability Strand Lead)
  •  Detective Inspector Paul Gapper (MPS Disability Olympic Advisor)
  • Inspector Mike Partridge (MPS Mental Health Project Team)
  •  Police Sergeant Keith Thames (MPS Disability Strand)
  •  PC Dave Kerridge-Smith (MPS Learning Difficulties Advisor)
  •  Anne Novis (MPS Disability Advisory Group)
  •  Ruth Bashall (MPS Disability Advisory Group)
  •  Jamie Renton (Kensington and Chelsea Disability IAG)
  •  Cllr. Abdul Shakoor (Newham Disability IAG)
  •  David Morris (LOCOG Liaison)
  •  Paralympic Athlete/Coach 1 TBC by LOCOG
  •  Paralympic Athlete/Coach 2 TBC by LOCOG
  •  Supt. Brian Pearce or Ch Insp. Michael Walsh (LOOP)


Given the nature of the process described above and the ongoing work of the LOOP Coordination Team it is considered appropriate that the formation of the Forum be commenced as soon as is practicable.


1. In this paper, any reference to the Olympics should be taken to include the Paralympics [Back]

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