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Report 7 of the 3 December 2009 meeting of the Resources and Productivity Sub-committee, with details of the Procurement Strategy action plan.

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Procurement strategy - action plan

Report: 7
Date: 3 December 2009
By: Treasurer and Director of Resources on behalf of the Commissioner


Following Member approval of the Procurement Strategy, an action plan was developed and presented to Resources Sub-Committee on 3 September 2009. A quarterly update is attached at exempt Appendix 1.

A. Recommendations

That members Note the update on progress and that further updates will continue to be provided to the Resources and Productivity Sub-Committee on a quarterly basis.

B. Supporting information

1. The Authority approved the joint MPA/MPS Procurement Strategy and the various procurement models at the Finance and Resources Committee in June 2009.

2. The action plan is designed to monitor progress on the key actions required to implement the strategy. Members should also note that there is a comprehensive performance management framework in place that links objectives of the Procurement Services team and the Business Units to the Procurement Strategy and the MPS Corporate Objectives.

C. Race and equality impact

In line with the GLA Group Responsible Procurement policy the Authority and the Service will continue to promote and implement responsible procurement.

D. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications associated with this report but implementation of the Procurement Strategy will result in efficiency savings being delivered.

E. Legal implications

None given.

F. Background papers

  • Procurement Strategy, Finance & Resources Committee, 18 June 2009.

G. Contact details

Report authors: Anthony Doyle, Director of Procurement, MPS

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