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This report 7 of the 13 December 2004 meeting of the Standards Committee and discusses a range of indicators that could be used to draw conclusions about standards within the Authority.

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Standards indicators

Report: 7
Date: 13 December 2004
By: Clerk


The Committee is invited to consider what might constitute a range of indicators that could be used to draw conclusions about standards within the Authority.

A. Recommendation

  1. That the Committee considers and agrees a set of indicators; and
  2. That these be reported to each meeting of the Committee or on a six monthly basis

B. Supporting information

1. One of the recommendations of the Audit Commission’s review of the MPA ‘Setting High Ethical Standards’, was that the Authority ‘undertake an assessment of standards of conduct at the MPA so that an appropriate programme of activity can be developed’.

2. The proposed response to this is to develop a set of indicators that give some measure of what can broadly be described as ethical / good practice standards in the MPA. Some of these would relate specifically to member conduct and others to the organisation as a whole. These indicators could be quantified every three or six months and reported to each meeting of the Standards Committee. The committee would then be able to identify any areas of concern and explore how these might be addressed. Some issues would be for the Standards Committee to take forward, others would be referred to the appropriate committee, such as the Corporate Governance Committee, Human Resources Committee or the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board.

3. Possible indicators are set out below:

Indicators of member standards

  1. Number of complaints made to the Standards Board for England
    Where possible this would include details of complaints not accepted and the outcome of complaints that were investigated
  2. Number of members who have recorded changes to the register of member interests held by the Authority
  3. Number of declarations of interest (prejudicial and non-prejudicial) declared at meetings
  4. Number of hospitality declarations made
    Items 2, 3 and 4 can be indicators of how actively members take account of the requirements of the Code of Conduct. Arguably, the more changes / declarations made the more members are showing an awareness of ethical considerations
  5. Percentage member attendance at MPA committee meetings
    Or a similar measure giving an indication of how members are discharging their responsibilities. There is already a report to the MPA’s annual meeting which details attendance member by member

Organisation indicators

  1. Number of complaints dealt with under the MPA’s own complaints procedure
  2. Number of complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman
  3. Number of complaints to the Information Commissioner (relating to the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts)
  4. Number of upheld objections to the Audit Commission in relation to the Authority’s accounts
    These indicators would also include details of outcome and of any corrective action taken by the MPA during the period in question
  5. Number of staff grievances made under the Grievance Procedure
  6. Number of Employment Tribunals initiated
  7. Number of whistle blowing cases (the Authority is currently developing its whistle blowing procedure)
  8. Number of disciplinary proceedings against officers for misconduct
    These would include details of outcome of any cases settled during the period in question
  9. Industrial action taken or notified by MPA staff
  10. Internal or External Audit reports during the period relating to matters of probity

4. Standards Committee members are invited to comment on these proposed indicators and to suggest any others that could be used.

C. Equality and diversity implications

There is no discernible impact in the indicators themselves, but equalities considerations will be an important element of any cases recorded and systematic reporting should help identify patterns or issues of concern.

D. Financial implications


D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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