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This report 9 of the 13 December 2004 meeting of the Standards Committee and sets out the payments made to members of the Authority in respect of allowances and expenses in the financial year 2003/04.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Members’ allowances and expenses 2003/04

Report: 9
Date: 13 December 2004
By: Clerk

Also presented at: Co-ordination and Policing Committee – 20 December 2004


This report sets out the payments made to members of the Authority in respect of allowances and expenses in the financial year 2003/04.

A. Recommendation

That the report be noted.

B. Supporting information

1. As a matter of good practice and ethical governance, the MPA reports annually on the allowances and expenses it has paid to its members in the preceding financial year.

2. Attached as Appendix A is a summary of payments made to members in the financial year 2003/04.

3. Payments are made in accordance with the Authority’s schemes for members’ allowances and expenses, which can be viewed on the Authority’s website – Expenses are the refund of reasonable costs actually incurred by members in the course of their Authority business. Allowances are only paid to Magistrate and Independent members. London Assembly members are not able to claim allowances as they are remunerated by the Greater London Authority.

C. Equality and diversity implications

The payment of a realistic level of allowances, in recognition of the significant time commitment that members have to make to the Authority, can help in the recruitment of an MPA membership which is broadly representative of London’s communities.

D. Financial implications

None, as costs were contained within budget.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Members allowances & expenses 1 April 2003–31 March 2004

Member Allowances – basic, SRA and other allowances Conferences/ seminars incl. travel [1] **Official visits/ meetings and borough visits, incl. travel and subsistence costs Fax & telephone related expenses Total expenses Independent Member selection panel/ police appeals allowances & expenses
Reshard Auladin 15,510 896.30 885.60 320.00 2,101.90 672.10
Cindy Butts 15,510 440 690.20 258.00 1,388.20 975.70
Kirsten Hearn 13,442   1,228.41   1,228.41  
Peter Herbert 13,442          
Nicholas Long 15,510 1,353.10 39.80   1,392.90  
Cecile Wright 15,510 1,714 247.07 305.92 2,266.99 309.00
R. David Muir 15,510 1,886.29 570.60 2,456.89
Richard Sumray 15,510 844.40 1,126.31 364.50 2,335.21  
Abdal Ullah 13,442   30.80 180.00 210.80  
Rachel Whittaker 15,510 999.10 445.53 94.88 2,024.05 484.54
Sir John Quinton 15,510          
Stephanie Caplan [2] 199.42   28.20   28.20  
Ian Whitburn [2] 199.42          
Tony Arbour -          
Jennette Arnold - 1,428.40 44.35   1,472.75  
Richard Barnes - 145 208.40   353.40  
Lynne Featherstone -          
Elizabeth Howlett - 75     75  
Nicky Gavron -          
Toby Harris - 1,680.38 4,307.70   5,988.08  
Jenny Jones -          
Eric Ollerenshaw -          
Graham Tope -          
Diana Johnson -          
Noel Lynch -          


1. Some conference travel expenses could be shown in the ** column [Back]

2. Independent members of the Standards Committee [Back]

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