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Report 11 of the 15 September 2010 meeting of the Standards Committee, provides recommendations for the Committee to agree a work programme and receive a report monitoring the progress of its work programme at each meeting. This is subject to any developments in relation to the abolition of Standards for England and the statutory standards framework.

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Standard Committee work plan 2010/11

Report: 11
Date: 15 September 2010
By: Monitoring Officer on behalf of the Chief Executive


This report provides recommendations for the Committee to agree a work programme and receive a report monitoring the progress of its work programme at each meeting. This is subject to any developments in relation to the abolition of Standards for England and the statutory standards framework.

A. Recommendation


  1. the Committee agrees a work programme, to be reviewed at each Committee meeting and amended if necessary;
  2. the Committee receives a report monitoring the progress of its work programme at each meeting; and
  3. notes that this work programme is subject to change depending on any developments in relation to the abolition of the Standards for England and the statutory standards framework.

B. Supporting information

1. The Committee agreed on 19 March 2010 to receive a report on its work plan.

2. The MPA is required, further to the Local Government Act 2000, to have a Standards Committee to deal with certain issues. These are set out in the MPA’s Standards Committee’s terms of reference. The Committee meets about two/ three times per year, and receives reports relating to its terms of reference. It is considered that in order to properly prepare and plan the work ahead, that Members should agree to receive an update at each meeting on the work programme.

3. It is envisaged that any work programme could be amended or updated as the year progressed, however, it is hoped that the work programme would assist the Committee in ensuring that it addresses the items on its terms of reference, as well as being able to reflect back on the work that the Committee has undertaken. This will assist the Committee when undertaking its annual review of work in its annual report.

4. If Members agree to this proposal, this year’s work programme will run from September 2010 to April 2011. The next full year’s work programme will commence from May 2011 to April 2012.

5. This work programme is subject to changes brought about by any developments by the Coalition Government’s with regards the Standards regime.

Issues for consideration

6. Officers have proposed the following timetable and work programme for the remainder of 2010/11 for Members to consider and amend/ add to:

Committee Meeting Main agenda items
15 September 2010
  • Outcomes of London-wide Standards Committee Seminar
  • Update on local assessment of complaints
  • Standards Indicators
  • DARA report on members expenses – update
  • Standard Committee work plan 2010/11
February 2011?
  • Guest speaker?
  • Update on the Standards regime
  • Update on single register of interest and gifts and hospitality for the GLA Group
  • Update on Local Assessment of Complaints
  • Update on the work programme
  • Draft work programme for 2011/12
  • Annual update on register of interests and gifts and hospitality

Assessment Sub-committee and Review Sub-committee meetings

7. The Assessment Sub-committee, Review Sub-committee and Hearings Sub-committee will meet as and when necessary.

C. Other organisational and community implications

Equality and diversity impact

There are no direct equalities implications arising from this report.

MET Forward

Whilst this report has no direct implications for Met Forward, ensuring that communities have confidence in the MPA, to oversee and scrutinise the MPS is critical. This committee sets and reviews the framework for standards of conduct which is important to ensuring continued public confidence.

Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications arising from this report.

Legal implications

The MPA is required, further to the Local Government Act 2000, to have a standards committee to deal with certain issues. These are set out in the MPA’s Standards Committee’s terms of reference. The work programme falls within the Committee’s remit as set out in its terms of reference.

Environmental implications

There are no direct environmental implications arising from this report.

Risk implications

There are no risks implications arising from this report.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author(s): Helen Sargeant, Solicitor and Monitoring Officer to the MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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