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Report 11 of the 13 November 2008 meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee agendas, and outlines a proposed scrutiny programme for 2008/09.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Scrutiny Programme 2008/09

Report: 11
Date: 13 November 2008
By: Chief Executive


This report outlines a proposed scrutiny programme for 2008/09.

A. Recommendation


  1. members endorse the proposed scrutiny programme for 2008-09; and
  2. endorse the proposal to review the framework for identifying the scrutiny programme.

B. Supporting information

1. The Peer Review of the MPA (carried out by the IDEA in January 2004) and the Audit Commission Initial Performance Assessment criticised the MPA for lacking a rationale for developing our scrutiny and review programme and for the balance we maintain between scrutiny and service improvement reviews. A framework for identifying areas for review was agreed by Corporate Governance Committee on 11 July 2005.

2. Historically, the oversight and review team has delivered one ‘set piece’ scrutiny per year. However, during 2007/08 the police authority, using resources from across the authority delivered four scrutinies:

  • Young people and their relationship with the police
  • Stockwell
  • Crime data accuracy
  • Succession planning and talent management.

3. A process was established to ensure that there is a sound rationale for identifying potential areas for scrutiny. In September 2005, members endorse a framework for identifying potential areas for scrutiny by Members. The criteria included:

  • Performance/community priority (through the national and local policing plan)
  • GLA/Mayoral annual deliverables
  • Poor performing area
  • High community priority
  • Public interest
  • Low public satisfaction/confidence
  • Equality and diversity issues e.g. disproportionality
  • Identified as weak by external agencies
  • Significant financial burden (including over/under-spends or budget reductions)
  • Significant capital implications
  • Procurement considerations (e.g. if contracts are due for renewal)
  • Partnership priorities and activities

4. Members will be aware that the Chair of the Authority recently invited Cindy Butts to undertake an inquiry into Race and Faith within the MPS. The terms of reference will be submitted to Full Authority for endorsement on 27 November 2008. This inquiry will be resourced from within the MPA, and given the scope of the review, it will not be possible to undertake any further reviews during 2008/09.

5. There are several issues that the Authority agreed needed further consideration during 2007/08 including how MPS resources are used, the approach to tackling business crime and safer neighbourhoods. It is proposed that officers undertake a scoping exercise to assess whether these remain relevant, and if they are, what would be covered as part of a scrutiny.

6. The framework for identifying the scrutiny programme has now been in place for over three years. With the introduction of the new police authority, it is timely to review the framework. This work will be carried out by the oversight and review team and presented to members for agreement in due course. It is proposed that Strategic and Operational Policing Committee receives a further report in February 2009, outlining the proposals for a more comprehensive programme of Scrutiny during 2009/10.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no direct race and equality implications from this report. However, the following points should be considered:

equality and diversity issues (particularly disproportionality) have been a key factor in the decision making framework for the scrutiny and review programme

all review conclusions and recommendations arising out of scrutiny activity will be fully impact assessed.

D. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications to implementing this framework as the work will be undertaken as part of the Oversight and Review Unit annual work programme. Review activity can be resource intensive both for the MPA and the MPS, and within the MPA there are limited scrutiny resources available. It is therefore important that these resources are focused on areas where efficiency and or effectiveness gains can be maximised.

E. Background papers

  • Corporate Governance Committee Report 12 11 July 2005 – Developing an Effective Review Programme (also submitted to Co-ordination and Policing in September 2005)

F. Contact details

Report author: Siobhan Coldwell, Head of Scrutiny and Review, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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