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Report 5 of the 4 December 2008 meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee and provides the draft terms of reference of the Olympics/Paralympics Sub-committee.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Olympics/Paralympics Sub-committee terms of reference

Report: 5
Date: 4 December 2008
By: the Chief Executive


Members are asked to agree the proposed Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Olympics / Paralympics Sub Committee.

A. Recommendation

That members agree the proposed Terms of Reference for the Olympics/Paralympics Sub-committee.

B. Supporting information

1. At the last meeting of this Committee a report was received that, amongst other things, proposed ToR for the Olympics and Paralympics Sub Committee. Committee members suggested various amendments to these and resolved that the ToR be redrafted.

2. The inaugural meeting of the Sub Committee was held on 20 Novembers, where Sub Committee members discussed the ToR.

3. Following that discussion, the Strategic & Operational Policing Committee is asked to agree the following redrafted ToR:

  1. Oversee the planning, development and implementation of the policing arrangements for the Olympic and Paralympic Games with a view to ensuring that the Games take place safely and securely and that Londoners and those visiting London for the Games are appropriately protected during and in the run up to the Games.
  2. Take steps to ensure that preparations for the 2012 Olympics do not have an adverse impact on delivering the MPA/MPS key strategic objectives in the run up to the 2012 Olympics, and that other public order events taking place in 2012 are not compromised.
  3. Scrutinise the financial arrangements supporting the programme ensuring that at all times agreed MPA budgets are strictly adhered to. Advise finance and resources committee and full authority as appropriate. Ensure compliance with relevant MPS policy and process (e.g. procurement) on those elements of the budget directly within the control of the MPA
  4. Ensure the MPS is developing comprehensive plans to address the Olympics legacy, including estates, personnel and skills, and that these plans are being monitored.
  5. Ensure that the MPS and its partners are developing and implementing an effective Olympics community engagement strategy that is properly co-ordinated and consistent with the engagement strategy of the MPA's Community, Equalities and People Committee.
  6. Oversee the effective integration of equality and diversity work within the MPS Olympic programme, including ensuring that the MPS meets its statutory responsibilities under anti-discrimination legislation.

C. Race and equality impact

There is none arising directly from the report. The proposed ToR include reference to equality and diversity issues.

D. Financial implications

None arising directly from the report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Siobhan Coldwell, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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