
Report 9 of the 5 February 2009 meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee and describes progress on the MPA Strategic Framework.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA Strategic Framework

Report: 9
Date: 5 February 2009
By: Chief Executive


At an away day on 31 October, members discussed and agreed that the Authority should develop a strategic framework that would support the MPA in its oversight and scrutiny function of the MPS and ensure that key priorities are delivered. This report describes progress since that workshop and next steps.

A. Recommendation

That Members support the development of the strategic framework and note the progress to date.

B. Supporting information

1. At the away day on 31 October members supported the development of a strategic framework to manage the work of the Authority and ensure delivery of the Policing London Business Plan and other key priorities. In terms of policing London, members agreed that there were three key strategic outcomes that the Authority will be working to achieve over the next three years:

  • Reduction in crime and criminality
  • Increased confidence in policing
  • Better value for money

2. Since the workshop in October, the Government has published the Policing and Crime Bill: a major plank within this is the establishment of one overarching target, shared with local authorities, around confidence. The Home of Commons Home Affairs Committee has published a report on Policing in 21st Century and the Mayor of London has published Time for Action – a strategy to tackle serious youth violence. The Mayor has finalised his budget guidance and the draft London Policing Business Plan 2009 – 12 has been presented and discussed at Committee and full Authority on several occasions. Furthermore, the MPA has considered its way of working and developed its priorities for the future.

3. In response, eight major programmes of work have now been identified, all designed to contribute to the three key outcomes – reducing crime and criminality, improving confidence and achieving greater value for money. These were outlined to Authority members at a briefing session on 19 January 2009.

4. The intention is to provide a framework that enables the Authority to effectively discharge its functions and ensure delivery of the policing plan and other key priorities. Over the next three years, the Authority will be focusing effort on the following work programmes. These are outlined briefly below to give a flavour of the areas to be considered. The priorities and details that sit within the work programmes are being refined and will be brought back to the Authority for final approval.

Proposed Work Programme

5. Ensuring that the streets of London are safe for everyone to use is of strategic importance to the MPA. This will mean working with the MPS to develop further the Safer Neighbourhoods programme as well as scrutinising the deployment and effective ways of working of all MPS resources, including special and volunteers.

6. The Authority will ensure that it has a focus on the delivery of core business. This includes the work of specialist teams in preventing and detecting serious and organised crime and terrorist activity, as well as scrutinising the deployment of resources to deal with public order, hot spots and other areas of specialist activity.

7. The MPS is not the only organisation responsible for delivering community safety. The complex world of partnership needs to be focused on to a common agenda that delivers long-term solutions. Critical areas going forward will include, in particular, serious youth violence, violence against women and hate crime.

8. Policing by consent involves communities being able to effectively voice their concerns – in return the police and partners must then respond. We will be developing and improving the mechanisms by which the public can access information and make local leaders accountable. The Authority is also committed to improving the police engagement structures across all London Boroughs.

9. The 2012 Olympics and Paralympics games offer the MPS real and significant challenges. The delivery of a safe, secure and resilient games is a given and the build up to and the impact of this alongside ‘day to day policing’ should not be underestimated. The Authority will be working with all partners to ensure the safety and security of London at all times.

10. To deliver the priorities we are reliant on people. The Authority will scrutinise the MPS HR strategy and plans to ensure that all MPS personnel are well led, motivated and rewarded for what they do. The outcomes of the Race and Faith Inquiry will be a key area of work going forward to ensure that the organisation is truly representative of the communities it serves and that trust and confidence in policing in London is enhanced.

11. Support by all parts of the MPS will be required to deliver the priorities. The MPA will therefore be working with the MPS to ensure there are programmes of work that maximise the use of all resources – including finance, IT, estates and procurement.

12. The Authority is also keen that minimum standards are adopted across the organisation. The Authority will be working closely with other partners to ensure a simple system is adopted that drives improvement in performance.

Next steps

13. Work will continue to refine and develop these proposals and will be brought back to the Authority for further discussion at the end of February.

C. Race and equality impact

Equality Impact Assessment will be undertaken as part of any development of new or changing policies.

D. Financial implications

The Policing London Business Plan presents a budget for 2009-12. The MPA budget for 2009-12 is contained within the overall plan. There are no additional resourcing implications at this stage.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Jane Harwood, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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