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Report 12 of the 16 September 2010 meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee, with details of the work on a Safer Neighbourhoods scrutiny.

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Safer Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Terms of Reference

Report: 12
Date: 16 September 2010
By: Hamera Asfa Davey on behalf of the Chief Executive


At the July meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee, Members agreed to undertake a Safer Neighbourhoods scrutiny that focused on structure. This report outlines the work that has been completed since this agreement was made.

A. Recommendation


  1. Members note the content of this report.
  2. Members consider and agree the draft Safer Neighbourhoods scrutiny Terms of Reference.

B. Supporting information

1. The attached Safer Neighbourhoods scrutiny Terms of Reference (Appendix 1) outlines the scope of the planned MPA Safer Neighbourhoods scrutiny. It was agreed at the July meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee that the scrutiny would focus on structure. For the purpose of the scrutiny, in referring to the term structure, the MPA will focus specifically on the current ward based model for Safer Neighbourhoods teams, and the Police Community Support Officer and Police Officer allocation to the ward based model.

2. Seven Members have expressed an interest in being part of the Safer Neighbourhoods scrutiny panel. An initial planning meeting was held with these Members on the 22 July 2010 to consider an earlier draft of the Terms of Reference and to also consider issues and themes to be addressed within the scope of the scrutiny.

3. As a result of this meeting, the Terms of Reference were revised. MPA officers also began planning the scrutiny panel sessions, focus groups, and consultation session, which will inform the scrutiny report.

4. A number of scrutiny panel sessions have been planned. Sessions will be held with AC Ian McPherson, DAC Lynne Owens and with borough representatives who have explored locally the possibility of moving away from the static Safer Neighbourhoods ward based model. A number of focus groups are also in the process of being organised. It is intended that sessions will be held with Safer Neighbourhoods Inspectors, Borough Commanders and Safer Neighbourhood police officers, and Police Community Support Officers. Consideration is also being given on how to best involve Safer Neighbourhoods Panel chairs. A focus group with Community Police Engagement Groups has already been arranged.

5. Officers are working closely with colleagues from the MPS central Safer Neighbourhoods unit to ensure that the scrutiny supports the Territorial Policing review process – considering that part of this review will consider the delivery of Safer Neighbourhoods.

C. Other organisational and community implications

Equalities Impact

1. An initial Equalities Impact Assessment has been produced and is attached (Appendix 2). This will be revisited once the Terms of Reference have been agreed by Members and will also be revisited throughout the consultation period.

Met Forward

2. Met Forward, the MPA’s strategic mission, was agreed by Members at Full Authority in April 2009. A key commitment in Met Forward was to undertake a Safer Neighbourhoods scrutiny. For further information please refer to the Met Streets section of Met Forward.

Financial Implications

3. The cost of the scrutiny, in terms of MPA officer support, external consultation, or commissioning of academic research, will be provided as where necessary by the Policing Policy, Scrutiny and Oversight Team and the Policing, Planning and Performance Improvement Unit. Additional costs will be met by the Policing Policy, Scrutiny and Oversight Team.

Legal Implications

4. There are no legal implications to the MPA Safer Neighbourhoods scrutiny.

Environmental Implications

5. There are no environmental implications to the MPA Safer Neighbourhoods scoping study.

Risk Implications

6. The risk implications have been outlined in the Terms of Reference (Appendix 1, pages 7 - 8).

Background papers


Contact details

Report author: Hamera Asfa Davey

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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