Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Minutes - draft

These minutes are draft and are to be agreed.

Minutes of the Joint meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing and Finance and Resources committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 11 November 2010 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London SW1H 0NY.



  • Reshard Auladin (Chairman)
  • John Biggs
  • Faith Boardman
  • Chris Boothman
  • Cindy Butts
  • Dee Doocey
  • Toby Harris
  • Caroline Pidgeon
  • Jennette Arnold
  • Joanne McCartney
  • Jenny Jones
  • Steve O’Connell
  • Graham Speed
  • Valerie Shawcross

MPA officers

  • Bob Atkins (Treasurer)
  • Catherine Crawford (Chief Executive)
  • Siobhan Coldwell (Head of Policing Policy Scrutiny and Oversight)
  • Jane Owen (Head of Policing Planning and Performance)

MPS officers

  • Anne McMeel (Director of Resources)
  • Lynne Owens (Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Territorial Policing)
  • Nick Rogers (Director of Financial Services)
  • Chris Strange (Lead Accountant, Directorate of Resources)

6. Appointment of Chair of the meeting

(Agenda item 1)

6.1 It was moved, seconded and

Resolved - That Reshard Auladin be appointed as Chair of the meeting.

7. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 2)

7.1 Apologies were received from Tony Arbour.

8. Declarations of interest

(Agenda item 3)

8.1 There were no declarations of interest.

9. Minutes of the Joint meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing and Finance and Resources committee – 23 September 2010

(Agenda item 4)

9.1 Members agreed the minutes of the above meeting.

Resolved - That the minutes of the joint meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing, and Finance and Resources Committees held on 23 September 2010 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

10. Policing London Business Plan

(Agenda item 5)

10.1 The Chair noted that Members had received a briefing on the draft Plan prior to the meeting and that he was mindful of the volume of the agenda. He invited the MPS to provide a brief introduction.

10.2 The MPS apologised for the lateness of the report, asking that Members recognise that they were currently dealing with a lot of uncertainty around budget and business planning. The confidential part of this report contains the draft policing plan and detailed financial information which, together with the draft policing plan in Part 1 of the agenda, will make up the submission to the Mayor in respect of 2011/12 budget settlement. The open part outlines the strategic direction in which the service is moving – the delivery of safety, confidence, VfM and a safe Olympics. Members are asked to note the synergy of service objectives and Met Forward.

10.3 The Chair advised that, given the late date at which agendas had been received, Members were not in a position to approve the submission at this time. It was agreed that MPA officers would contact the Mayor in order to defer the date of submission to him. The plan would be reconsidered at a meeting of the MPA Full Authority on 25 November, and for Mayoral approval thereafter. Members agreed this course of action.

10.4 Members asked whether the MPS was prepared, in open session, to confirm its commitment to the current Safer Neighbourhoods model. The MPS responded that the position of the Commissioner was outlined at a plenary of the London Assembly – they are committed to the model but recognise the necessity of looking at how it works across the capital and the required levels of supervision. A full discussion will be had with the Authority prior to any decisions being made on any proposed changes to the model.

10.5 The Chair suggested that Members ask questions around the report and that MPA officers then seek answers before the Full Authority meeting of the 25 November.

10.6 Members discussed the challenges around assisting in a budgetary process centred upon staffing levels (and levels of supervision) without a full understanding of how the MPS is currently staffed. They requested a breakdown of staff numbers – both warranted and unwarranted - at different levels of seniority within each business group.

10.7 Members asked whether the corporate objectives of the MPS, including targeting dangerous dogs and weapons, were in line with most dangerous offending. They also stressed their dissatisfaction that Members are not engaged earlier in the budget planning process – when strategic objectives are being drawn up - as they are often left to consider the figures presented to them within a vacuum, without being shown overall staffing levels or opportunity costs relating to budget decisions.

10.8 Members affirmed that the MPA has a statutory responsibility to set the policy direction of the MPS and to ensure the accountability of the Service to Londoners. They questioned their capacity to do so without timely involvement in the budget planning process. They also noted that they had yet to see the draft performance indicators for the coming period. The MPS responded that the indicators were for the next three years and should be considered after a financial settlement is agreed. This will be possible by December. The Chief Executive of the MPA agreed that it is necessary to distinguish the budget process and performance planning.

10.9 Members mentioned that HMIC had recommended increased civilianisation as a method to achieve VfM, and asked whether the budget proposals will achieve this?

10.10 The MPS responded that although professional civilian staff have been brought into areas of the business, the reality is that it is not possible to make warranted officers redundant. As such, the VfM calculation becomes: can you bring in civilian staff when officers cannot be moved? It was proposed by the Chair, and agreed by Members, that the rest of the questions would be addressed prior to the meeting of Full Authority.

10.11 The MPS indicated that, whilst it had complied with all the Authority’s requirements in developing the draft submission, it would do its best to provide responses before the Authority on 25 November to any questions submitted via MPA Officers.

Resolved – That:

  1. the questions put by Members during the meeting and those submitted to MPA officers following it are responded to by the MPS.
  2. the Plan be considered for approval at the meeting of the Full Authority on 25 November 2010.
  3. the Plan (with amendments if applicable) be submitted to the Mayor thereafter.

11. Draft Borrowing and Capital Spending Plan 2011/12-2017/18

(Agenda item 6)

11.1 This item was considered alongside agenda item 5 above.

12. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 7)

12.1 Members agreed to exclude press and public.

Summary of exempt items

13. Policing London Business Plan (Exempt part 2)

(Agenda item 8)

13.1 Members discussed confidential elements of the report.

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