Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Minutes - draft

These minutes are draft and are to be agreed.

Minutes of the Joint meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing and Finance and Resources committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 17 February 2011 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London SW1H 0NY.



  • Reshard Auladin
  • Jennette Arnold
  • John Biggs
  • Faith Boardman
  • Chris Boothman
  • Cindy Butts
  • Dee Doocey
  • Toby Harris
  • Jenny Jones
  • Steve O’Connell
  • Caroline Pidgeon
  • Amanda Sater
  • Graham Speed
  • Valerie Shawcross

Also attended:

  • James Cleverly
  • Kit Malthouse

MPA officers

  • Bob Atkins (Treasurer)
  • Siobhan Coldwell (Head of Policing Policy Scrutiny and Oversight)
  • Jane Harwood ( Deputy Chief Executive)
  • Jane Owen (Head of Policing Planning and Performance)
  • Helen Sergeant (Solicitor to the Authority).

Hamera Asfa Davey and Lynne Abrahams (Policy Officers) attended for consideration of agenda item 6)

MPS officers

  • Maxine de Brunner (Acting Deputy Assistant Commissioner, TP)
  • Carl Bussey (DPS)
  • Richard Clarke (Director of Strategy and Improvement)
  • David McCahan (DLS)
  • Anne McMeel (Director of Resources)
  • Nick Rogers (Director of Financial Services)

14. Appointment of Chair of the meeting

(Agenda item 1)

14.1 It was moved, seconded and

Resolved- That Steve O’Connell be appointed as Chair of the meeting.

It was further agreed that Reshard Auladin be in the Chair for consideration of

Exempt agenda items 12 and 13.

15. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 2)

15.1 Apologies were received from Tony Arbour, Neil Johnson and Joanne McCartney.

16. Declarations of interest

(Agenda item 3)

16.1 There were no declarations of interest.

17. Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing, and Finance and Resources Committees – 11 November 2011

(Agenda item 4)

17.1 Members agreed the minutes of the above meeting.

Resolved - That the minutes of the joint meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing, and Finance and Resources Committees held on 11 November 2010 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

18. Thematic Performance Report

(Agenda item 5)

18.1 This report reviewed the MPS performance and initiatives against the 2010-13 corporate objective to ‘Lead and Manage our service to ensure the most efficient, effective and economic use of all the resources entrusted to us’.

18.2 In response to questions the Director of Resources undertook to provide information relating to the gender breakdown of the BME representation amongst police officers and on the introduction of the bursary scheme in connection with the new model for recruitment. She also advised that the budget building work had included a consideration of the income streams, e.g. from local authorities in respect of joint working, which might be at risk.


That the work carried out in respect of the MPS’ 2010-13 Corporate Objective to Lead and Manage our Service, particularly in response to significant political and financial developments during this financial year be noted.

19. MPA safer neighbourhoods scrutiny findings

(Agenda item6)

19.1 The report provided an overview of the MPA Safer Neighbourhoods scrutiny which had recently been completed.

19.2 Reshard Auladin, the chair of the scrutiny panel, thanked the members who had contributed to the scrutiny and to the officers who had conducted and provided support for it. He referred to the fact the panel had decided to make a single recommendation and felt it was a matter of regret that three members of the panel had felt it necessary to request that their alternative views be included as Appendix 1 to the report. Reshard Auladin also confirmed that the report by the MPS on its own review would be submitted to the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee for decision.

19.3 In response to points raised by members concerning the MPS review Temporary DAC de Brunner clarified the position by explaining that the survey work had been carried out but the report had not been finalised.

19.4 Several members said they would be opposed to seeing a drop in any SN team below the minimum 1-2-3 model or to the sharing of Sergeants between teams as the current set up had proved to be effective and had found favour with the public.

19.5 Temporary DAC de Brunner said she would stress that no decisions had been made regarding the structure of the teams. However, it was the case that the budget for 2011/12 included a reduction in respect of the number of Sergeant posts. This meant that if a change was not made with regard to the current provision of one Sergeant in each Safer Neighbourhood team a corresponding saving would have to be made elsewhere from the TP budget.

19.6 Caroline Pidgeon and Dee Doocey requested that it be noted in the minutes that they had concerns about the single recommendation.

Resolved that

  1. The Safer Neighbourhood scrutiny recommendation be noted ; and
  2. The report be noted.

20. Policing London Business Plan

(Agenda item 7)

20.1 The report which had been considered at the Authority meeting on 27 January was submitted together with a supplementary report which provided further detail on points which had been raised at the Authority meeting on 27 January and at a member briefing held on 3 February.

20.2 Copies of the minute of the discussion of the report at the Authority meeting on 27 January 2011 were tabled. Members commented that at the Authority meeting it had also been agreed that it would be more appropriate for the letter to the Mayor (Appendix 3) to be made more formal in tone as the document might be shared with external parties and would reiterate the request that this be done.

20.3 Kit Malthouse reported that the political groups had submitted alternative budgets. These would be given detailed consideration and a response would be made concerning the amendments which had been proposed. Time constraints meant that it might be necessary to carry forward some of the suggestions for consideration as part of the future budget setting process.

20.4 In reply to questions the Director of Resources confirmed that further work was underway to set out clearly the supporting management information that would underpin each of the proposed KPIs, as well as options for how best to include the requested KPIs on rape and on the number of people killed and seriously injured on the road. The MPS Management Board was due to discuss options in the week beginning 21 February and it was the intention to share the outcome with the MPA in preparation for a substantive discussion at the 17 March joint meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing and Finance and Resources Committees.

20.5 Members welcomed the Equality Impact Assessment which had been supplied. It was noted that this was a working document and requested that there be collaboration between the MPS and MPA officers in developing it further to ensure a consistency of approach in the amount of detail provided across the document .

Resolved – That:

  1. the draft 2011-14 Policing London Business Plan as submitted to the Full Authority on 27 January and the revised funding limit as reflected in the Mayor’s draft budget for 2011/12 be noted;
  2. the outcome of the Extraordinary Member Briefings on KPIs and the budget and the process for finalising the 2011-14 Policing London Business Plan be noted; and
  3. the draft Equality Impact Assessment on the Policing London Business Plan 2011-14 be noted and that it be noted that further work will be carried out on the EIA.

21. Draft borrowing and capital spending plan 2011/12-2017/18

(Agenda item 8)

21.1 This report provided details of progress on the development of the capital programme 2011/12 to 2017/18. It was noted that the report would also be considered at the full Authority meeting on 24 February when the recommendations would be formally considered.

Resolved That

  1. the progress on the development of the capital programme be noted; and
  2. the report be referred for decision to the Authority meeting on 24 February 2011.

22. Any other urgent business

(Agenda item 9)

22.1 Jenny Jones said she understood that the MPS was due to provide a briefing paper on the use of CS gas by a police officer at an incident in Oxford Street in January and asked when it would be made available. Temporary Deputy Assistant Commissioner de Brunner advised that the briefing paper had been sent to the MPA and she would therefore surmise that it would be circulated to members shortly.

(Note: the briefing paper was circulated on 22 February)

23. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 10)

21.1 Members agreed to exclude press and public.

Summary of exempt items

Part 2

24. Draft borrowing and capital spending plan 2011/12-2017/18

(Agenda item 11)

24.1 Members discussed confidential elements of the report.

25 Exempt professional standards matters

25.1 The Committee made a number of decisions relating to requests for funding for legal representation at an Inquest, funding to settle a civil claim and settlement of costs

26. Minutes

26.1 The exempt minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2010 were agreed and signed.

Meeting closed – 3.45 pm

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