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Report 15 of the 26 Sep 00 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses arrangements for future meetings of the Committee

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Arrangements for future meetings of the committee

Report: 15
Date: 26 September 2000
By: Clerk


This report discusses arrangements for future meetings of the Committee, in particular arrangements for externally held meetings and seeks approval of a criteria for venues.

A. Supporting information


At the inaugural meeting of the Committee on 28 July 2000 it was agreed that, in order to engage as many people as possible, the Committee would hold future meetings at various venues around London.

Following consultation with the Chair of the Committee, it was agreed that the first meeting should be held in the London Borough of Greenwich. This report now considers possible future locations and proposes criteria for selection of suitable those venues. Draft criteria for selecting venues are at Appendix 1.

It is also proposed that meetings alternate on an inner-London and outer London A possible running order for Committee meetings up to the next MPA annual meeting is set out below for members consideration.

  • October - Waltham Forest
  • November - Hammersmith and Fulham
  • December - Enfield
  • January - Tower Hamlets
  • February - Kingston upon Thames
  • March - Lambeth
  • April - Bexley
  • May - Kensington and Chelsea
  • June - Barnet

Publicising the committee

Every effort will be made to publicise the Committee's meetings in the area in which they are to be held to encourage the public, as well as stakeholders to attend. Posters have been produced which have a form of words and style which will act as a template and allow the different dates and venues to be added in fast time to allow distribution. These will be sent to local libraries, community centres, local police stations for public notice boards and to those who have particular responsibility for diversity and social injustice issues. Press notices will be sent to all local and ethnic newspapers and radio stations well in advance of the meetings.

B. Recommendations

  1. That the Committee agree a running order for its future meetings along the lines of that in paragraph 3 of this report.
  2. That the Committee agree the draft criteria for selecting venues see Appendix A.
  3. Arrangements for promoting meetings as set out in paragraph 4 of this report be approved.

C. Financial implications

Increased costs will arise from hiring and using external venues. By way of an example, the cost of hiring the facilities in Woolwich are expected to amount to approximately

D. Review arrangements

It is suggested that members after the first 2/3 meetings review these arrangements.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

F. Contact details

The author of this reportĀ is Nick Baker, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

The criteria below should be used when booking (external) venues for meetings of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee.

  1. As this Committee is open to members of the public and press (except for exempt items) all venues booked should be suitable to hold a minimum of 40 people as well as committee and relevant officers.
  2. All venues should have access for the disabled.
  3. All venues should be within easy access of public transport (i.e. on a bus route/near a train/underground station).
  4. As well as giving public notice of the meeting, the local authority (Chief Executive) local police and community groups (as advised) should be informed.
  5. All venues should subjected to an MPS security clearance.
  6. That the venue has suitable acoustics.
  7. Ideally, the venue should have suitable local community feel.

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