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Report 11 of the 19 Dec 00 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses the draft consultation paper produced by the Mayor’s Crime and Community Safety Policy Commission.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

GLA Crime and Community Safety Policy Commission

Report: 11
Date: 19 December 2000
By: Clerk


This report is presented to seek the views of the Consultation Diversity and Outreach Committee on the draft consultation paper produced by the Mayor’s Crime and Community Safety Policy Commission.

A. Supporting information

1. The Mayor’s Crime and Community Safety Commission was set up during late summer as part of the Mayor’s consultation exercise. Toby Harris, Chair of the MPA, chairs the Commission and a number of Authority members have attended the three meetings of the Commission, held between September and October 2000.

2. The Commission has now produced a draft consultation paper, outlining the Mayor’s vision for Crime and Community Safety in London, including the eight key objectives which underpin the rationale for the Mayor’s responsibility in this area. This is attached at Appendix 1.

3. The paper includes a number of key recommendations for action. One of these proposes: “The establishment of a GLA unit to co-ordinate and promote community safety in Greater London”.

4. Members have already registered that with the setting up of the Commission and the potential GLA unit, there is a proliferation of authorities, groups and executive units that will be concerned with crime and disorder issues.

The following authorities and support groups have been identified:

- The ALG Community Safety and Policing Panel, chaired by Richard Arthur, and supporting policy officer(s);

  • The newly appointed Regional Crime Reduction Director, Ellie Roy, and her team;
  • The Joint Steering Group for pan-London coordination of crime and disorder partnerships, under the chairmanship of Ian Blair;
  • The CDO with supporting policy officer(s); and,
  • the Mayor's Crime and Community Safety Policy Commission and proposed new executive unit.

5. We should seek to achieve an agreed understanding as to how these separate authorities and their supporting units/officers should relate to one another, in order to avoid conflict and duplication and to make best use of resources and information.

6. It would also be helpful if an early meeting of the five authorities could be set up to enable representatives to agree a mutually acceptable way forward before work programmes and roles have been agreed. All the authorities in question have either just been set up or have been recently reconstituted and we should therefore have an opportunity now to get a mutually acceptable way forward without upsetting existing plans.

7. As noted above, several MPA members are also members of the Mayor’s Commission. It is recommended that one of these members is nominated to work with the lead officer to agree a response to the Mayor’s Commission regarding their proposals. This member could also represent the CDO interest at the proposed meeting of the various authorities proposed above.

B. Recommendations

  1. MPA members agree that a meeting be sought between the authorities involved in crime and disorder described in paragraph 4 to establish a joint way forward as soon as possible.
  2. Members nominate a member to represent their interest at the meeting proposed above and to agree a response with officers to the consultation paper from the Mayor’s Commission.

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications associated with this report.

D. Review arrangements

That members are informed of the outcome of the consultation exercise, and the proposed meeting with other crime and disorder authorities.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

The author of this report is Julia Smith, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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