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Report 10 of the 23 Jan 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses the processes that are in place for the management of consultation across the GLA functional bodies.

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Management of consultation across GLA functional bodies

Report: 10
Date: 23 January 2001
By: Clerk


This report is presented to inform members of the processes that are in place for the management of consultation across the GLA functional bodies.

A. Supporting information

1. The Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee (CDO) considered a report on this subject in October (CDO/00/18) when members were presented with initial information on the GLA Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement Programme.

2. The report further outlined the GLA’s approach to developing this programme which aimed both to satisfy the Mayor’s statutory responsibility to consult Londoners (including the business sector) on the Mayor’s strategies as well as the broader wish to ensure access of information to the range of communities and interests in London.

The GLA Consultation Network

3. This group was established and had its first meeting in October 2000. Draft terms of reference have been developed. Members may wish to comment on the draft terms of reference which are as follows:

  • To work to produce a coherent approach to consultation across the GLA family whilst recognising the differences between our organisations.
  • share information about consultation activity so that we have a good picture of what is happening across the family.
  • To consider scope for joint working on specific projects.
  • To act as steering group for the proposed best value review of consultation.

4. The Network is in the early stage of development, but its objectives represent which represents a strong base for ensuring that consultation is effectively co-ordinated across the functional bodies.

5. Where appropriate, the objectives offer the scope to:

  • Develop and share database information.
  • Co-ordinate how and when specific community groups should be consulted in order to minimise duplication of effort.
  • Explore joint commissioning of research in order to minimise costs and take a co-ordinated approach in dealing with cross functional issues such as community safety.
  • Access information which may already be available through another functional body such as the London Development Agency which holds a great deal of information about socially excluded groups in London.

It is apparent however, that much still needs to be achieved by this group, and it is hoped that future meetings will enable officers to propose joint objectives for endorsement by their committees.

MPA/MPS involvement in GLA/functional bodies consultation

6. The MPA and MPS are currently involved in a number of the GLA/Functional Bodies consultation processes.

7. The vast majority of these meetings are chaired by GLA officers and attended by officers from the functional bodies. Relevant issues addressed at these meetings are brought to the attention of the Members through formal reports or informal discussion.

8. MPA Members from the different sub-committees are members of, and/or attend GLA meetings, including the Mayor’s commissions (Crime and Community Safety, Domestic Violence), working groups (Youth strategies etc) and reviews (Notting Hill Carnival etc). Whilst some of these may not be specifically geared towards consultation they contribute towards the broader GLA/Functional Bodies consultation and engagement framework.

Further GLA/Functional Bodies Consultation Network

9. There are three established groups which the GLA/Functional Bodies can access for broad consultation processes and which can assist and enable the CDO Committee in achieving its key consultation objectives.

They are:

  • The Civic Forum
  • The Black Londoners Forum and
  • The Pan London Advisory Group on Faiths

10. A brief summary of the remit and membership of the groups are attached as appendices. The CDO Committee may wish to establish links with each of these groups.

11. The Chairs Co-ordination and Urgency Committee (CCU) has asked officers to establish a meeting with members of the multi faith groups, and discussions are underway to see whether this can be achieved through the GLA Pan London Advisory Group on Faiths. The CDO Committee may wish to meet with this group separately, and if this is the case separate discussion will need to take place with the Chair of the GLA Group, Richard Stone.

12. In addition to the multi faith groups, the committee may see value in arranging to meet with representatives of the black majority churches to explore with them the specific role that the black church can play in addressing local policing issues.

13. Although there are a number of structures and groups in place to facilitate consultation, the picture changes all the time and the Authority may not be fully informed of all of the processes that are in place across all functional bodies. Further discussion will be needed at the next meeting (to be confirmed) when a more detailed list will be made available to CDO Members.

B. Recommendations

  1. The draft terms of reference for the GLA/Functional Bodies Consultation Network be noted, subject to amendments.
  2. That a decision on engagement with the groups listed in paragraphs 9 and 12 be reached.
  3. To agree that a further, more detailed report is brought to a subsequent meeting.

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications associated with this report.

D. Review arrangements


E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

  • Committee Paper CDO/00/18
  • GLA Consultation Exercise paper - October 2000

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Julia Smith.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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