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Report 8 of the 27 Mar 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses the review of the MPS diversity strategy, "Protect and Respect".

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MPS diversity strategy update

Report: 8
Date: 27 March 2001
By: Commissioner


The MPS originally launched its Diversity Strategy, 'Protect and Respect', in December 1988. The strategy has been subject to review since June 2000. To assist this process an executive Diversity Strategy Board meets quarterly under the Deputy Commissioner Ian Blair. The progress of the review was further progressed through a Diversity Strategy Co-ordination Forum chaired by DAC John Grieve. The MPA are represented on each body. Sir Herman Ouseley was additional commissioned to conduct an independent review of the MPS Diversity Strategy and his final report was submitted in November 2000.

The next phase of the strategy will be launched at a high profile conference on 24 April 2001. The draft strategy (attached) has been circulated for discussion and comment since November 2000. It is being proposed that the next phase is more inclusive and whilst maintaining a key focus on race additionally embraces issues around gender, faith, sexual orientation, homophobia and domestic violence. It will also address internal staff issues of fair treatment and equality of opportunity.

The author of the paper is now rewording the draft to incorporate that comment already fed back to her. A revised draft will be submitted to the next meeting of the Deputy Commissioners board on 14 February. The final draft must be printed and published for distribution at the launch on the 24 April 2001.

A. Recommendation

The Committee is asked to note the report.

B. Supporting information

Diversity strategy board

1. The Diversity Strategy Board membership includes all senior MPS personnel responsible for delivering key aspects of the Diversity Strategy, Sir Herman Ouseley and senior representatives of the CRE, Independent Advisory Group, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Advisory Group, Black Police Association and the MPA (R David Muir).

Diversity strategy co-ordination forum

2. The Diversity Strategy Co-ordination Forum meets monthly and has a much broader membership including MPS personnel responsible for service delivery. All MPS staff associations are members thus representing the internal diversity of the service. Sir Herman Ouseley, IAG, LGBT AG and MPA (Julia Smith) are members of the forum as well as the board. The employers' forum on disability is represented. The forum has established 8 workgroups to deliver key areas of the strategy: Investigation; Prevention; Training; Recruitment, Retention and Progression; Stop and Search; Fair Practice (exercise of police powers); Fair Practice (internal staff issues).

Feedback received

3. The draft paper has already been discussed at both the board and forum meetings. Additional comment has been sent direct to the author. Comment already received includes: greater reference to independent advice, need to highlight success, must point out the benefits, the style and visual impact of the document must be addressed, a title and strap line is needed, reference to the Human Rights Act and Race Relations (Amendment) Act and other strategic drivers to be included, link into CRE Leadership challenge, message to be delivered with clarity. It is recognised that the Strategy Report must be supported by an action plan and be promoted through a clear communications strategy.

MPS diversity conference

4. The next phase of the Diversity Strategy, being colloquially referred to as 'Protect and Respect 2', will be launched at a high profile conference on diversity to be held at the Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre, Westminster on 24 April 2001. Keynote speakers will include the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Lord Toby Harris (MPA), Sir Herman Ouseley and Gurbix Singh (CRE). During lunch there will be an interactive arena in which a variety of public sector organisations have been invited to set out stalls showing their work in addressing diversity. The MPS will be represented by several stalls showing the work of the Diversity Directorate, Positive Action Team, Diversity Training Support Unit, Black Police Association and other staff associations. A plenary session will complete the afternoon, invited panellists include Ian Blair, R David Muir, Lee Jasper, Beverley Thompson (IAG) and Linda Bellos (LGBT AG).

C. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications arising from this report.

D. Background papers


C. Contact details

The author of this report is Detective Superintendent Steve Lovelock, Diversity Directorate, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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