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Report 7 of the 26 Jun 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses the MPA public information campaign currently underway to increase public awareness of their rights in a stop and search situation.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Stop and search - know your rights information campaign

Report: 7
Date: 26 June 2001
By: Clerk


This paper is an update for Members on the MPA public information campaign currently underway to increase public awareness of their rights in a stop and search situation.

A. Recommendation

That Members note progress on the 'Stop and Search know your rights' information campaign.

B. Supporting information


1. Recommendation 63 of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report states that police authorities should conduct publicity campaigns to make the public more aware of stop and search provisions.

2. Information gleaned from the MPA consultation on the recording of police stops has shown that Londoners believe adequate information is a defining factor in improving, rather than undermining, trust and confidence through stop and search procedures.

3. Greater awareness may also encourage police officers to think carefully about why they are conducting a stop and search.

4. Media attention on stop and search and disproportionality continues. The MPA needs to take a lead in reassuring the public about the use of this power.

Distribution of information

5. A "Stop and search know your rights" website is on-line. There is a link to this page from the MPA homepage. Contact has been made with various community groups who have websites to explore the possibility of placing a link to the stop and search page from their website.

6. An MPA pan-London community contacts database is currently being developed through consultation with London boroughs and other central organisations. This will be used both for distribution of information and for future consultation.

7. A package containing an introductory letter, order form and samples (copies of the samples will be made available at the meeting or on request) will be sent to community groups on the database, with an emphasis on youth and ethnic minority groups.

8. Packages have been sent to all Borough Liaison Officers, to facilitate distribution to students through Schools Involvement Officers, Youth Offending Teams, Police station front counters and Community/Permanent beat officers.

9. Packages have also been sent to 800 organisations through the London Civic Forum.

10. Materials will also be sent to health centres, libraries and citizen's advice bureaux in each borough.

Public event

11. A stop and search education session is being planned for the week ending 13 July 2001. This will be held in a school and facilitated by Schools Involvement police officers and an actor/celebrity with a specific interest in stop and search. Invitees will include press and local community groups. A press release will precede the event. Particular contact will be made with local and ethnic minority press and radio and MPS press (The Job).

12. Further information sessions may be held in other schools or in coordination with other community groups, depending on community response.

C. Financial implications

Costs for the publicity materials have been offset by the APA, which contributed design work and the stop and search website.

An exact figure cannot be determined prior to receipt of publicity material orders. However, the current estimate, based on the distribution of 800,000 'credit cards' and 400,000 leaflets is: £52,862.

There will also be distribution costs, although they will be kept to a minimum by distributing through central contact points where possible.

The costs of the launch event: circa £4,000.

The budget has been made available through an allocation from the the first year set up costs reserve.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is Jenni Brown.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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