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Report 12 of the 15 Nov 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses the first Best Value Challenge event to seek views on the review of equalities from a range of organisations across London.

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Progress report on GLA Best Value Review of Equalities

Report: 12
Date: 15 November 2001
By: Clerk


On Monday 29 October, the organisations in the GLA Group – the Greater London Authority (GLA), the London development Agency (LDA), Transport for London (TfL), London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) and the Metropolitan Police Authority/Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) – held the first Best Value Challenge event to seek views from representatives from a range of organisations across London, on the initial outcomes of its Baseline analysis. The Baseline analysis was the methodology used to assess each of the five members of the GLA Group against the eight aspirational roles that were originally proposed as those that a best value service in London ought to demonstrate.

A. Recommendation

  1. That members note the progress made in the work undertaken by the Best Value Review of Equalities and the potential for learning created by this crosscutting review.
  2. That members study the MPA/MPS information contained in the Baseline review.
  3. Members note the proposed internal consultation outlined in paragraph 9.

B. Supporting information

1. The agreed purpose of the review is…"to improve equality of opportunity in its widest sense, to encompass promoting fairness, eliminating discrimination and valuing diversity in all policy making, service delivery and employment agendas of the GLA group" As Public Authorities within the definition of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, each of the GLA Group members (with the exception of the Commissioner who has vicarious liability) has a statutory responsibility to promote race equality. Other legalisation, including the Sex Discrimination, Disability Discrimination, and Human Rights Acts apply to all members of the Group. In addition to these there are recommendations arising from the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry that are specific to the MPA and MPS.

2. In addition to these statutory responsibilities and government requirements, the review is stated as being a key process in assisting the Mayor in delivering his "unique duty to ensure equality of opportunity for all people" in all that he does.

Baseline Analysis

3. The Project Board has endorsed the progress being made by the GLA Group in this Best Value review. The baseline analysis, the methodology used to compare information, performance and practices across the five Group members has proved a rich source of information, which has greatly benefited the progress of the review. This is attached at Appendix 1. This document has been presented to the Mayor's Management Board, and will be circulated to all MPA members for their information.

4. Each Group member is continuing to revised and update the initial information provided, especially where gaps have been identified in the information provided to date. Work is also underway to compare the information provided to best practice examples of other organisations, as well as within the Group.

5. The analysis is a rich source of information that members are encouraged to consider as a basis identifying the future strategic and policy making decisions that this Authority may need to take in order to ensure that it achieves its objectives on the equality/diversity agenda during its first term of office. The Best Value Inspectorate as well as Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) will wish to see specific, measurable and time specific performance objectives arising out of the review. Members are asked to give thought to how they feel the Authority should progress this aspect of its work, given the fact that there are different for a - Finance Planning and Best Value Committee, MPA/MPS Project Board) and this Committee - which could be held accountable for progressing these measures, internally within the MPA and within the MPS.

Challenge event

6. Invitations were sent to members of this Committee to attend the first Challenge meeting on 29 October. The key aims and expected outcomes of the review were presented to delegates by Lee Jasper, Chair of the Review Board, and Diane Abbot MP, member of the Mayor's Management Board.

7. Delegates were invited to consider a number of issues, including whether the eight key roles identified by the review team were the correct priorities for the Group members. The papers presented at the meeting are attached at Appendix 2.

8. Further revisions will be required to the eight objectives identified, and assurances have been given that delegates will be further consulted on the revisions made. Further consultation events, with different groups, including staff representatives and elected members from the five organisations will be held over the next few weeks.

9. In addition to the generic consultations meetings that are being arranged by the Group members, each organisation is expected to carry out their own internal consultation with staff, trade unions and members.

10. The MPA and MPS have agreed to hold all meetings jointly. The proposed date for consulting MPA members is 3 December Arrangements will be made to consult MPS officers and civil staff, initially through The Job, by means of an article about the review and its emerging outcomes. Details of project will also be placed on the MPA and MPS intranet sites so that staffs that are unable to attend meetings will have the opportunity to consult on the project electronically. Agreements have also been made for papers to be presented to the MPA/MPS BV Project Board, Diversity Forum (21 November) and MPS Diversity Board (4 December),

C. Financial implications

There will be a need to identify resources and a budget to ensure that the Authority will be in a position to implement the outcomes of the Review. This has been included in the budget growth bid for 2002/03.

There may be a small cost associated with the internal consultation in this financial year however it is anticipate that this will be contained within current budget.

D. Background papers

"Equalities for All" GLA Group Review start up report and baseline analysis. Mayor Management Board 22 October 2001.

E. Contact details

The author of this report is Julia Smith, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18


Appendix 1 and 2 are available from Secretariat, MPA.

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