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Report 14 of the 15 Nov 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses the current situation in relation to stop and search training within the MPS.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Stop and search - training programme

Report: 14
Date: 15 November 2001
By: Commissioner


This report updates Members with the current situation in relation to stop and search training within the MPS.

A. Recommendation

Members are asked to note the contents of this report.

B. Supporting information

1. On 29th June 2001 the MPS published its guide to the use of stop and search. To support this document a corporate training package was produced. The objectives of the training programme are focused around legislation, reasonable grounds, community perceptions and stereotyping.

2. It is envisaged that the training package will take four hours to deliver and will be incorporated within the existing borough/operational command unit training days. This will alleviate any unnecessary abstractions from operational front line duties.

3. The training will be delivered to all operational officers up to the rank of Inspector who fall within Territorial Policing (TP). The opportunity costs are estimated to be approximately £1,472,000. This calculation is based upon training 16,000 officers.

4. Whilst the training is focused on operational officers, the Diversity Directorate has suggested to borough training managers that they may wish to include civil staff who are employed as station reception officers and communication officers within this training programme.

5. The package will be delivered by police trainers based within borough training units. In order to assist these trainers three seminars were held in July to discuss current issues with members of the Diversity Directorate and the author of the package and to share best practice.

6. Training commenced in September 2001 and the attendance of personnel will be monitored. The target is for 80% of officers within Territorial Policing to receive training between September 2001 and March 2002. A specific Personnel Information Management System (PIMS) code has been allocated to record such training on the officer's personal file which can assist monitoring progress towards the target realisation.

7. Each Borough Commander and Pan London Unit Head has appointed a member of their senior management team (SMT) to be responsible at a strategic and tactical level for the promotion of the proper use of stop and search within their borough/unit.

8. The designated SMT member has overall personal responsibility for ensuring that training is delivered to all officers within his or her BOCU/OCU. It is essential that all officers have a clear understanding of their powers and responsibilities. This would include supervisors being aware of their responsibilities as per Special Police Notice 12/01. There is also to be an emphasis on practical police training as well as a thorough knowledge of the requirements when exercising powers that do not require reasonable grounds.

9. The designated SMT member will be required to monitor the impact of the training on his or her BOCU/OCU .

10. The National Police Training Unit at Harrogate has been tasked by ACPO with producing a range of stop and search products. The programme will consist of training interventions for the following identified groups:

  • Probationer training and special constables
  • 2-30 years service constables
  • supervisors and tutor constables
  • strategic managers

11. The release of this material is dependant upon ratification of the Codes of Practice. There is a possibility that this package would not be available to the service until March/April 2002. The MPS is confident that the existing CRR training coupled with the MPS stop and search package will satisfy NPT's requirements and objectives for police constables. Hence, there will be no duplication.

12. Since 11 September several BOCUs/OCUs have suspended their training days in the light of increased commitment to provide officers for security patrols. At this stage it is not possible to state whether the target of 80% of officers to be trained within six months will be achieved. This situation will continue to be monitored.

C. Financial implications

The approximate 'opportunity' costs of 16,000 police officers attending the training programme is detailed in paragraph 3.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is Cheryl Burden, MPS Diversity Directorate.

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MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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