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Report 9 of the 14 Mar 02 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and provides a summary of work undertaken to progress the work on Community and Police Consultative Groups.

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Community And Police Consultative Groups – progress report

Report: 09
Date: 14 March 2002
By: Clerk


This report provides a summary of work undertaken to progress the work on Community and Police Consultative Groups since the last meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee (CDO).

A. Recommendation

  1. That the Committee note the purpose of the Community and Police Consultative Group's Internal Management Meeting and the key actions and development arising from meetings with Lead Members;
  2. That the Committee notes the timescale for approving the funding allocation for Groups and agrees the options outlined in paragraphs 13 and 14; and
  3. That the Committee notes the resource implications contained in the report.

B. Supporting information


1. This Committee has nominated Nicholas Long as lead member with responsibility for matters relating to Community & Police Consultative Groups (CPCGs). MPA officers have sought the lead member's guidance and advice, on a number of issues as well as keeping him appraised of emerging CPCG issues. The role of lead member has worked well and has benefited the work carried out by MPA officers and enhanced the guidance given to Groups. Since the initial meeting in November, two other meetings have been held. Agenda and minutes of the meetings are circulated to all MPA members for their information. This report is presented to inform and update this Committee on some of the key decisions reached in progressing the re-formation of CPCG.

Community and police consultative groups internal management meetings and emerging issues

2. The initial meeting of the CPCG Internal Management was held on 13 November 2001. The meetings are held on a bi-monthly basis between CDO lead members for Consultative Groups and MPA officers to review, monitor and provide guidance on specific issues relating to Consultative Groups.

3. The meetings are informal and designed to make sure issues of concern to the Consultative Groups are dealt with in a co-ordinated and consistent way. The meetings also provide opportunities for exploring emerging issues and policies as well as to explore specific problems of individual Groups, in particular, in the areas of finance and staffing.

4. In order to ensure transparency, a set of terms of reference was agreed. This is attached at Appendix 1. Members will note that all MPA Members are automatically informed of all meetings so that they can have the opportunity to raise general or specific issues with the lead member or MPA staff.

London Police & Community Consultative Group Forum (LPCCGF)

5. Chairs and/or Vice-Chairs of Consultative Groups from across London continue to meet quarterly to share information and discuss matters of interest. In the past the Chair of London-wide Forum has had to find his or her own secretarial support. In April 2001, the LPCCG submitted an application to the MPA for a dedicated full-time Secretary. In July 2001 the MPA took a decision to grant funding for a part-time post for 10 hours per week and an appointment was made on a five month fixed term contract starting on 1 December 2001 and ending on 30 April 2002. Currently the part-time Administrator is based at Camden CPCG. The current arrangement is cost effective.

6. The Forum is seeking to appoint a full-time person on an overall budget of £47,353. It is the opinion of the Forum that their needs can only be met by someone working full-time. This will be discussed at the budget allocation meeting on 18 March 2002 when the allocation of budget for all CPCGs and Independent Custody Visiting Panels (ICVPs) will be considered by lead members (CPCG and ICVP) and MPA Officers. A decision on the outcome will be presented in a further paper that will be made available to CDO members closer to the date of the meeting.

Informal meetings with groups

7. The Head of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Unit has planned a programme of visits to all borough Consultative Groups. The purpose of the visits is to meet with Groups' executive and staff in their local areas, to explore issues they may have and share the ideas/plans that are emerging within the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) and other work areas/developments generally, as well as giving the Authority a unique opportunity to learn about the work of the Groups and ideas that they have for future developments and working relationships with the MPA. The timetable to conduct all visits is from October 2001 to October 2002. To date, officers have visited 13 groups, nine visits are scheduled and ten have yet to be arranged. Generally, the meetings have been successful and beneficial both to the MPA and Groups. The executive members have found the meetings helpful and are pleased that MPA officers are interested in engaging with them on local policing issues and matters of concern.

IT requirements for groups

8 Costings are being prepared for the purchase of two computers for Groups who need them. The details should be available shortly with a view to the computers being delivered by the end of February or early March. The detail of training, maintenance and support for Groups is under discussion internally for consultation. The cost will be met from the current year's budget.

Service level agreement

9. The MPA is in the process of producing a Service Level Agreement Lfor Consultative Groups, which will be presented to key partners, such as local authorities, the MPS and Groups for comment. This SLA will outline the Authority's expectation of the Groups, as well as outline the level of service that it will provide to the Groups. It is planned that this document will be sent out to Groups for consultation by June 2002 and will be implemented in April 2003.

Financial management

10. The on-going problem that groups have with financial management is being addressed through the Internal Audit review. The Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Unit has recently contracted an agency finance officer pending the recruitment of a permanent officer to undertake the work required on the Groups' finances.


Secretarial support

11. Groups were informed that as from April 2002 where administrative work is shared between the work of the Consultative Group and Independent Custody Visiting Panel, funding should only be sought for one full-time equivalent member of staff. They were asked to indicate the proportion of time spent on the work of the Group and the Panel respectively. The expectation is that any overtime worked should normally be taken as time off in lieu.


12 The MPA has agreed to cover the employer's liability insurance for the London Forum. The Forum have now asked if the MPA could also pay for public liability cover for e.g. defamatory comments appearing in their minutes etc. Lead Members initial response is that this would be inappropriate. Guidance on insurance cover for all groups and panels is to be explored.

Budget process/bidding forms 2002/03

13. The 2002/03 bidding application process for CPCGs and Independent Custody Visiting Panels is currently underway. All groups were sent the bidding forms for the financial year 2002/03 in December 2001. The date of return was 15 February 2002. There is no scope for increases in the coming year due to financial constraint on the MPA budget. The MPA will not consider growths in bids except in truly exceptional circumstances. The anticipated budget for consultative groups and Independent Custody Visiting Panels remains at £1.2 million.

14. Officers are in the process of assessing bids based on the proposed criteria, which will be presented to lead members on 18 March for their consideration. A report containing a recommended budget will be tabled at the March CDO meeting.

Development plan for consultative groups


15. Following on from the Best Value Review the MPA is in the process of drafting a model constitution for consultative groups. The document will be designed as a guide, which could be used as a template for the groups' requirements. The proposed timescale for completing the draft for consultation is April 2002.

Priorities for work 2002/03

16. The CDO work programme identified key work areas for consultative groups in 2002/03. A detailed implementation draft, which will be informed by the MPA's consultation implementation plan and consultation strategy, is underway. This draft work plan will be discussed with Groups and will be presented to the May meeting of this committee for endorsement.

C. Financial implications

All expenditure implicit in the action plan is covered within the existing budget allocated.

D. Background papers

Appendix 1 - Terms of Reference for Internal Management Working Group

E. Contact details

Report author: Enid Ledgister, CDO, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Community and Police Consultative groups

Internal management meeting

1. Purpose and remit of meetings

  • Meetings will be bi-monthly commencing on 13 November 2001.
  • It is a meeting between link members for Consultative Groups and MPA Officers.
  • It is an informal meeting to make sure issues of concern to the Consultative Groups are filtered back to the CDO via the MPA officers.
  • It is to inform, update and offer guidance to groups, to make sure groups know what is expected from them by the MPA and to try to anticipate any problems with individual groups, in particular, in the areas of finance and staffing.

2. Reporting process CDO Committee and MPA members

The process will operate on an informal basis in order to filter issues and problems. Link members for consultative groups will be invited to these meetings to raise issues, which can be actioned/monitored, by officers and the results reported to the CDO Committee.

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