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Report 6 of the 04 July 02 meeting of the Consultation Committee and is an update on the MPA Communications Unit.

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MPA Communications Unit update

Report: 6
Date: 04 July 2002
By: Clerk


The Communications Unit has a number of initiatives it wants to progress, budget permitting. These include: upgrade of the website to comply with new and existing regulations and guidelines concerning accessibility, including Race Relations and Disability Acts requirements; change of MPA logo and corporate guide; branding for the new offices; updating the communications strategy; development of the Intranet; production of new marketing material – newsletters, leaflets, 'give-aways', exhibition displays etc; sponsorship protocol.

A. Recommendations


  1. The Committee note the contents of the report;
  2. Members decide whether to recommend to the full Authority that the MPA logo should be changed.

B. Supporting information


1. The upgrade of the 2000-page MPA website is necessary to provide a site that continues to provide service to users and to be effective at communicating with and between our stakeholders, as well as meeting current guidelines for government websites. The site needs to be more accessible to users with disabilities and text only browsers, and much easier to maintain, with style and content being separated for the first time, allowing economical and efficient upgrades in the future.

2. The site falls short of new guidelines for government websites and requirements for accessibility contained in disability discrimination and race relations legislation and guidelines such as: Guidelines for UK government websites; Race Relations Act; Disabilities Discrimination Act; World Wide Web Consortium guidelines; 'Bobby', RNIB.

3. Following the upgrade, the site will have voice capability that can read the pages to the user, if they have a soundcard installed on their PC. This will not only be useful to those who cannot see the pages, but also to those who have reading difficulties and whose English is not their first language. Forums would be developed to create an interactive area where users can discuss issues and share ideas and opinions. Users could also subscribe to particular topics and receive automatically generated e-mail about new content. The search facility would allow users to perform rapid searches on all content on the site.

Logo and guide

4. The former Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee recommended last year that the MPA logo be changed to avoid any confusion with the PA consulting logo, which has virtually the same PA configuration and font, albeit a different colour. Funding for this change was not available last year but might be accommodated within the Communications Unit budget this year. This issue is now holding up the production of material from business cards to graphics for the new offices.

5. Changing a logo and tampering with an established corporate identity is seldom a good idea unless it is hopelessly outdated or confusing. In our case, we would almost certainly keep the MPA initials and the full name beneath. Whatever Members decide, we should add a 'strapline' describing what we do, or aspire to do, such as the MPS 'working for a safer London'. Some suggestions have including 'efficient and effective policing', 'consulting communities', 'policing through partnership' and 'partnership in policing', as used on last year's annual report. A different strapline could be used to fit the occasion, for example, 'consulting communities' could be used on consultation documents, publicity material and questionnaires.

6. Another suggestion is that we use the same style as the MPS logo, and retain their strapline. This would be the cheapest option apart from doing nothing at all and we would be able to use the MPS guide on usage, further reducing the cost.

7. Colour is another issue. Members might wish to change from the present green to another colour or no colour. The use of a recognisable symbol should also be considered, although restraint in design terms is to be encouraged.

8. Changing corporate identity can be costly and difficult to justify in terms of value for money.

Branding for the new offices

9. It will be necessary to 'brand' the new offices with the MPA corporate identity. This would cost in the region of £15k to include a large photographic backdrop for the main meeting room and backdrop for the media interview room, graphics for pillars in the main meeting room and a few other associated signs.

Communications strategy

10. The original communications strategy approved by the MPA in 2000 is now in need of updating. We are currently working on this and will submit a draft to a future meeting of the committee for consideration. It will be more specific than the current strategy, with clearly focused aims and objectives.


11. The MPA Intranet needs to be developed as one of the key tools for communicating with and providing information for Members and staff. This will be achieved through an 'editorial board' which will be responsible for updating the site. We need more participation from everyone in providing information and keeping pages up to date.

Marketing material

12. We are in desperate need of new marketing material, including leaflets, posters, display stands, photographs, newsletters, information sheets and give-aways, for use at public events, such as exhibitions and conferences.

13. The MPA Christmas cards are also needed – a school competition is being organised with the winning entries used as the designs.


14. We now have £15k for sponsorship, exhibition space, event advertising and associated costs. Sponsorship is potentially the most expensive activity of these and a protocol is being written to lay down guidelines for the sponsoring of GLA-related and external events.


15. Communications Unit is also involved with the production of the annual report, the policing and best value plan and the GLA's ON magazine.

16. We now use a fully electronic system for the distribution of press releases and statements and can access this system remotely using laptop computers, if necessary, 24 hours a day. Further advances in this area are being explored, such as the attachment of photographs and video and radio interviews. Unfortunately, the present budget does not permit us to pursue all of the technology available commercially to enhance our communications systems.

17. During last year's Notting Hill Carnival, we used the Central Office of Information to film an interview with the Chair of the MPA on site which was then used on the MPA website before and during Carnival.

18. All Members who expressed a desire to be trained in media interview skills have received this training. Refresher training is available if desired.

19. How to deal with media enquiries and interview requests will be part of the new MPA handbook.

C. Financial implications

1. Total Communications Budget for the current year is £65k, including £15k for sponsorship, exhibitions and events.

2. Website: Total cost of the upgrade £12,880 excluding VAT, £15,134 including VAT. The money to be split between Comms Unit, Consultation Unit and the Training budgets.

3. LOGO/corporate guide: From minimal costs if adopting the Met logo and guidance, or using designers, £4k - £16k.

4. Branding – in the region of £15k.

5. Marketing material: £5k - £15k approx, depending on number of events during the year and material used.

6. Sponsorship: Total budget £15k.

7. A refund of around £20k is expected shortly, following overcharging for press cuttings. This will help towards some of the above costs.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Philip Powell, Communications Unit, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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