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Minutes of the Consultation Committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 27 February 2003 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, SW1H 0NY.



  • Cindy Butts (Chair)
  • Kirsten Hearn
  • Nicholas Long (items 1-4)
  • Abdal Ullah (Deputy Chair)

Also present: R. David Muir

MPA Officers:

  • Julia Smith (Policy Officer, Consultation, Diversity and Outreach)
  • Ken Hunt (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Nick Baker (Head of Committee Services)

MPS Officers:

  • Chas Bailey (Superintendent, Consultation Manager)
  • Commander Rose Fitzpatrick
  • Chief Superintend Andy Bamber

Co-opted members: Sandra Flower (London PCCG Forum) and Kate Monkhouse (London Civic Forum)

Part 1

Chair’s opening comments

The Chair raised concerns regarding the circulation of some of the reports on the agenda less than the five clear working days before the meeting and requested that this not occur in future. Members agreed that the circulation of late reports was not helpful in allowing members to be engaged in the decision making process nor allow members of the public a full opportunity to be involved.

It was agreed that future consideration be given to the circulation of reports not requiring a decision being circulated as briefing papers outside the meeting, a process adopted by other MPA Committees.

The Head of Committee Services informed the Committee that deadline dates for the production of reports were shared with colleagues within the MPA and MPS in advance of meetings and that the unacceptability of late reports would be raised again with senior officers.

38. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies were received from Jenny Jones and Fosten Fairclough (Co-opted Member).

39. Declarations of interests

(Agenda item 2)

No declarations of interests were made.

40. Minutes of the Consultation Committee – 5 December 2002

(Agenda item 3)

The Committee considered the minutes of the committee meeting held on 5 December 2002.

Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting on 5 December 2002 be agreed.

41. Chair and Members oral update

(Agenda item 4)

Members were invited to give an oral up date on issues relating to any activities since the last meeting of the Committee. Nicholas Long reported that he had been involved with the CPCG constitution process. Kirsten Hearn informed the Committee of concerns raised by the LGBTG Independent Advisory Group in relation to circulated documentation by the MPS on hate crime and how these concerns had been resolved. She also attended the launch of the Community Cultural Resource Unit. The Chair highlighted her involvement in the ‘stand up and stamp down on murder’ gun crime conference and in CRR training evaluation.

Resolved – That the Chair and members oral update be noted.

42. Evaluation of the 2003/4 consultation process

(Agenda item 5)

As this report had not been circulated within the required five working days before the meeting the Chair agreed to accept the report as urgent because any delays would have a knock on effect on the consultation timetable that had to be complete by September.

The Committee received a report providing an evaluation of the 2003/4 consultation process and detailing a high-level consultation plan for 2004/5. Members felt there was a need to engage with often excluded groups. Members were informed that the MPS were keen to include these groups and were working on the eight GLA priority groups identified. The MPS had mechanisms to engage most of these groups and was developing mechanisms for the remainder. The Chair also suggested that the Chair of the MPA’s Planning, Performance and Review Committee should be included in the process in order that the consultation process feed into the planning cycle.

The MPS agreed to circulate to members a copy of the list of the 31 languages used in the translation of documentation, in order that this might be updated if required.

Resolved – That the evaluation report be noted and the consultation plan approved.

43. Consultation calendar

(Agenda item 6)

As this report had not been circulated within the required five working days before the meeting, the Chair agreed to accept the report as urgent as a delay would affect the youth consultation event to be held on 25/26 March 2003.

At the Consultation Committee on 5 December 2002 a programme of consultation events outlining a proposed timetable for initial meetings was presented to members. Members received a report proposing a change to these dates and highlighting work that has been done to progress these events.

The report highlighted the gun crime event: stand up and stamp down on murder on 28 February 2003 and the change in the timetable of the youth consultation event. The Committee were asked to forward any suggestions to officers regarding issues for the proposed annual consultation conference.

The report sought members’ views on employing an events organiser to assist the Communications and Consultation Units in planning all aspects of such events. The Committee suggested that in the first instance, further consideration should be given to working along side existing community events and building on existing partnerships that might be willing to provide the support required.

Resolved – That the revised timetable for consultation events be noted.

44. A new approach for the MPA support of police-community consultative arrangements in Greenwich

(Agenda item 7)

As this report had not been circulated within the required five working days before the meeting, the Chair agreed to accept the report as urgent as arising from members’ discussion on this issue the matter would be discussed at a Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership meeting on 3 March 2003.

A report was received making recommendations for supporting police community consultative arrangements in Greenwich as well as providing a preliminary overview of the general overhaul that might be needed to bring up to date the MPA’s continued support of police-community consultative arrangements. Members welcomed the report and thanked Tim Rees, the consultant who prepared the report. Members agreed that a workshop for all members of the Authority should take place to consider the long-term plan of action, including a timetable and resource implications, for ongoing MPA support of community consultative arrangements. Members agreed that those organisations consulted should receive a copy of the consultant’s report.

Resolved – That

  1. members note the contents of the report and the proposals for further detailed discussion by means of a workshop with members of the MPA and partners to consider the long term plan of action, including a timetable and resource implications, for ongoing MPA support of community consultative arrangements; and
  2. note the proposal to initiate urgent discussions with those community partners already active in the Greenwich Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership, such as the Greenwich Community Safety Trust and the Greenwich Voluntary Action Council and to develop the community capacity to become a robust partner in local crime and disorder reduction work and assert a strong local public scrutiny role.

45. Focus Groups and Citizens Panels

(Agenda item 8)

A report was received outlining the strengths and weaknesses, cost implications and initial methodology for internally and externally facilitated Focus Groups and Citizens’ Panels. Members agreed that, following the workshop mentioned in item 44, further work should be undertaken to develop Focus Groups and Citizens’ Panels, which could assist in such processes in quick time.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

46. Consultation strategy to support the phased implementation of Recommendation 61 in the borough of Hackney

(Agenda item 9)

Members received a report informing Members of the draft communications strategy to support the phased implementation of Recommendation 61 in Hackney Borough.

Resolved – That the report and draft communications strategy at Appendix 1 be noted.

47. Outline of the impact of the National Intelligence Model (NIM) on consultation

(Agenda item 10)

Implementation of the National Intelligence Model is underway within the MPS. A report was received outlining the implications for consultation.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

48. MPA review of Community, Police And Consultative Groups

(Agenda item 11)

As this report had not been circulated within the required five working days before the meeting the Chair agreed to accept the report as urgent as members needed to begin considering the next stages of the process.

On 11 November 2002, the MPA issued copies of a draft model constitution and supporting documents to Community and Police Consultative Groups (CPCGs) so that they could propose amendments to reflect the local circumstance and operation of each Group. Over ninety per cent of the Groups had responded to the exercise. The report outlined some of the key issues raised by the Groups; proposed the next phase for completing the process and highlighted those areas of work that would need to be addressed as a part of the overall reform of local CPCGs.

Clarification was given on the statutory standing of CPCGs and members were informed that each response to the consultation template received from each group would be made available to members to view. In order to ensure that this information was made available for members, it was noted that the timescale for considering a new CPCG constitution would have to be revised.

The Committee agreed that as there was not a meeting of this Committee until April, that funding issues be referred to the full Authority meeting on 27 March 2003.

Members also supported the initial funding of CPCGs support of Racial Incidents Panels (RIP) for a limited period. It was also agreed that discussions with other organisations on providing future financial support for RIPs be undertaken.

Resolved – That

  1. the Committee agree the revision to the timescale for the final adoption of the model constitution in Appendix 1 of the report;
  2. agree on the areas of work that still need to be carried out in order to address the key aspects of the reform agenda;
  3. agree the process outlined in paragraphs 12 and 13 for approval of the funding allocated to each CPCG and Independent Custody Visitor Panel (ICVP) for 2003/04;
  4. note the actions outlined in paragraphs 18 - 20 for the review of the employment status of the staff that provide administrative support to the independently administered CPCGs and ICVPs;
  5. provide funding of short term technical support, initially to the end of the first quarter, to support Racial Incidents Panels, whilst the Groups look into securing alternative sources of funding; and
  6. note the actions that are being pursued by officers to assist the 5 CPCGs that have traditionally allocated part of their funding to support local Racial Incidents Panel and agree that this be referred to the MPA Pan London Race Hate Crimes Working Group for their consideration;

49. Progress report on Community Consultation Co-ordinators

(Agenda item 12)

This report was withdrawn.

50. Co-optee to Committee

(Agenda item 13)

This report was withdrawn.

51. Presentation ‘Overview of GLA consultation network

(Agenda item 14)

This report was withdrawn.

The meeting closed at 3.45 p.m.

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