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Report 11 of the 24 Apr 03 meeting of the Consultation Committee and updates members of the progress and the MPA’s continued involvement in the cracking crime project.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

GLA Black and Minority Ethnic Communities (BME) cracking crime project

Report: 11
Date: 24 April 2003
By: Clerk


In March 2002, the MPA contributed financially as well as providing resources to the Government Office for London (GOL), Greater London Authority (GLA), BME Cracking Crimes 2 day conference in London. This report is presented to update members of the progress and the MPA’s continued involvement in the project. A slightly different version of this report went to the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board on 13 March 2003.

A. Recommendation

That members note the report and agree the continued involvement, at MPA officer level, in the project.

B. Supporting information

1. Following a relatively successful two day conference called Black and Minority Communities Cracking Crime, which involved around 100 stakeholders from across London in March 2002, the GLA and GOL published a detailed report. This outlined a number of key principles for reducing crime in London, including the proposal for setting up of a London-wide network for black and minority ethnic (BME) communities focusing on crime prevention and reduction.

2. The Office for Public Management was commissioned to explore the possible forms and functions of such a network. This work was completed, and a copy of the report has been previously circulated to members and is available in the members’ room.

3. The GOL has provided funding for the recruitment of staff and to develop the recommendations arising from the conference report. These staff have now been appointed by the Black Londoners Forum and the London Action Trust, the two organisations that have been commissioned to progress this work.

4. The GLA has proposed the establishment of a partnership board to oversee the work of the network. Details of the terms of reference and membership are attached at Appendix 1.

5. Members will note that the core of the work of the project and the partnership board will be concerned with ensuring that BME organisations are engaged in the work which is the key responsibility of local Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRPs). The MPA and MPS are the only statutory partners in the CDRPs who are also members of the partnership board.

6. The recent MPA scrutiny into the MPA’s role in CDRPs made no specific recommendations with regards to the MPA’s role in influencing the equal opportunities and race dimension of the consultation and community engagement responsibility of the CDRPs. However, it is evident that this is a significant gap that this Committee could play a useful role in influencing, through the work of the partnership board. Alternately, members may want to play a much more proactive role in directly addressing this by meeting with CDRP Chairs to explore the role that is could play in assisting them in this area.

C. Equality and diversity implications

This proposal takes forward work under the community safety equality operational action plan and aims to increase the response of BME grassroots organisations to crime at a local level.

D. Financial implications

The total cost for this project will is likely to be in the region of £15,000 to £20,000, although quotes from three organisations will be sought. GOL will meet all costs relating to this work and this commitment from GOL will be put in writing before the start of any work or the GLA incurring expenditure. The project will be implemented by the Community Safety Team in the Finance and Performance Directorate and the BME Cracking Crime budget will be adjusted accordingly. The MPA consultation budget has earmarked £5,000 towards the cost of this project primarily to be used for publicity and information to BME communities about access to the funding streams.

E. Background papers

BME Cracking Crimes report.

F. Contact details

Report author: Julia Smith, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

London BME cracking crime partnership board


To be finalised

Role of the board

  • To co-ordinate joint action on a London wide level to address the concerns of the BME voluntary sector working on crime reduction and crime prevention at a grassroots level.
  • To provide a strategic overview and input into the BME crime reduction network run by Black Londoner’s Forum and London Action Trust.
  • To act as a direct link between the London BME crime reduction network and statutory agencies ensuring that issues raised by the network are given due consideration.
  • To receive and consider quarterly reports from the Management Committees of the respective organisation in relation to the BME crime reduction network.
  • To look at emerging issues arising from the service and identify appropriate action.
  • To evaluate the success of the BME crime reduction network in meeting original objectives.
  • To work at a strategic level to increase the funding streams and bodies that could be accessed by the network.
  • To ensure that there is an effective communications and media strategy in place to publicise the work of the appointed organisations and the community groups.
  • To support an annual event/seminar at which the BME voluntary sector working on crime prevention/reduction, funding organisations and statutory bodies can learn about changes in the sector and emerging issues.
  • The partnership board will not have a contract management role in relation to the London BME Crime Reduction Network, this will be the responsibility of GOL. Those providing the service in BLF and LAT will be accountable to their management committees.

Appendix 2



Lee Jasper, Policy Director – policing and equalities, Mayor’s office


Claudia Webbe, Mayor’s Advisor, Helen McDonough, Community Safety Manager GLA

GOL, Crime reduction unit

Ellie Roy, Crime Reduction Director, GOL, Lucy Dawes, Crime Reduction Advisor, GOL


Julia Smith, Head of Consultation and Diversity


Carl Bussey, Diversity Directorate

London Probation Service

Ann Divine, Chief Executive’s Office


Michell Adiyenka

London Federation of Black and Asian Drug and Alcohol Workers

Viv Ahumen, Chair of Black and Asian Drug and Alcohol Workers

Representative for BLF cracking crime sector



Luna Frank Riley



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