Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the Consultation Committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 13 November 2003 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, SW1H 0NY.



  • Cindy Butts (Chair)
  • Kirsten Hearn
  • Noel Lynch
  • Eric Ollerenshaw (item 2- 9)

MPA Officers:

  • Ken Hunt (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Tim Rees (Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Unit)
  • David Riddle (Deputy Clerk)
  • Julia Smith (Head of Consultation, Diversity and Outreach)
  • Ruth Hastings Iqball (Committee Services)

MPS Officers:

  • Richard Bryan (DAC, Strategic Planning) (item 1 to 6 and 9)
  • Ashton McGregor (Consultancy Group) (item 6)
  • Jane Wilkin (Consultation Officer)

Co-opted members: Sandra Flower (Chair, London PCCG Forum), Kate Monkhouse (Director, London Civic Forum) and Jane Simpson (Head of Youth Service, Peabody Trust).

Part 1

11. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies were received from Peter Herbert, Nicholas Long and Abdal Ullah (members) and Chas Bailey (Superintendent, Consultation Manager, MPS). Following the last inquorate meeting of this committee, a letter was sent to all MPA members concerning their obligations in regard to attendance at committee meetings. The chair undertook to write to Consultation Committee members again on this matter.

As DAC Bryan had to leave the meeting early, items 6 and 9 were held after item 3.

RECOMMENDED – That the Chair would write to members concerning their obligations in regard to attending the Consultation Committee.

12. Declarations of interests

(Agenda item 2)

No declarations of interest were received.

13. National review of police authority consultative arrangements – presentation by Andy Myhall, Home Office

(Agenda item 3)

Andy Myall, Home Office, gave a presentation on ‘Involving the public: the role of police authorities’. Questions were also asked about consultation with hard to reach groups. It was noted that the MPA had been found to be effective at this. Mr Myall was also asked about the pilots sites where Community and Police Consultative Groups (CPCGs) had been replaced, and how many London CPCGs had been visted, and if they had been part of local CDRPs. The Chair proposed that MPA staff review the document and report back on this and subsequent activity to the next Consultation Committee.

Resolved – That

  1. the presentation be received; and
  2. a review of ‘Involving the public: the role of police authorities’ and MPA involvement be made to the next Consultation Committee.

14. Notes of the Consultation Committee – 22 September 2003

(Agenda item 4)

With regard to agenda item 5, members requested more guidance as to how they should function as link members with regard to CPCGs and Crime and Disorder Partnerships (CDRPs). The Deputy Clerk agreed that this was an area that needed development. It was recognised that the future of CPCGs and development of CDRPs were currently being discussed by police authorities, government ministers, HMIC and the Home Office.

Members were informed that they would be updated at the next meeting on the progress of the MPS’s work in mapping local consultation.

Sandra Flower requested that the last sentence of paragraph 2, item 5 be amended from

“Sandra Flower requested a copy of Counsel’s report, and added that the London CPCG Forum was planning to update its ‘Good Practice Guide’ with a ‘model constitution’ and sections on legal advice.’


“Sandra Flower requested a copy of Counsel’s report, and added that the London CPCG Forum was planning to update its ‘Good Practice Guide’, and would, under its constitution checklist section, include the MPA’s suggested legal clauses to safeguard CPCG members and officers.”

This amendment was agreed.

As the last meeting was inquorate, the recommendations made on the 22 September 2003 were ratified.

Resolved – That subject to the agreed change, the notes of the meeting held on 22 September 2003 be agreed and its recommendations ratified.

15. Chair and members oral update

(Agenda item 5)

The Chair informed members that she had spoken on gun crime at Hackney Town Hall, and participated in a Choice FM radio programme from her old school in White City. Eric Ollerenshaw had attended CPCG and CDRPs meetings.

Resolved – that the Chair and members update be received.

16. Step Change Programme consultation update

(Agenda item 6)

Members received a report updating them on progress on consultation relating to the Step Change Programme. The Step Change Programme aims to deliver the joint MPS, MPA and Mayor of London’s vision for MPS growth towards 35,000 police officers and police community support officers, together with the necessary associated growth in support and infrastructure.

Members asked whether the consultation focussed on whether to have the programme, or how it would be delivered, as the Programme was still at business case phase, and might not happen. Concern was felt that expectations were being raised unnecessarily. It was explained that the consultation taking place would drive and underpin local policing if the Step Change Programme were agreed.

Resolved – That progress to date regarding consultation for the Step Change Programme be noted.

17. Review of Independent Custody Visiting

(Agenda item 7)

In July 2002, Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) became a statutory function of the MPA. The Home Office has developed a of Code of Practice outlining the responsibilities of police authority for the operation of the scheme in order to ensure a consistent and effective custody visiting service throughout the UK. A report was received proposing that a review of the service in London be undertaken. The Chair requested that ICV Panels be kept appraised of what proposed and not alienated by the process.

Resolved – that

  1. the proposal to initiate a review of Independent Custody Visiting in London and appoint a consultant to undertake this review be agreed;
  2. that a detailed proposal be developed for consideration at the next committee meeting; and
  3. the community reassurance and equalities implications for the service be noted; and
  4. the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board consider the report due to its relevance to the Authority’s overall equalities agenda.

18. Outcomes of MPA consultation on policing priorities

(Agenda item 8)

A report was received which presented some of the recent findings arising from the public consultations on policing priorities undertaken directly by the MPA (as well as from other survey sources) on what Londoners felt about crime and safety issues and what they thought the police should do about them. The report also included the results of MPA/MPS online consultation for the 2004/05.

Members were informed of the focus groups, run on behalf of the MPA by the London Civic Forum. A report on these would be made to the next Consultation Committee. The MPS was keen to have this report for its planning process. Members agreed that consultation should be more closely tied in with the MPS’s planning process.

The importance of providing feedback to those had been consulted was discussed. Members were informed that participants at the Faith Breakfast were received a CD of the event instead of a report. The final report from the focus groups would be circulated to all participants.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

19. MPS conferences

(Agenda item 9)

In June 2003, the Consultation Committee had requested a report outlining the benefits of major conferences and events hosted by the MPS for the period April 02 to July 03. The report summarised the conferences held, their objectives, benefits and costs and identified the plan to maximise the benefits of future conferences and events.

Members felt the report had led the MPS consider the cost of conferences and the need for sponsorship. Members requested that disabled access to and participation in conference venues should always be considered. Concern was also expressed that delegate fees should not be so high as to deter attendance. It was felt the aims of conferences should be clear so that their success could be evaluated. AC Bryan agreed that these points were well made and that the MPS needed to develop in its expertise in this area.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

The meeting ended at 3.35 p.m.

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