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Report 6 of the 30 May 02 meeting of the Estates Sub-committee and discusses the use of MPA accommodation by external organisations.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Use of MPA accommodation by external organisations

Report: 06
Date: 30 May 2002
By: Commissioner


The existing Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) policy on the use of buildings by external organisations states that occupation is by lease, when appropriate, and recurring costs are reimbursed. There have been a number of recent proposals and unauthorised uses contrary to the policy, which are outlined in the report. The recommendations seek to confirm the policy.

A. Recommendations

That the MPA adopts the existing MPS Policy that external organisations may only occupy accommodation by being charged an appropriate rent and service charge to cover the running costs, unless a partnership from which the MPS derives benefits of equivalent value, can be demonstrated.

B. Supporting information


1. The MPS introduced a policy in February 1997 for the use of accommodation in police buildings by external organisations, mainly local authorities. This was in response to requests by Operational Command Units (OCUs) to bring the monitoring facilities of town centre CCTV systems into stations to enable closer working. The policy states that occupation must be by an internally repairing lease, unless there is genuine sharing of rooms with MPS staff; and to be charged by rent and service charges to cover the full running costs. However, if the external organisation was to occupy as part of a partnership scheme, the OCU Commander could opt to carry the running costs against the OCU budget.

2. The accommodation to be used had to be part of the OCU's allocated space, not rooms, which were surplus and available for use by other MPS units.

3. An early scheme was introduced on Greenwich Borough. A CCTV room was installed at the expense of the Borough Council in Woolwich Police Station. The equipment is monitored by Council staff. A lease was signed giving the first 5 years rent free as the set-up costs were high. There is a rent review at which time a market rent will apply.

Current non-conforming schemes

4. Recently there have been several proposals that do not appear to conform to this policy. Details are outlined below, for information:

Barnet Borough

5. The OCU Commander proposed accommodating a project for the London Borough of Barnet in space formerly occupied by the Area HQ. This space had been offered to another Unit and Property Services Department (PSD) awaits their decision. The OCU Commander proposed that the premises be provided rent free to the Borough Council.

Southwark Borough

6. The OCU Commander proposes that the Borough Council be leased a former garage and adjoining vacant room under an annex of Southwark Police Station and to allow the Council to construct rooms for its CCTV monitoring, at nil rent. Southwark Council has provided the Borough OCU with some rooms in schools as points of contact for police officers.

Sutton Borough

7. The OCU Commander would like to accommodate a Borough Council CCTV Room in the new station, being built through a PFI. The terms of the PFI are more prescriptive and whilst a sub-letting could be permitted, it can only be at cost. The Borough Council would have to give a contractual undertaking to pay the proportion on the Unitary Charge for 25 years.

Hammersmith & Fulham Borough

8. Use of part of Shepherds Bush Police Station, which had been provisionally allocated by PSD to another unit, has been given by the OCU Commander to the local authority for their neighbourhood patrols at no charge and without a written agreement.

Policy proposals

9. The Committee is invited to consider the existing policy and to affirm the principal that occupation by an external body may only be by formal written agreement, normally a lease, prepared on instruction by PSD; and unless there is a partnership agreement between the MPS and the external organisation under which the MPS receives benefits of equivalent value, then the occupation must be at the appropriate rent and a service charge which recovers costs of maintenance, energy provision, rates and other running costs.

C. Financial implications

Rent and services charges received for the use of accommodation helps reduce the cost of running the Estate.

Use of surplus accommodation by external organisations prevents re-use by another MPS Unit and, potentially it could result in additional space having to be leased elsewhere at a cost to the MPA.

D. Background papers

Report to Estates Policy Group – 11 February 1997

E. Contact details

Report author: Trevor Lawrence, Director Property Services Department, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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