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Report 10 of the 17 Jan 02 meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee and gives an update on the review of all MPS initiatives, projects and programmes.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Review of MPS initiatives, projects and programmes

Report: 10
Date: 17 January 2002
By: Commissioner


This report gives an update on the review of all MPS initiatives, projects and programmes which is being undertaken in order to rationalise the current position and to introduce a corporate governance framework for future projects, reviews and programmes.

A. Recommendation

Members are asked to note the contents of this report.

B. Supporting information


1. A review of the current initiatives, projects and programmes was started in 2001 in order to determine the current position as a precursor to introducing an appropriate governance framework for the future.

Outline of the review

2. An accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date list of all the programmes, projects and initiatives being undertaken in the MPS is required in order to ensure that effort is restricted to projects and initiatives considered essential, and that the benefits from that effort are realised.

3. The review found that there were a large number of programmes of work organised in a variety of different ways. Many units had set up commendable systems for their own local management purposes but each unit appeared to describe its projects differently, use different naming and numbering conventions, and take a different approach to identifying resources and time-scales. In addition it was not uncommon for one project to appear in several different local systems with different titles and reference numbers. This diverse information resulted in an initial list which was fairly meaningless so work has continued to produce a rationalised list which can form the basis for the future.

4. The MPS Management Board is requiring a vigorous and robust review of all projects in the list in order to reduce the number of projects and thus release resources.

5. Version 3 of the list has been circulated to members of this committee separately. This list represents work in progress, there are still questions to be answered.

The corporate project list and proposed committee structure

6. A corporate project has been defined as any piece of work which requires more than ten days effort, which will (or could) result in change, and which will impact beyond the local unit. Small pieces of work and internal improvement projects are not, therefore, included in the corporate list, but each Business Group is being asked to provide a summary of the effort being expended on such initiatives so that the total cost of all projects, of all types, can be calculated.

7. A committee structure to deal with policies and projects is being developed. The current project list has been organised by the 14 committees originally proposed: the list will need to be adjusted once the committees have been finalised, and each committee will have to agree its list of projects. In future all new corporate projects will need to be approved by the relevant committee, and that committee will be responsible for ensuring that benefits are realised.

8. The 2001/2002 Policing Plan priority supported by each project is shown on the list cross-referenced to the index of priorities. The description ‘3Es’ has been used for those projects which are intended to improve the efficiency, effectiveness or economy of the MPS.

9. Where the information is available, the number of planned days effort for each project is shown. For many projects on the list much of this effort may have already been undertaken. For some larger pieces of work, total staff numbers have been given.

10. The planned finish date for each piece of work is given where known. For some projects this date may represent the end of a stage rather than the end of the project.

Next steps

11. The next stage of the review is to complete the list, improve the quality of the information, challenge all existing projects and implement a system for the approval and monitoring of all future projects.

12. Work is continuing to:

  • finalise the instructions for the approval of new projects;

Target date - 31st January 2002

  • complete the list of current projects, including a review of the accuracy of the information, and the accurate identification of all resources being used;
  • identify similar projects in order to prevent wasteful duplication of effort;
  • link projects to enable economies of scale and the sharing of resources and information;
  • subject to the priorities for 2002/2003 being confirmed, identify which of these priorities are supported by each project.
  • subject to the revised committee structure being agreed, restructure the list accordingly;

Version 4 - Target 15th February 2002

  • prepare a list for each committee of all projects to be challenged;
  • agree the list of all projects to be discontinued;
  • prepare the final list of approved projects for the start of 2002/2003.

Version 5 - Target 31st March 2002

C. Financial implications

The aim of the review is to release resources from projects in order that those resources can be redirected to front line policing. Some resources will be released through stopping projects and other resources will be ‘saved’ by preventing projects from being started. In addition resources should become available through the better management of the realisation of benefits.

The current project list is a snapshot in time rather than an accounting system. Work is therefore being undertaken to estimate the total effort which will have been spent on projects during the current financial year. The effort expended on projects during the next financial year will be recorded during the year by the Consultancy Group Corporate Programme Office which has been set up to manage this process. The estimate for 2001/2002 will be reported to this committee in April 2002, along with a proposed target for 2002/2003.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report authors: Anne Wheeler (Director Consultancy Group)

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